Is there a project that covers these pre-1700 people?

+3 votes

I want to help contribute to the deep genealogy on our shared tree.

1.) Geographical region and time period:   [Virginia, N. Carolina)

2.) Some example names and dates:   [Jordan.]

3.) Source(s) for my information on them:   [Direct family, Ancestry.]

Before I get started adding and changing profiles, can you tell me if there is a WikiTree project that would cover these people? If so, how do I get in touch with the project members to coordinate and collaborate on the profiles?

in The Tree House by Paul Mason G2G2 (2.6k points)
retagged by Abby Glann
My Jordans come from the south, (Georgia) but I cannot go past Matthew Jordan with any assurance.  I am totally at a loss about DNA although we did have an ancestry dna done on my brother and on me.  There is a JOrdan project you can find by searching online.  I'd love to hear your JOrdans' line.  Trish

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Your brick wall starts well before the Southern Colonies Project framework and even before its subproject, Southern Pioneers. There are the state projects under the US History Project which I can suggest, including the Georgia Project.
by Paula J G2G6 Pilot (284k points)
selected by Paula J
+4 votes
I think the Southern Colonies Project is what you are looking for:

You can scroll down for the list of sub-projects for specific states.
by Darcie Light G2G6 Mach 2 (23.2k points)
+2 votes
Just a couple of cautionary statements and maybe some help to find sources.

First of all if you use Ancestry please do not use their trees for sources.  If you are using things from records that is ok but please don't use trees as they are often filled not only with errors but also with people who never existed.  There are a lot of fraudulent genealogies written for the time period you are looking at and a number of these frauds were picked up by likely well meaning folks who then created ancestry trees and helped to perpetuate bad genealogy.  

For pre-1700 time period in the US sources are notoriously sparse.  Look for wills, land grants, indenture contracts, church records, and local histories.  Also pre-1700 civil records may not exist in the US but in the country that governed that specific location in a given time period.  

This is list of know frauds  Make sure you don't use any of these as sources.

On the positive side, this is a very hard but useful undertaking.  Here are some sources that might assist you   and here are some pre-1500 that can also be used for pre-1700 annotated sources

And post questions about someone you are researching here in G2G because pre-1700 time period is a really good place to collaborate as the records are spotty at best.  

Because a lot of these folks are likely tied to England this link to the records of Parliament up to 1707 may be of help  and

You may want to give a balanced perspective of Loyalist vs Revolutionary and remember these feelings began to forment long before the war in 1776  This book raises a different view than presented by George Chalmers an English historian with a decidedly negative view of colonists.

There are good resources at some of the universities and colleges in their rare books rooms in the local area too.

Oh and one more thing, make sure to use the correct location names because North Carolina came into existence December 7, 1710 during a meeting of the Lords Proprietors held at Craven House in London.  Evidently the term North Caroline was in use by 1712 as a result of this decision to split the former colony into North and South.  

Prior to the English settlement of Roanoke in the latter 1500s, the Spanish claimed the area we call North Carolina.  Make sure to check the naming conventions here:  and
by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (843k points)
edited by Laura Bozzay

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