Using the UK National Archives in Kew

+7 votes
Has anyone here ever submitted a request for paid research to the UK National Archives in Kew? I believe I have found some VERY interesting records, but of course they are not online.  (And of course I am INCREDIBLY excited to see what is in them!!).  I was just wondering how long it took to get back to you after you submitted the initial request.
in The Tree House by Crispin Reedy G2G6 Mach 4 (46.5k points)
retagged by Dorothy Barry
Do you mean sending off for birth certificates or death certificates etc.? I have done that. Providing you give the right information and pay when you order, they don't take very long to come back. I live quite near to Kew and I've sent for things and got certs back in just over a week.
I actually submitted a custom research request (not BMD stuff) since I found some records I am interested in but not available online.

I know I just need to be patient! lol

1 Answer

+3 votes
I've paid to access certain material that isn't online - the cost is to cover scanning the material and sending it to me. That has been very interesting at times and removes the need for a trek across town.
by Andrew Turvey G2G6 Mach 4 (44.3k points)

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