Alice Harriet (Talcott) Simoncelli (1896 - 1979) graduate of Wellesley College

+3 votes

Hi Wikitreers,

We have Alice Harriet (Talcott) Simoncelli (1896 - 1979) who (per her obit) was a graduate of Wellesley College; just as her sister Faith Talcott and her two sister-in-laws Jessie Goff and Catherine Knodel. In researching the Talcott women of historic Talcottville, Connecticut I’m not able to find Alice Talcott in the Wellesley yearbooks from 1917-1920. What year did she graduate? Is she in the yearbook? The yearbooks for this college are absolutely beautiful and are filled with the rich history of the era for instance how the students dressed in 1904 yearbook compared to 1928 is vastly different…as the country changed from 19th century to early 20th century.

She also seems to have moved a lot or travelled broadly? 

I think this college was absolutely amazing for women and society of this era! Historic in so many ways of the late 19th century and early 20th century before modern era. It appears to have shaped and molded so many of the young ladies lives of some very influential families during those days long gone…

Any collaboration in her genealogy is appreciated  

See also: The Wellesley College Digital Repository has archives of their yearbooks and newspapers (and several other publications). 

See also: Talcottville Historic District free space page 

Thank you 

I have photographed her gravestone to help in her genealogy

WikiTree profile: Alice Simoncelli
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (704k points)
retagged by Andrew Simpier

1 Answer

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Best answer

There is an Alice Harriett (Talcott) Rumohr of Talcottsville that was enrolled at Wellesley from 1917 to 1918.

Record Number of the Wellesley College Bulletin (1923) - - look at page 198.

by Roger Stong G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
selected by Andrew Simpier

The obituary of Mrs. Morris Talcott mentions her as an adopted daughter:

Here is a profile for her under the name Alice Harriett Rumohr:

And here is a report of her birth mother's death in 1899:

Her father's profile at says he died at Denver on December 12, 1915, which probably explains the adoption:

And her mother Emma was a sister of Alice Louise (Sparks) Talcott:

Explains why she was with the Talcott.

Oh she was adopted! This is probably why the date of birth is much younger than the siblings.
I was wondering why she was born in Colorado and not Connecticut like the siblings. Explains it perfectly!

She is buried in Elmwood Cemetery in Vernon!!

See Memorial

Page 156 in the 1921 Wellesley College year book she doesn’t have a photo but she is listed as a Former member of the class of 1921…maybe she has a photo in another yearbook?

She is under the name Alice H. Rumohr
So this gets into adoption and LNAB which I’m thinking will need to be corrected to Rumohr
Mrs. Morris H. Talcott was a teacher at Wapping, etc. I wonder if she was a Wellesley Grad also?
In 1915 she would of been 19 but maybe he adopted her out earlier?

She had a sibling. Mothers obit mentions husband and 2 children survive her. I wonder what the 2nd child’s name was and maybe adopted out also…? Their is an obit I believe of Albert Peter Rumohr but not on newspaper

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