Germany Connectors´Challenge November 2023: when the days become shorter

+9 votes

This month we will be connecting branches of people with a name related to November:

Have fun!

in Genealogy Help by Manuela Thiele G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)
edited by Manuela Thiele

2 Answers

+8 votes
The tree for Wilhelm Friedrich August Herbst looks almost entirely Swedish.  There are Ancestry family trees and a familysearch family tree that show his parents' names, but without a source.

The marriage index and death index on Ancestry don't give any additional information.
by Paige Kolze G2G6 Mach 5 (56.2k points)
I added Sweden as a tag.
+8 votes

The tree for Margaretha Doris Carla Kühl has a Conrad Heinrich Temps who died in Chicago.  I think two people were conflated in that profile, however, and the man who died in Chicago is from a different family.  I added research Notes to the profile.  

by Paige Kolze G2G6 Mach 5 (56.2k points)

Another part of this tree leads to Saarbrücken: Katharina Louise Haldy was born there in 1812. 

There is a connected profile for Irma Mathilde Haldy, also from Saarbrücken, born in 1832. The last name is not very common, so there might be a connection but I can´t find the right sources to figure it out.

Found a connection on the isle of Fehmarn where the Kühl family comes from. The tree of Margaretha Doris Carla Kühl is now connected through Martin Kruse. Connection should show up soon.

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