Germany Connectors' Challenge February 2024: German painters

+11 votes

February hasn't started yet, but for those who can't wait: This month we´ll be connecting German painters.

  • Heinrich Zille (born in 1858 in Radeberg, Sachsen)
  • Franz Marc (born in 1880 in München, Bayern) Connected!
  • George Grosz (born in 1893 in Berlin) Connected!
  • Emil Nolde (born in 1867 in Nolde, Schleswig-Holstein) Connected! Thanks Flo.

Have fun!

in The Tree House by Manuela Thiele G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)
edited by Manuela Thiele

4 Answers

+10 votes

Franz Marc: Found a connection from his first wife´s grandmother Emilie Eyring (see her son Ernst Friedrich Schnür) to Christian Eduard Eyring (her brother). Will try to add sources and the missing profile tomorrow...

by Manuela Thiele G2G6 Mach 1 (15.5k points)

Connected. But pharmacist Johann Heinrich Elias Eyring (1775-1837) could need proper sources.

+7 votes

Emil Nolde's second father-in-law already had a profile, so I only needed to create his second wife Jolanthe Erdmann. Now he's connected.

Not sure if her Berlin birth record would already be on ancestry, though? Maybe somebody could check?

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
I couldn't find her birth record on Ancestry.  They don't have much for Germany that goes to 1921.  The collection of Berlin (civil) birth records is for the years 1874-1908.

sure. German privacy rules open up data 30 years after death, 80 after marriage and 110 after birth.

+8 votes

George Grosz:

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (205k points)
This might be Lilian's father: (and linked with his daughters entry is also a passenger list entry of mother and children coming to the US)

If this is Lilian´s father, than there is a connection from her grandmother Grethe Gross (née Ornstein) to her sister Francesca Ornstein

Great find!

I would assume that with all the press about her and the lawsuit, Lilian is enough of a public figure to talk about here, right? She might not be notable enough to have a public profile, though.

It looks like Lilian was traveling a lot, e.g. 1933 and 1936. One of those also has the birth date of the father, to have that one a little bit more confidently sourced.

The mother apparently was from Sprendlingen in Germany.

Birth of Ernest:

I did create a private profile for her. Connection should show up soon.
Yay and I have one private profile less to manage. Thank you
+4 votes

Zille: There's are research results about him in this database.

Here a step-grandchild is mentioned.

And here there are some people that are sometimes connected to him although they were probably not. We should put that in research notes ...

by Florian Straub G2G6 Pilot (205k points)

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