Public Photo

Bracelet of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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Where: Marseille coast map

When: 1998.

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Original digital image: 720 x 392 pixels.


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‎In 1998 a fisherman Jean Claude Bianco of the Marseille coast found in his net, among the mullet and other fish, the silver bracelet of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, the author of El Principito, the adventurous and romantic hero who disappeared in the Mediterranean Sea, at the age of 44 without a trace as he flew over the French coast. The bracelet is engraved with the name "Antoine de Saint-Exupéry" and that of his wife the Salvadoran "Consuelo Suncin", as well as the inscription "Reynal and Hitchcock inc. 386 4th Ave. NY City USA", which corresponds to the direction in New York of the writer's American editors. Unbelievable as the bracelet seems to be indeed the same as Saint-Exupery wore on July 31, 1944 when his plane was shot down by Nazi German anti-aircraft. At the expense of an in-depth analysis, the writer's descendants take the surprising find for good. A plane has overseen the area and on several ships of underwater treasure hunter Henri-Germain Delauze explored the area, but I don't know found anything, his body was never found.‎ -‎Credits to whom it belongs
posted by Enos Louis Flores
edited by Enos Louis Flores