Does anyone know where Richard Dudley, Will dated 1702 Talbot, Maryland, U.S.A., came from when he landed in Maryland?

+3 votes
I have been doing research on the Dudley family from Talbot County, Maryland for about 45 years. I have my line back to Richard Dudley c. 1702 with all documentation. I have never been able to identify for certain where Richard Dudley came from with the exception of a document that mentions a ship or person John of Bristol. I did find a marriage record of a Richard Dudley who married in 1656 (Rowley Regis, Staffordshire, England) an Elinor Bissell, who's father is William Bissell. I cannot be sure if this is really my person. Anyone who can help with my brick wall, it would be deeply appreciated.


in Genealogy Help by Renee Ball G2G Rookie (220 points)
We would need his exact date birth or baptism.
I can only give you an approximate date of around 1630 or 1640. I only found a marriage record for a Richard Dudley and Elinor Bissell in 1646 in Staffordshire, England. I have his will listing his children where he died (Talbot County, Maryland, U.S.A.) date 1702. He is listed with Elinor on land records in 1669. I have all the children documented down to me.

3 Answers

+1 vote
Renee, it would help if you could start adding your family, with sources, often this gives clues to the info you are seeking.
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
0 votes
Renee,  I would be happy to help you as I come from Talbot County and know many in this family from my Country School and sailing days. (I even purchased my first sailboat from the Dudley's, Go-Go). As Marion suggested, we really need to build out your tree in WikiTree so that the collaboration that you seek can be effective. There is even a team that is just starting to work on just the Eastern Shore of the Chesapeake Bay.  Can you load your descendants back to Richard Dudley?  I ask that because I don't see Richard loaded yet in our collective profiles.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (476k points)

Yes...I am working on adding my whole tree. Thank you for your help. My Dudley family lived in the Talbot area from 1600's until my grandfather left for New York to pursue his career in music and in printing business. Last place they lived was Sudlersville. My grandfather was George Nabb Dudley b. 24 Apr 1875. His brother was Audley Fleming Dudley b. 21 June 1877. Their parents were William George Dudley and Isabella Fleming. You can contact me at my email address:


0 votes
I am stuck on the exact same thing? Any luck since posting this? I literally made an account after finding this question through googling for Richard Dudley's immigration, so I apologize for not understanding how this website works at all!
by Danielle Dudley G2G Rookie (200 points)

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