Is it possible to find the complete tree of my family name?

+4 votes
Hello, my name is Daniel Côté (2119) on Wikitree. i'm not sure how to research my ancestors within the app or where to start searching for connections. All the online tools i try eventually ask money for searching and i want to find free options if they exist
WikiTree profile: Daniel Cote
in Genealogy Help by Daniel Cote G2G Crew (640 points)

8 Answers

+7 votes
Hi Daniel, is free, you have to register but that is free also.

What countries are you looking to search in?
by Living Poole G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
His ancestry shows Quebec, Canada
oh wow cool Yes I'm from Sherbrooke, QC Canada thanks Robynne!
+7 votes
One of the best free options is FamilySearch. actually has a free option too, believe it or not... and some selected records are available for free. Even the ones that are not, still give just enough clues to help you on your search (especially when combined with other resources). Personally, I think their search engine and record matching algorithm (hints) are the best out there (even with their free base membership).

There are a lot of other free resources out there, but not necessarily organized conveniently. In those cases, Google may be the best free resource available.

Depending on the types of records you're looking for, you may have to actually pay for some. There are a ton of governmental records that are simply not available otherwise.
by Dennis Wheeler G2G6 Pilot (580k points)
I used Ancestry search for a couple of years before I decided to subscribe.

Their free indexes can be found here

Registering a guest account is also a possibility. I had a family tree on Ancestry before I subscribed and was collaborating with another ancestry member on hers, totally free.
Thanks Dennis, i'll consider doing that!
+6 votes
Then you have come to the right place. Wikitree will allow you to build your tree for free. Welcome to Wikitree.

As for source documents, Family Search is a good place to start, but eventually you will need to look in the country of origin - Canada.

Family Search does the Quebec records quite well actually. I have had to look through them for my husbands family because he is also French Canadian. And they are free.

But yes, I do understand how frustrating it is to not be able to use records from Ancestry, My Heritage, find my past and many other places because they all demand a subscription.

I have been there and done that. I have depended Family Search for pretty much ALL of my records outside of the New Zealand records that i need to source. Family search has excellent Canadian and British records.

You can also use the Canadian national library for census records as well. Those are also free. Link is below.
by Robynne Lozier G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
For free records, the two Robynne mentions are among the best for Canadian free sources. There is also a part of FamilySearch that often gets overlooked and that is the Catalog. Many of the old microfilms have been digitized but not indexed and can be looked at in the Catalog so don't overlook that area. Some of my French-Canadian ancestors were found in those records but not in the searchable space.
+5 votes
As Robynne said, building a "complete"  tree of your family will take a lot of work on your part and the best places to build them on line are wikitree and familysearch.  Offline trees can be built using various genealogical programs--Roots Magic, Family Tree Legends, etc., but there too your complete family tree will require documentation (records), many of which might have to be translated into whatsoever language you would like to use in your display.
by David Hughey G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
+1 vote

Hi Daniel
YES, it is possible to find the complete tree of your family name
Let's start with this ...
COTE - Walter Cote (1907 - 1997)
Walter Cote is the son of Edouard Côté and Honora Purtell
I cannot add the father Côté-2802 and the mother Purtell-51 because the profile of Walter in not open, but you can do that

by E Martin G2G6 Pilot (121k points)
edited by E Martin
Thanks E Martin! it's open now i beleive :D
+2 votes

ROY - Rachel Roy (1911 - 1994)
She is the daughter of Guillaume Roy
Virginie Lalonde (1879 - 1943)
So, you can add the mother Lalonde-1074 (she is the wife of Unknown Roy-4394)

by E Martin G2G6 Pilot (121k points)


Unknown Roy-4394 is the son of
Augustin Benjamin Roy

you can add the father Roy-5643
to the son Roy-4394


Unknown Roy-4394 is the son of
Suzan Moss

you can add the mother Moss-6074
to the son Roy-4394

ok i'm a little lost with this process :( since you seem to be the one on top of all my requests, maybe we could do a quick call to save time my cel number is 954-643-2511, you can call me anytime.

Thanks again,

Daniel Cote
so isn't Guillaume the Unknown then?!
+2 votes


Alexandre Parenteau-343  is the son of 
Adolphe Parenteau-428

So you can add the father Parenteau-428 to the son

by E Martin G2G6 Pilot (121k points)
+2 votes


Elzear Dubois-2303  is the son of 
Onésime Dubois (1848 - 1929)

So you can add the father Dubois-2854 to the son

by E Martin G2G6 Pilot (121k points)

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