Creating a Family History/tree website

+11 votes
Several family members over several years have complied 6 large lever arch folders  [over 500 pages in each] of a branch of my family history.

Last weekend I had a young girl scan about 200 photos.

There is an enormous amount of material, so my thought is to create a family history website and deposit the old photos, the stories etc  there so that family member can access them.

I welcome any suggestions or examples of this.

Thanks in advance for the suggestions and examples.

in The Tree House by Bronwyn O'Brien G2G3 (3.3k points)
retagged by Keith Hathaway
I suggest WikiTree.

Not sure why anywhere else would be a better place to save and share :)
Keith, I am playing the devils advocate here but I would never "put all of my eggs in one basket". You could just fall and break them all. Yes WikiTree is the best I have seen so far, but if you store all of your data in only one place and anything would happen to that server or computer you would then have to recreate all of that information. That is why I not only maintain my information on WikiTree but also on as well as in a program located on my computer. I also have a large volume of actual hard copies of my most important information. I for one have already bookmarked that site and intend to look into it further if time allows.

It's always good to have backup, that's for sure!  I just regularly download my information from Wikitree into a GEDCOM that I keep in a safe place.

That way I don't have to worry about duplicating my efforts on more than one site.

Bronwyn -- you could create a Free Space page here for your photos. That gives you a little more flexibility with formatting, etc. Plus, if you have pictures stored in a Free Space page, you can link to them in the bios of people profiles. 


Julie I do the same as you with the GEDCOM with the minor exception in that I put it on a program I keep on 2 computers at home and since I was already on familysearch before I found WikiTree and still use them to find most of my sources, I have the window open there as well as here so it is a quick and easy job to add the sources and changes to both sites at the same time.

I do check out other sites and programs from time to time,only because you never know there could be a site out there that is better suited for me, but I have not found one yet.

That's very generous of you, Dale! I'm sure the people on FamilySearch welcome the information you're posting!
Julie I am afraid I do not understand you. I am simply keeping the profiles I manage here and on there both updated with the information that comes from there. I am not doing it to help anyone except those who are interested in my ancestry. This has the added benefit for me that if either site would cease to exist the data is still available,
But by putting your information in either/both place(s), it's available for others who might be searching for your ancestors. That's all I meant. :-)
Just to be clear to all.... not once ever did I say to store all your eggs in one basket or to only use WikiTree or only anything.

I suggested that there was not a better place to save and share than WikiTree.

That leaves plenty of room for others to suggest additional places, for any of us to have backup on our computers, etc.  It's an open positive statement that can be added to.

Anything further that you wish to interpret from my statements would be simple guesses without foundation.

Have a super day :)

2 Answers

+5 votes
Best answer
Check out the resources on Cyndi's List:
by Sandi Wiggins G2G6 Mach 7 (71.2k points)
selected by Living Barnett
+8 votes
Have you tried somewhere like www.wix, with free templates for family websites. You need an e-mail address, and choose a password for security, and then you get 100's of pre-prepared templates to choose from, and customize, you don't need to know computer coding.
by John Ward G2G6 Mach 3 (31.8k points)

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