Birth records for Vanvouver British Columbia

+7 votes
Hello everyone a while ago I asked for help in tracing my Great Grandfather James Fraser in Canada, but alas to no avail, anyway I thought I'd have one last shot at it before finally giving up ( been looking for anything about him and his life in Canada for about 4 years now ) I have some new information on him from British merchant navy records, and family memories

Anyway I now no he was born in Canada in either 1881-1885, his merchant navy records say Vancouver 7-Feb-1881, fathers name says also James Fraser, I have tried BC archives history site but he's not there anyone know where else I could look for births in that area, I know that's his mother was native Indian and his family had links to the fur trade.  He apparently ran away at age 10 and as far as I'm aware never saw his Canadian family again.  He also spent time in US, eventually coming to England in about 1915.

Any help would be appreciated as this is my last shot

in Genealogy Help by Evelyn Wolff G2G Crew (410 points)
Thank you for all this information, and I think I've finally found him, I received an e-mail from archdiocese of Vancouver last night with a copy of baptism record for a James Fraser in 1881, it gives me the name of his parents which I have been trying to find out now I'm looking for them so was wondering if any if you no anything about fort Hope British Columbia and where I might look for records of them

His mothers name is Cecelia Fraser, and his father James Fraser both fort Hope Indians, but it says no sponsors does anyone know what that means also no god parents

Any help I would be very greatful for X.
Evelyn, The Fraser name is very interesting in B.C. Hope (Fort Hope) is only about 90 miles upstream from Vancouver up the Fraser River. Look up Simon Fraser (explorer) on Wikipedia. He died 1862. Is it possible that the native Indians were impressed by him and took his surname? I think some more research is needed there.
Hello Peter and thank you for your reply, There's lots stuff about Simon Fraser in that area, and I think your probabley right about the Indians taking his name and I've managed to trace a James Fraser working  for the HBC Company at fort Hope in 1880's, so I'm thinking that he could be his Father, Cecelia Husband, the HBC are about to do a search for mr on him on the 15th, so hopefully I'll be able to find out more then, so I'll update when I know more.

He listed as a clerk then a postmaster and from what I can gather he would come under the category of servants and I'm thinking that perhaps they would be Indians.   Anyone know more and the staff categories at HBC Company I would be greatful for there advice.

Many thanks

5 Answers

+6 votes
Best answer
This may not help at all, Evelyn, but here's a link to a website about a Fraser fur trading family on Mackinac Island. There's a James in their tree, who might have headed west. It might be worth contacting the authors for any tips they may have:
by Laurie Cruthers G2G6 Pilot (169k points)
selected by Evelyn Wolff
Thank you so much I'll look into this now, and I'll let you know how I get on X
Hello and thank you, this McKenzie Island stuff is really interesting because it all seems to fit with stories that I've been told bout his family, even the names I have messaged them, just got to try and get the dates of birth of the James Fraser on there tree, thank you so much and if it's not him I've really enjoyed ready there stuff xx.  I'll let you know how I get on
You're welcome, Evelyn. I thought it was a great read, too. Glad you enjoyed it and best of luck with your search.
+4 votes
The Canadian Census' run on the first year of a new decade. There will be an 1881 census and an 1891 census. Nothing obvious on the 1881 or 1891 Census.
by Brett Rutherford G2G6 Pilot (129k points)
edited by Brett Rutherford
thank you so much for this I'm hoping that I'll finally find him
+4 votes
by Guy Constantineau G2G6 Pilot (387k points)
thank you I'm going to look into this too
+2 votes
Try Library and Archives Canada, the census section. You should be able to track him down unless he left the country. Problem is though it is a very common name. I would start with the 1901 Census
by George Churchill G2G6 Mach 9 (99.7k points)
+2 votes

You might inquire at

Museum of the Mountain Man
Sublette Co. Historical Society Inc.

PO Box 909 | 700 E. Hennick Pinedale, WY 82941

by Norm Lindquist G2G6 Mach 7 (75.6k points)
Thank you Norm, this is another one I haven't heard of going to take a look now

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