Should the LNAB always be the birth certificate name when known?

+6 votes
Using Ancestry to find my great-grandfather I also received a bonus, matching with a woman who is my half-niece and two of her three children who had also tested their DNA. I will add my previously unknown half-brother (now deceased for over 50 years) to Wikitree only with the assent of his two daughters. But I have a question about how to enter his name. I would think not Hayes, but probably the name he was given at birth (his mother was married when he was conceived and born). Her husband abused her, probably suspecting that the baby was not his. She remarried and her second husband adopted my half-brother, changing his last name and adding a middle name.

Assuming the first husband was named Baxter and the second husband was named Johnson, should the entry for the birth name be Ronald Baxter or Ronald Taylor Baxter? All of his life after age 3 0r 4 he went by Ronald Taylor Johnson.

After reading the help pages, my inclination, if we add him to Wikitree, is to give his birth name as Ronald Taylor Baxter, then add Johnson as his later last name. There will be some explaining to do in the biography, all of which will be with the approval of his daughters. His mother left written documentation of the abuse she suffered from her first husband. Of course he will be merely mentioned in Ronald's biography and in his mother's. Wikitree will show my father as his biological father. There can be no other biological father as my father was an only son and my half-niece's DNA matches with people who descend from the same people as both of my paternal grandparents.
in WikiTree Help by William Hayes G2G Crew (780 points)
retagged by Michael Cayley

2 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
It should be the name given at birth, then add the other name as the current last name or other last name.
by Renee Newman G2G6 Mach 2 (21.9k points)
selected by Terry Fillow
+8 votes

I think Renee is essentially correct and you are on the right track with Baxter. does make two specific exceptions, i.e. reasons not to use the last name on the birth record:

  • There was a spelling mistake or error in the document, or if the family name was more commonly spelled in a different way at the time of the birth.
  • The person was adopted as an infant and they never used their birth name.
In your case, it sounds like the second point doesn't exactly apply.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)

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