Transcription/translation help - 19th century Wuerttemberg

+4 votes

I came across the entry of a distant cousin in the Family register of Unterturkheim, and I am having difficulty with one word. The link to the scan is here: Jacob Heinrich Gassmann.

The word occurs just under his name. It could be Latin, I suppose, and as near as I can figure, the only reading that makes sense is "recapitulant", although the initial letter does not look like an 'r' to me. Am I reading this wrong? And what does the word mean?

in Genealogy Help by Gus Gassmann G2G6 Mach 5 (50.4k points)
retagged by Gus Gassmann
Hi Gus, could you tag your question with German, Germany, Transcription Help? There are some cousins with very fine reading skills, and I am sure they will be able to help (even if I am not, sorry), if they see your post.

1 Answer

+7 votes
Best answer

Hi Gus, it is "Jacob Heinrich Gaßmann, Excapitulant, Bürger and Weing.[ärtner]".

An "Capitulant" or "Kapitutlant" is a soldier, who has volunteered to serve in the military for some further years after completing his basic service obligation. At the end of these additional years, they left the service for good and, depending on their serving time and performance, could also be entitled to a pension. The retired soldier was then called an "Excapitulant".

by Danny Gutknecht G2G6 Mach 9 (91.3k points)
selected by Heike Blumreiter
Fantastic! Thank you so much!

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