Family Search is great - and it is! But

+27 votes
It doesn't have everything, and often errors in trees are created because that vital record is missing, I recently found a baptism in the exact location on Findmypast where someone had found a different one which was quite a few miles away on FamilySearch. What is needed is to remember that we can collaborate, find records for others that are more accurate and that not everyone has access to. Together we can have the complete toolkit needed to find everything! If anyone wants a lookup on Ancestry or FMP, I'm always willing to help as I'm sure many others are :)
in Genealogy Help by Gill Whitehouse G2G6 Pilot (120k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

Upvote. wink Another recent frustration with FamilySearch is that, previously, they would use web browser cookies or other mechanisms to remember your log-on credentials for a few days. They're still installing nine cookies for a total of 4.2MB of disk space, but the credentials are no longer retained and we have to log-on each visit. Sort of a pain.

Too, the FS source reference search facilities have never been exactly the greatest. Even if the record exists both at and at FS (and not infrequently the record may be at Ancestry/Fold3 and not at FS), about 10% to 20% of the time I can't locate it at FS without finding the specific particulars at Ancestry first.

I admit that, as of late, most of my citations are from Rob Pavey's "Sourcer" extension has made that effort much more efficient and consistent. If I also (or later) find the same cited reference at FS, I'll typically append an "also see" statement to the Ancestry citation with a link to the FS entry.

1 Answer

+9 votes
For Dutch Sources, the Catalogue of FS has almost all original BMD archives per location, free online available. I couldn’t source without it.
by Margreet Beers G2G6 Pilot (156k points)
Absolutely - no one site has everything, and Family Search does have surprisingly good collections for some things!

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