Finding birth parents for Quebec Canada Adoptions

+4 votes

My wife Marilyn Jane Brampton [ Brampton-143} was born 10 Oct 1941 and adopted by Frederick Albert Brampton and Leatha Jane Mason, I believe in Montreal.  While Marilyn was alive she did not wish to learn of her birth parents, but Marilyn died in 2017 and I would like to be able to complete my family tree by including her birth parent's family line.  Is that possible?

WikiTree profile: Marilyn Shepherd
in The Tree House by Bob Shepherd G2G4 (4.8k points)

2 Answers

+3 votes
I know there is a National Archive in Quebec City.  I don''t have the address for it, but should be easy to find on-line.  Try contacting them.
by Beth Moe G2G2 (2.8k points)
Thanks for responding. Unfortunately while my wife was alive (she died in 2019) I knew little about DNA and so never attempted to get a sample.  She had a brother who was also adopted and he did trace his birth parents about 10 years ago and he told me then that only Marilyn could make the request. By that point Marilyn’s Alzheimer’s had reach the stage where she was already in a long term care facility. He also said it wasn’t easy finding a phone responder who spoke English and all written correspondence he received was in French. Even when his request was accepted there was some condition that his birth parent’s family had to agree to release their name to him.  All to say I haven’t thought much further of the matter until I saw this week’s WikiTree question of the week.

+2 votes
I can't be of much help, Bob, but I admire your interest in finding out Marilyn's bio parents. My mother was adopted in Montreal and never found out who her bio parents were. She died fairly young and I used DNA to figure out who her bio family was. At the time of my early investigation the Quebec government limited access to info to birth children. Since I was a 'grandchild' of the bio parents I didn't qualify. I have to admit that I didn't contact them and pursue it. I relied on the information that was posted on their website at the time. Access to info might have loosened in the meantime. I wish you luck.

I presume that your wife didn't do her DNA. Is that correct?

All the best in your efforts.
by Nancy Harris G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)

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