Project box while waiting for merge

+7 votes
This profile is awaiting a merge and it has a project box suggestion.  Does one wait for the merge then fix the issue or fix the issue then wait on the merge?
WikiTree profile: Margaret Swits
in Policy and Style by Tanya Lowry G2G6 Mach 1 (19.7k points)
retagged by Bobbie Hall
Suggestions don't prevent merges. This merge was a stinker that wasn't getting done because of conflicting last names and a shortage of sources.

It looks like someone decided that the New Netherland Project should manage the profile, so the "Descendant" project box was added to the profile. But because the project account was not also added, there was a suggestion about the lack of the project account.

I'm not much inclined to add the profile to the New Netherland Project for management because there's currently no sourced evidence that either of her parents were New Netherland descendants. But I have looked up some more sources for her, and I will merge the profiles. I will not determine an LNAB because the baptism record I found for her has a different spelling than the record quoted from the Kinship book (which I haven't seen) that is cited in one of the profiles.
Do you have sources for her parents? If her parents had New Netherland parents, I'd feel better about adding her to the project.
Thanks for asking about this profile, Tanya.

I've found sources for her parents (and some duplicate profiles for them), and Margrieta and her parents are now in the New Netherland Project.

There are still other family members with profiles needing to connected to all of their family, and I suspect there may be more duplicate profiles lurking in the database.
No, I just discovered the other and noticed the suggestion, while down the rabbit hole.
Thank you, Ellen, for dealing with this.  I am only down the rabbit hole finding things that are interesting. This one was one I need to know the answer to.  Should I remove these types of flags re: project boxes in suggestions, or continue to let you know about them?

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