Join the first ever Locators Challenge! March 2024 [closed]

+54 votes

Welcome to the 1890s Locators Challenge!

Goal: To add a birth location to every WikiTree profile

Why? Birth locations help prevent duplicates. When looking at two profiles side by side, you can quickly look at the birth location to see if they are match.

When? This challenge will run monthly starting March 1, 2024

Who? Every WikiTreer who has signed the Honor Code can join this challenge.

We are beginning with people born in the 1890s as generally records for this decade are easy to find. However, any BIRTH location you add for any profiles with a missing birth location counts toward this challenge. 

How to get started

  • Click the Answer button below and tell us which location you will be working on. 
  • If you see another person is already working on that location, tell us which page of the search results (after running your search) you will be starting on so we don't trip over each other. 
  • Modify one of the searches below to get profiles from a specific country or region (state, province, county etc.). Change the name of the location in the search box, then click the blue "get profiles" button. If you need help, ask in your answer below.
  • Use the sources on the profile to find the birth location. Do not attempt to add a birth location without checking sources first. 
  • If the profile is completely unsourced find some! If you add sources to any unsourced profiles, you can also count it for the Sourcer Challenge. Please sign up separately for their challenge.
  • If you can't find a sourced birth location, please see the information on our help page about how to estimate a birth location. Do Not simply guess!
  • Use the challenge tracker every time you add a birth location to a new profile. See our help page for more information on the tracker. 
  • Each profile with a newly added birth location counts as one point.

These searches include the country or region in the marriage and/or death location:

Some searches using a WikiTree sticker: 

(You can replace the sticker query above with any sticker used on WikiTree)

Please be patient as we work out the kinks in this new challenge. Let's improve the Tree!

WikiTree profile: Space:Locators_Challenge
closed with the note: Please see April's post:
in The Tree House by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
closed by Emma MacBeath
I'm in and will work on Florida.

I'm not surprisedlaugh Thanks, Debi.

Oh, I am so glad to see this challenge happening! There are now 3,195 profiles listed in the Unlocated Profiles category, so hopefully, we'll now start to see that number going down instead of up.

I didn't know that category existed, Greg. We'll see if we can incorporate it into the challenge.
Emma ... you were bored and needed something more to lead?! :-)  This looks terrific. Maybe we need a Locators project and badge to parallel Connectors, Sourcerers, etc.

Greg ... If you click on the TABLE button, you will see those profiles that need editing to remove the tag because someone has entered a location but failed to remove the category tag.

We ran this for Scotland in January.  People are still working on them, since we didn't limit it to any decade.

Haha @Chris. I was actually tired of the duplicate finder have 50% of profiles with no birth locations to compare to. When a pet peeve gets too much for me, I start a challenge laugh

88 Answers

+27 votes
I'll give it a go in my copious spare time!
by Kate Schmidt G2G6 Pilot (125k points)
Ha ha! Thanks, Kate. What area are you going to work on?
USBH, obvs!  :)

Thought so, but I thought I'd better check. The whole list for us is here (the link above is just 1890s)

+28 votes
I am happy to do some of these in Ireland, starting with County Tyrone.
by L Greer G2G6 Mach 7 (79.5k points)
Fabulous! Thanks, L
+23 votes
I'll do some with the USBH sticker for now.
by Lucy Selvaggio-Diaz G2G6 Pilot (849k points)
Thanks, Lucy!
+27 votes
Looking at North Carolina.
by Ken Shuping G2G1 (1.0k points)
Thanks, Ken!
+22 votes
I'll be working on USBH profiles. I'll state which page once I see who else is signing up to help.
by Emma MacBeath G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+25 votes
I will work on Louisiana
by Chuck Auld G2G6 Mach 1 (14.1k points)
Thanks, Chuck!
Phew!  Some of these are toughies!  I am enjoying the mental workout though.  I try to complete a page (of 15) a day.  Thanks for this challenge!!
+24 votes
I will try to do some of these in Quebec, Canada.
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (404k points)
Thanks, Liza!
+25 votes
I'll work on Appalachia profiles from West Virginia.
by Karen Stewart G2G6 Pilot (127k points)
Thanks, Karen!
+24 votes
I’ll be working on Pennsylvania.
by JoAnn Brown G2G6 Mach 2 (23.4k points)
Thanks, JoAnn!
+23 votes

Hi Emma, I will have a go at Cork, Ireland. A quick search gives 34 results of which I am profile manager for eight of themlaugh. It will be easier when for Census 1901/1911 is fixed. 503 'Server Unavailable' at the moment no

by Patrick Holland G2G6 Mach 6 (60.2k points)
Thanks, Patrick. A win/win for you!

I hope the server comes back up soon. That's frustrating.
Must admit I’ve been struggling without one of my core searches available! It was just hanging last night.
Server is back. Resolved about one-third of Cork, add Dublin to my list.
I’m finding it a slow process as once I start adding in some details I realise they are duplicates! But having the census back is so useful to help with the decision making.
+24 votes
I will have a go at some Australian profiles!
by Karyn Homburg G2G6 Mach 3 (30.1k points)
Thanks, Karyn!
+23 votes
I’ll do some in Maine
by Eric Perkins G2G6 Mach 3 (31.3k points)
Thanks, Eric!
+21 votes
I will work on Lancashire. If anyone else wants to help, I have year by year searches you can sign up for on our Challenges page.
by W Robertson G2G6 Pilot (123k points)
Fancy! Thanks, W. And thank you for helping me set up this challenge.
That looks fabulous that page! Good Luck reducing the numbers.
+23 votes
I would like to join in and work on profiles with Appalachia sticker and Indiana.
by Audrey Martin G2G6 Mach 2 (29.8k points)
Thanks, Audrey!
+23 votes
Count me in! I will do NSW South Coast profiles.
by Anonymous Wimble G2G6 Mach 3 (30.0k points)
Thanks so much!
+25 votes
I'll do some Lancashire.

by Corinne Morris G2G6 Mach 2 (26.1k points)
Thanks, Corinne!
+24 votes
I'll try and do some of the County Durham ones
by Ruth Jowett G2G6 Mach 4 (43.8k points)
Thanks, Ruth!
+19 votes

I won't know where they are until (if) I manage to locate them, but I'm working on Crozier and Phillips this month, so if I find birth locations for any, I'll let you know.

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (696k points)
Thanks, Greg!

Okay, I finally got one! William Crozier is now located. (Things got a lot easier after I figured out his real first name.)

+21 votes
I sometimes work on Cheshire (England) locations.  I'll work on Cheshire births this month and focus on any for the 1890s to start with.
by Gwyneth Taylor G2G6 Mach 2 (23.0k points)
Fabulous! Thanks, Gwyneth
+21 votes
I'm up for giving this a go, looking at Devon, Gloucestershire, Glamorgan.

by Stephanie Hill G2G6 Mach 4 (48.5k points)
Thanks, Steph!

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