My uncle James Clephus Simpier (1956 - 2023) passed away age 67

+9 votes

Hi Wikitreers,

We would like collaboration in my uncles genealogy specifically finding his birth record.

He was born July 13, 1956 and passed away October 23, 2023. He never married. He never enlisted into the military. He had no children.

The question is was he born in 1955 or 1956? He always said he was born in 1956 but his drivers license shows 1955. Maybe a typo?

Any collaboration is appreciated

Thank you

Note: Some of my best memories with him were fishing at Black Pond in Meriden, Conn back when the boat house fishing tackle shop was there and rented boats of course that no longer exists but I’d love to learn about that old fishing shack on the hill of the pond.

WikiTree profile: James Simpier
in Genealogy Help by Andrew Simpier G2G6 Pilot (704k points)
edited by Andrew Simpier

3 Answers

+4 votes
Best answer
Have you requested a copy of his birth certificate from the State of Washington?

It looks like a sibling can request a certified copy, but anyone can request a non-certified informational copy.
by Leslie Lapham G2G6 Mach 1 (12.2k points)
selected by Andrew Simpier

This is our next step looking into yes

Update. Birth cert received shows year as 1956. Mystery solved smiley

+8 votes
Could he maybe have said he was a year older in order to get his driver's license a year before he was supposed to?

Did he work? If so he would have needed a Social Security Number. You might be able to request the application he filled out for that.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
That is very possible. He didn’t work except earlier in his life as he was disabled midlife
Then he was probably drawing Social Security Disability, so that suggestion still is valid.  I would think after his passing, the SS death record would now be publicly available.

Oh that’s interesting will look into that too! yes 

+5 votes
Andrew I'm just throwing spit-balls here but what about locating the High School he attended. Knowing his class year might help firm up his birth year. If you have an subscription year book photos going back 100 years or more are coming through regardless if the person is alive or dead. A peak at his high school class couldn't hurt your research. You may be able to find some old pals of his in the process who can tell you some stories. As you know, and like most everything else, is subscription based but it's an excellent way to approacn old classmates or make a general request for information about one of their deceased classmates. If that's not a feasable approach at this time I'll bet the H.S. he attended has copies of their old year books in their library archives or (the books may have been digitized). In any regard good look with this.
by Leigh Anne Dear G2G6 Pilot (145k points)

I do have some of his class photos on profile I think at least one class photo laugh 

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