Meet our Members: Laura Ward

+32 votes

Hi everyone!

Meet_our_Members_Photos-72.pngIt's time to get to know another one of our wonderful WikiTreers. This week's member is Laura Ward

Laura became a Wiki Genealogist in September 2022. She is most active in our US Civil War Project.

When and how did you get interested in family history? 

I started being interested in family history around 2005 when my mother gave me family history paperwork that my uncle had given her before his death. His research was done long before computers, and there are many copies of letters from him to genealogy groups and records repositories in Scotland. I found that fascinating and looked at it often. Then in 2008 I discovered and started building my tree.

What are some of your interests outside of genealogy?

I have a small farm and horses, love to restore old vehicles, enjoy creating digital art, and watch/listen to True Crime and Legal YouTubers.

What is one thing you would recommend to other WikiTree members?

Please build out your biography! No one knows our lives, families, accomplishments, and interesting stories as we ourselves do.

Leave a legacy and information for descendants and other family historians.

What is your genealogical research focus?

I started in family history to learn more about my grandparents’ early lives. Then I moved on to my paternal great-grandparents, as I knew them well. They lived well into their 90s. Much has changed over the years, especially after I discovered WikiTree. These days, I not only work on expanding my CC7, but also spend many hours working outside my own family on challenges and thons. My pet project or passion is Civil War veterans, especially those from the Confederacy. I have six direct ancestors who served, five for Alabama and one for Georgia, and many more uncles and cousins.

What is your toughest brick wall currently?

I am stuck with the ancestors of my great-grandparents who immigrated from the Austrian Empire, now Slovenia. Ales Trtnik helped me find two of them, but this is going to take more research. Later this year, I’ll be going on a genealogy-based research trip to Slovenia with the Slovenian Genealogical Society International. I’m looking forward to it!

(interview continues in comments)

WikiTree profile: Laura Ward
in The Tree House by Eowyn Walker G2G Astronaut (2.5m points)

How long have you been on WikiTree?

Only since September 2022. I found it by happy accident when googling one of my ancestors. At first, I thought WT was like Family Search or similar, but then I discovered G2G with its helpful users, and the challenges, and the thons. There is so much to do!

Which projects are you most involved in?

I like to be involved with many projects. It suits my ADD. I enjoy the US Civil War project the most.

I color outside the lines, creating some of my own projects. Recently I’ve started taking photographs of military veteran gravestone markers at my local cemeteries so I can build profiles on WT for these veterans. This could fit into the Cemeterist Project (I’m a member) or Military and War (also a member) but it has been fun and it’s an aspect of genealogy that gets me away from my laptop and outside.

Some of my other work:

I’ve been drawing small images and added over 100 occupation stickers. I’ve been creating Civil War regimental flags in Adobe Illustrator and finally, I have been creating realistic soldier illustrations that can be used by anyone on stickers or profiles without copyright concerns. I have created illustrations of 32 regimental Civil War flags for Alabama, have started working on South Carolina, and have ten of these completed. If I live long enough, I'll draw every known Civil War flag. Images and illustrations provide visual interest to an otherwise text profile. I’d like to share links to share these. (Occupation Stickers)

If anyone would like to help with the flags project, finding public domain or “usable with attribution” images for the Civil War unit flags would be appreciated. If someone is uncertain how to edit the Flags page, let me know and I will help.

Do you consider your work here to be part of your legacy?

Absolutely. Beyond legacy, all of our work here is helping others and future generations learn more about their ancestors.

What could we do to inspire more people to participate in our mission?

We have a terrific mission, with the best-sourced profiles in the world. If we aren’t there yet, one day we will be the largest world tree. The community is my favorite part of WikiTree, however.

That’s what we need to use to inspire others. Working alone on Family Search or Ancestry cannot compete with our collaborative platform.

Chris Whitten’s mission to keep WT free forever is laudable.

If there is one thing I would change to inspire more use, it would be to keep searching out other technology options for the future, something besides the wiki. Perhaps some new technology that makes the wiki interface more graphic and user-friendly. We lose so many users who sign up and get stuck trying to learn the wiki. I recently posted in G2G that I worked on a wiki at my last job. It was an internal wiki we called “Powerpedia” at the US Department of Energy. Honestly, 12 years hasn’t changed wikis much! We had the same problems then. Most of our employees wouldn’t touch editing, but we wanted them all to contribute.

The apps that our volunteers have created are beyond wonderful. But if we could somehow make editing more user-friendly for the average person, I am certain we would keep a lot more contributing members. Just a thought for the future as technology changes.

8 Answers

+16 votes
Thank you for sharing your excitement!

Have fun on the trip!

Thanks for what you do for the One Big Tree!
by Rick Morley G2G6 Pilot (174k points)
+11 votes
Laura, thank you so much for being a wonderful WikiTreer. I was already a fan of your images, now I see some of the other great things you do.
by Chris Whitten G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
+8 votes

Hi Cousin Laura! heart(17th) Congratulations on your M.O.M. recognition!yesyes  Enjoyed the interview! 

Quote: Please build out your biography! No one knows our lives, families, accomplishments, and interesting stories as we ourselves do.

I agree with you!  I'm a little over the top with my profile page, but I got a job offer because of it!  (scary, huh?surprise)

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
Cousin David, you have the coolest bio I have seen on Wikitree!
+9 votes

Wow. So great to see this interview with Laura smiley  Thanks for all you do woth the Civil War Project. 

by Maggie N. G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
+7 votes

Magnificent ! I want a signed first edition copy of " WikiTreer Laura Ward " (s) autobiography !!! .. Inspiring and Nourishing .. C'est Bon 

by Stanley Baraboo G2G Astronaut (1.4m points)
+6 votes
Wonderful interview Laura.  Absolutely loved the part about making WT more user friendly, especially in regards to editting.

I see a lot of newbies giving up because they don't understand.  Even when I was a Trailblazer with the England Project, it was frustrating when trying so hard to help out those that truly wanted to move forward, but had difficulties with the processes.

Saying that, one of the things I most love about WT is it's collaborative nature; how we all pitch in and help out where help is needed.

Thanks for all that you do with your many projects.  Have fun!
by Brad Cunningham G2G6 Pilot (193k points)
+6 votes
Congratulations, Laura, for being selected for this distinction, and thank you, Eowyn, for your sustained superior service in continuing with this series of focus on specific genealogists.
by Marion Ceruti G2G6 Pilot (366k points)
+6 votes

I love this interview. Enjoy your trip to Slovenia!

And... thank you for your service.
by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (208k points)

Thank you, cousin Eileen (22 degrees).


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