Was Solomon Stout the father of Nathan Stout?

+5 votes

Hello fellow genealogists,

I'm currently trying to research the genealogy of American author Ruth Stout and have already managed to connect her to the global family tree via her husband's family. Now I'm researching her own ancestors and am a little stuck at her grandfather Nathan Stout. There's a family tree on FamilySearch that claims his father was Solomon Stout (who already has a profile on WikiTree), however none of the sources attached on FamilySearch can support that claim. Would someone be interested in helping me locate some reliable source(s)?

WikiTree profile: Nathan Stout
in Genealogy Help by L. König G2G6 Mach 3 (33.0k points)

1 Answer

+7 votes

Nathan is listed here in Stout and Allied Families on Solomon's page:


Because of the Quaker connections, I looked in Abstracts of the Records of The Society of Friends in Indiana, but I don't see an entry for him in either volume. (I'm kind of perplexed as to why he isn't there.)

However, there is some information in this old newspaper:

"The mill had been built by Solomon and later operated by his son, Nathan Stout, her great-uncle. Nathan married Sophia Swengel and they were the grandparents of Rex Stout, who was born in Noblesville to John Wallace Stout and Lucetta Todhunter. Farmers brought grain from miles around and waited for it to be ground. When the mill, which had been sold to the Helt family years before, collapsed into the swollen creek in 1912 it was one of the long-remembered and much discussed incidents in the area, A severe winter with ice and snow, much like the past few months, resulted in early spring flooding; ice jams weakened the stone foundations of the mill. Miss Newsom, retired schoolteacher' and historian for the southeastern part of Bartholomew, County, had been told about the recently published biography of Rex Stout, who was of her generation) by a nephew, Carroll Newsom, who lives in Fairfield, not far from the Rex Stout home."


Unfortunately, it's historical and not contemporary. Also similarly (related to the same mill) at Indiana Gen Web:


I'm sure with more research the contemporary sources can be found.

by Dina Grozev G2G6 Pilot (203k points)
Thank you, that's very helpful!

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