Would you like to join the US Black Heritage Kentucky Team?

+8 votes

US Black Heritage Kentucky is getting going with some new energy. We are focused on creating profiles for African Americans from Kentucky. 

Want to help out with some cemetery or census work?

Our first quarter project is to enter as many people as possible who are buried in the Wilsonville AME cemetery in Boyle County, KY https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Category:Wilsonville_Chapel_AME_Church_Cemetery%2C_Boyle_County%2C_Kentucky

 As of Jan 1, 2023, 38 of the 226 persons buried there have had profiles created.

Our projects for the year include working on the 1880 census, the first census to name relationships within a household. There are three counties (two with smaller numbers of individuals) and one with over 4000.  If you like census work, and focus communities, this is a great project. 

We are starting with Parksville and Mitchellsburg, two village of about 170 people in 1880. 

We are sitting on a heap of unprocessed documents, so there's something for everyone. 

You can simply contribute (and let me know what you are doing, please) or you can join the team. Team members only need to work on African American genealogy in KY, so if you are working on a your own thing, say in Lousiville, or Lexington, or USCT enlistments, whatever! We'd love to have you join us.

Just let me know, by answering here! 


Karen Lee

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Karen Lee G2G6 (8.7k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes

I am Fryrear-25 and I did answer your request for help on Boyle County,  but just to be clear,  I would also like to be formally part of the Kentucky team.
by Rick Fryrear G2G1 (1.7k points)
Hi Rick,

Yes, you are on the USBH Kentucky Team, focused on African American Genealogy for Kentucky. Best to communicate with me via email, as I tend to get lost here on G2G. Here's my ID, you can email from there. Lee-43187 .

 Work on any aspect of Kentucky that interests you. If you

There is  United States Project  "Kentucky Team" that is doing genealogy of Kentucky, but if you intended to join that team, in addition, or instead of USBH KY, you'll need to contact them.  

I'll be in touch by email.


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