How to describe Baden (Germany)

+11 votes
What is the correct name of the geographical area and ruling authority of Baden (Germany) in 1857? In a profile, I want to write that someone was born in Baden, ?? in 1857.
in The Tree House by Donna Hughes G2G6 Mach 1 (10.6k points)

3 Answers

+6 votes

According to Wikipedia, the Grand Duchy of Baden was a sovereign state from 1806 to 1871. I would just leave it at that (and this is how I usually handle pre-unification German states).

by Geoff Buck G2G2 (2.1k points)
+12 votes
I would use : place, Baden, Deutscher Bund

since the souvereign state of Baden was part of  the Deutscher Bund from 1815 to 1866 .

The Deutscher Bund was formed by souvereign states as the European Union is today.
by Alexandra-Brigitte Scholz G2G6 Mach 4 (42.2k points)
I agree with Alexandra. Actually it is better to use "Deutscher Bund" (=German Confederation) at the end, since otherwise it will come right back to you as a suggestion. The system does not recognize Baden as valid nation (I think).

I personally prefer the addition of the "Großherzogtum" (Grand Duchy) though, to differenciate it better from the "Markgrafschaft Baden" (Margraviate) before 1806 and the "Freistaat Baden" (Freestate) after 1918.
I prefer "Grand Duchy" as well, but I do hesitate a bit about the "Deutscher Bund". I haven't really thought about it, because the situation didn't come up, but would you recommend using "European Union" for place names after 1993? To my thinking, that looks like overkill.
I prefer "Grand Duchy" for the reasons Danny has given. I don't hesitate to use "Deutscher Bund" as a collection of sovereign states. This example is a bit different to the membership of European Union after 1993.
The German guidelines are described in

Unlike the locations written in German, the migration categories are written in English, for example:
+3 votes
Thank you to the many people who responded to my inquiry...and gave explanations.
by Donna Hughes G2G6 Mach 1 (10.6k points)

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