Is there anyone in a male Van Winkle line interested in Y-DNA testing?

+9 votes
I am the admin for the Van Winkle Y-DNA Group Project at FTDNA.  I got this by default since none if the men would take it.  We need testers from the Jacob Jacobse line, more testers from the Waling Jacobse line and from Symon Jacobse’s line we especially need lines that migrated to West Jersey and Pennsylvania.

Jacob Walichsz has been identified as haplogroup R-FT365126, which he passed on to all of his sons.  Symon Jacobse also received a mutation which resulted in haplogroup R-FT39963, which has been passed on to all of his direct line male descendants.  

One of those descendants, James Van Winkle (Van_Winkle-324) is a brick wall.  We have 10 testers who come through this line and carry an additional mutation that formed haplogroup R-FT365589.  There are more testers from other brick wall lines that also have to fit somewhere within Symon Jacobse’s line.

Please contact me if you are interested in joining our (your) project and doing a Y-DNA test.

Shirley (Wolf) Van Winkle
in The Tree House by Shirley Van Winkle G2G1 (1.3k points)
edited by Ellen Smith

I think the early ancestors you refer to might be WikITree profiles Simon (Jacobse) van Winckel (bef. 1653 - bef. 1732) and Jacob Walingse Van Winkle (1674 - bef. 1753), and the test results you refer to might be from "Big Y-700" tests on living men who trace ancestry to those two men. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.)

If the men who tested are members of WikiTree (or would join) and would display their DNA haplogroups here, it could be a help to your project, as WikiTree profiles of other men on the paternal lines would display the DNA information.

I am confused by the profile of , which is mostly a collection of research notes. It looks like he is thought to have arrived in North Carolina in the mid-1700s as an immigrant who had run away from his indenture. If so, he is likely to be unrelated to the Van Winkles of New Netherland. Very, very few Netherlanders (if any) immigrated to the New Netherland area at that time, so if he arrived then he may have been a German who ended up being called Van Winkle. Or was the "indenture" he ran away from actually an apprenticeship in New Jersey?

Hi Ellen,

You are correct in paragraph one.

Your confusion about Van_Winkle-324 is definitely understandable.  I just adopted that profile and am adding many sources, but have not yet done anything about what was already on there, namely the “indentured” part.  From my research, there is no question that he was NOT born in and did NOT emigrate from the Netherlands.  I wish to the get documentation added before deciding how to deal with some of the suppositions.
On of my dna test results:, indicated I had genetic data that placed my early ancestors in S_E-Mediterranean Sea Area & possibly Sefardic. Could this have been what the (marriage to a Muslim) have been referring to, not Muslim but Jew? Other research data suggest that some of the Indigenous People in Eastern/South Eastern U.S,. were found to have this genetic line? I am still hunting for the citation.

2 Answers

+5 votes

This patrilineal line

is Y haplogroup R-Z11 which is the ancestor of R-Z341 shown below. They are the direct ancestors of R-FT365589 and R-FT39963.  

23andMe does not reveal SNPs which formed as recently as FT365589 or FT39963, so Van Winkle-516 may have the FT365126 and FT39963 SNPs (if you convinced him to test).

The above graphic is from a tool created by WikiTreer Rob Spencer. This and many other of his useful tools are automatically accessible if your Y-DNA (or mtDNA) is in and your mitoYDNA ID is in WikiTree.

by Peter Roberts G2G6 Pilot (718k points)
edited by Peter Roberts
+2 votes

Any recent data on Parents of Jesse and Benjamin Van Winkle? I found one supposition that a James Van Winkle was their father?  What say you?
by Anonymous Van Winkle G2G Crew (770 points)

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