Sports Notables Sledders Challenge - December 2023

+10 votes
It is now the first day of December and winter is rapidly approaching (at least for those of us in the North). Help us celebrate the frigid months with our tribute to legendary sledders. Sledding is the basis of three Olympic events, as well as an international dog race known as the Iditarod.  

This month we are featuring 40 legendary sledders from around the world including Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, England, Scotland, Italy, Norway, and the United States. Most are Olympic champions in bobsledding, the luge, or skeleton sledding. Five are Iditarod winners. They may not be household names, but they are considered sledding royalty and their individual stories are quite often fascinating.

Remember, no contribution is ever too small, so jump in wherever you think you'll have the most fun. If you enjoy research, work on making connections and increasing CC7s. If you enjoy storytelling, how about taking the research of your fellow members and turning it into an entertaining narrative. We can also use help with properly formatting sources, hunting down copyright-free images, and even simple proofreading. Just remember to keep us posted on your accomplishments here on our G2G thread, so we can all share in your successes.

To participate in this month's challenge, simply click the link below and select the athlete whose profile you'd like to work on.
WikiTree profile: Space:Sports_Sledding_Legends
in The Tree House by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (367k points)
FYI - the space page is unlisted right now.
Thank you Christy! The page is now unlocked.

14 Answers

+10 votes

The brothers Heaton are connected with their grandfather.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Congratulation Jelena. Love seeing connections made on Day One!
+11 votes
Added the Olympic categories and sledding to the profiles.  I could not find any categories for Olympians representing East Germany or West Germany.
by Kristin Merritt G2G6 Mach 3 (33.3k points)
Thanks Kristen. With 40 profiles, that was quite task!
I added location categories to the German profiles and also "Olympian representing Germany" in case the athlete was at Olympics in 1964 or earlier. At that time it was a unified team, only in 1968 the GDR made its own team (until 1988).

The Germany Project is just setting up the categories involving GDR, so there are not yet categories for FRG or GDR within the Olympic category stream.
Thanks Jelena!
Thank you!  I wasn't sure how to proceed with athletes from the FRG or GDR because we never talked about it when we were setting up the project, since our focus was on athletes in earlier games. I didn't want to put the athletes into the wrong category, since I am less familiar with Germany and its history.  I should know more since I have many German ancestors, but they all immigrated to the United States in the mid to late 1800's.
There are now the categories "Olympians from West Germany (1968-1988)" and "Olympians from East Germany (1968-1988)" within the Olympians-stream.
+10 votes
Edward Eagan is now connected.  His wife, Margaret Colgate, was a descendant of the founder of the Colgate Toothpaste Company.
by Kristin Merritt G2G6 Mach 3 (33.3k points)
Very interesting. I wonder if his heirs still get a royalty check every time I brush my teeth!
+10 votes
I added a father for Norwegian luger [[Salvesen-274|Anton Ingemann Salvesen (1927-1994)]]. I'll try to add more to his branches later in the month as time permits.
by Jeffrey Wall G2G6 Mach 6 (67.9k points)
Thanks Jeffrey. The Nordic Project has done a great job in the past connecting our Norwegian sports legends.
+11 votes

I added sources and a brief bio for Susan Butcher. Also added a research note with her parents' obituaries so hopefully someone can get her tree going.

by Christy Melick G2G6 Pilot (111k points)
I've added profiles for Susan's parents. It looks like her great grandparents were all from either England, Scotland or Germany. No obvious connections to the tree.
Susan Butcher is connected!

PBS is currently airing a documentary “Musher” featuring the dog sled racing community in the Upper Midwest, including some mushers who have competed in Iditarod and others aspiring to qualify to race in Iditarod.

+8 votes
I'll try to work on John Gordon Crammond-116 ( Skeleton, England).  Thanks, Daniel for organising this new challenge.
by Chris O'Connell G2G6 Mach 1 (17.9k points)
John Gordon Crammond is connected to the global tree! by connecting his great-grandmother, Jane Snell.
Now I am withdrawing this profile for a while. I may come back later.
+8 votes
I'll work on Tony Nash-11931, (England, Bobsled).
by Chris O'Connell G2G6 Mach 1 (17.9k points)
Anthony James Dillon Nash is connected to the global tree by connecting his grandfather, William Henry Dillon Bell.
+7 votes
Jay O’Brien has an earlier WikiTree profile [[O'Brien-8642|James Jay O'Brien (1880-1940)]] which includes his three wives: two of them are notables who are connected.
by Elizabeth Schafer G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
Thanks for catching this. I have merged the two profiles into one.
+7 votes
Patrick Martin is connected.
by Elizabeth Schafer G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
+7 votes
Dick Wilmarth is connected.
by Elizabeth Schafer G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
+5 votes
Steven Holcomb is connected.
by Elizabeth Schafer G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
You're doing a great job as usual, Elizabeth. I'm so glad to see some of these Iditarod folks getting connected to the Big Tree. It's an amazingly difficult sport that often doesn't get a lot of attention.
+5 votes
I got a little behind on updating the table, but it should be all caught up now. We're just about halfway through the month now, and we've made 14 connections. That's not bad.

This is a very international group of athletes, and as usual, those from the English-speaking nations are getting most of the attention. I'll put a call out to some of the other projects to see if we can get some help with their countries' notables.

Here's a break down by nation of those sledders still in need of a connection:

Germany 8

Switzerland 7


Italy 3

Austria 2

Belgium 1

England 1

Norway 1
by David Randall G2G6 Pilot (367k points)
+5 votes
I think I have connected Eugenio Monti to the tree, but i'm not sure how to check that.
by Jaqueline De Angelis G2G6 (6.6k points)

Hi Jaqueline. If you have, it will show up on the profile after a database update in 24 hours or sooner, in the form of a list of connections to this week's themed notables at the bottom of the page.

Edited to fix typo.

I'll check tomorrow then :)

Thank you!!
Three other ways you can check his connection status while you are waiting for the nightly software update:

Since Monti is a Notable, now that he has a family member connected, his CC7 will soon show at the top of his profile. It will be accompanied by a statement as to whether he is connected or not. I'm not sure of the update schedule for this. It's not instantaneous, but it's fairly frequent.

You can also tell by clicking on the second drop down menu at the top of his profile page which reads "Monti-189". The second option on the list is "Connection to Me." Click on it and you will see that Monti is indeed connected to the Big Tree, Again, this does update instantaneously, but it's frequent.

Finally, if you know for a fact that you have connected him to another profile that is already connected, then he must be connected as well.
+3 votes
Stanley Benham is connected.
by Elizabeth Schafer G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)

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