Update on Largest Unconnected Branches

+31 votes

Following a previous discussion, I had a "road clear" signal by Greg Slade to manage and slightly modify the Largest Unconnected Branches page.

Two new things on this page :

1. The source for unconnected branches is still the WikiTree+ weekly report. But the size of each branch is re-computed using the 100 Circles query, based on the Connection Finder data (the same that are used to compute CC7). This allows to include private profiles not taken into account by WikiTree+. The actual branch sizes computed that way might be way larger than they appear in the WikiTree+ report. Moreover, some branches might appear distinct in the WT+ report although they are connected by private profiles. This is corrected by the CF data.

2. I found interesting to quickly make apparent which of those branches are "dormant" (no new profile added recently) and which ones are "in activity" (new recent profiles). I added a column to the table to capture this information. If a branch has grown in size, its growth is mentioned in this column. No value means the branch has not changed size as of last checkings. You can sort the table by this value to pull to the top the branches with the largest recent change.

Recent is to be read for now as "less than one month". I will see how that flies over time.

in The Tree House by Bernard Vatant G2G6 Pilot (176k points)
edited by Bernard Vatant
I added a comment on the space page about one of the branches.

2 Answers

+11 votes
Thanks for this Bernard!! Adding the private profiles and the links they have really puts these into perspective....
by Liz Marshall G2G6 Pilot (112k points)
+4 votes
This is really help- and insightful. Thanks bunches!
by Oliver Stegen G2G6 Pilot (137k points)

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