"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! September 8th - 10th, 2023 [closed]

+29 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Until next weekend, adios!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard

Welcome to another Weekend Chat, my Fellow Chatterboxes! Ands greetings from Cathey’s Creek where we have had scattered thunderstorms but mostly sunny days. Enough rain to water the weeds and just hot/humid enough to keep me from pulling ‘em. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it!

This one is going to be short and sweet, because…

On the Home Front: For once in my life, I am glad for spell check. If a proofreader were to charge me by the misspellings (typos), s/he’d make a fortune. Typing one-handed is for the more skilled.

Wednesday’s surgery went better than expected. The surgeon found that my rotator cuff tear was not as bad as originally thought, a small tear requiring only one screw instead of three. While he was in my shoulder, he also discovered that my bicep tendon had not torn all the way through. So, he sent a nurse out to get permission from my wife to take care of that. Otherwise, it would require a second operation. My wife gladly signed, and when I found this out later, I was sure happy she did.

My entire left arm was numb until about 4 p.m. yesterday. As soon as I felt a twinge, I started on the heavier pain med. There is a dull ache right now. All is well. Actually, all is much better than expected.

Aside from having to wear a monstrous arm immobilizer (and being unable to do simple things, which is frustrating), I have found that the immobilizer is a great book-prop. This morning, we have a cousin driving us to the surgeon in Asheville for a wound check and a dressing change.

My poor brother was sick the whole time, not Covid, thankfully, but with lots of the same symptoms. He called me after he got home and seemed to be feeling better. He has a doctor’s appointment today.

Restricted physical therapy starts Monday.

I’m gonna stop here as I can feel my frustration level rising over the typing. Thanks so much, all of you, for your many kind words of encouragement.

As I will be rather ‘tied up’ so to speak this weekend, please help me to leave no answer uncommented on. I’ll try my best, but I could sure use your help.

Be blessed, every one of you dear people!

Enjoy the Chat!

Pip, so happy to know the surgery went better than expected and that you are doing so well. It was thoughtful of the immobilizer inventor to build in a book prop - just for you, I am sure!!


SO glad everything is going well for you & your progress is going as well as it is. 1 thing I can tell you to help you in your recovery is that when the Dr says it's ok to move, start moving! Even if it does hurt in the beginning, you will save yourself 2ndary issues you'd have to deal with as well.

I'm sorry, I was sitting here laughing with the frustration because I have been there! 3 days after my arthroscopic surgery on my rt shoulder, (I'm right handed), I was at Drill weekend for the NV Guard. Their idea of "light duty" to comply with my Dr's referral limitations of a Dead Man equivelent, was to put me on KP!!! (I was a Heavy Vehicle Mechanic. In some ways that's lighter work than KP is).

I've had my right hand out of commission for any number of reasons & none fun; fingernails seem to grow faster the less you move your hand, I wonder why?

Sending Healing Energy your way, envisioning your arm healed & problem free.

You know that's a lot more than I would have typed if I was in your position....Unless you used one of those "speech to text" generators. Those are pretty cool. Though, they can lead to hilarious misunderstandings. =D

I'm glad the surgery went well. Keep on keepin' on, my friend. So, now ya have one screw in there? I have two in my ankle and for someone who used to run a lot, it's not fun at all! At least it was better than you thought it was and that's a good thing.

Thanks for hosting, man!
Hi Pip, I am so very glad the surgery went well and that your wife signed to take care of the 2 in 1! It is also a cost savings (time, money and hassle). I had rotator cuff surgery about 6 years ago and it was not a picnic; however, the healing process goes very fast and you will be surprised at how quickly your 'pain free' mobility returns. Have patience and allow your shoulder to heal. Fortunately, you are a reader and you can use your mobile hand to turn pages! Plus, in a few weeks, you will be somewhat ready for the Thon!

Hugs to you and the family. I could not upload the nurse night shift article in my post so I sent it to you via email!
I'm glad everything went well, Pip! Now the hard part: do everything they tell you to do. Best of luck in PT!
Pip, it's great the surgery went so well!  I hope your recovery goes smoothly and you are feeling better every day.
Hi Pip,

Hope you are recovering nicely from your surgical procedure. I can imagine how frustrating and exhausting it is typing with one hand. Don’t overdue it; get plenty of rest !
You have comments in spades so your first request is off to a flying start.  May we all pick up the slack and see that every answer has at least one comment without any from you.  I am delighted every thing went so well during the operation and praying for it to continue.
Hi Pip, so glad to hear about the surgery!  It's always good when things go better than one expects.
continued prayers for a full and speedy recovery with minimal pain.  no response needed.  Just rest and heal.
Pip, what wonderful answers to prayers!  I'm so glad to hear everything was LESS than expected and that you are recovering.
Pip, I am so happy for your good news. It's frustrating to have an arm imobilized but you can do this!
Thank you Mrs. Sheppard, hang in there!
Keep taking it EASY and recover well. So glad everything went smoothly and even better than expected. All the good juju we're sending must be doing its job. Sending hugs and hopes that the pain meds treat you well.

32 Answers

+19 votes
Top of the Morning  Pip, from Lone Jack Mo.

When I say I can relate to your situation, trust me. I use one hand and one knuckle to type with one eye. I would say I am use to it but, that would be a lie, I deal with it.  Tonight is a Celebration of Life for an old friend. Monday a Dr appointment, Wed a funeral for a brother-in-law that passed unexpectedly last Tuesday, Friday two more Dr appointments and a drive over to St Louis for a guided catfish hunt. Never fished rod and reel on the Big Mo before, should be a hoot.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
edited by K Smith
K., how do you manage such a busy life?  As my mother would occasionally be heard saying "The faster I go the behinder I get".  This is from me after just going back for a nap before lunch after being bored out of my skull listening to the politically oriented talk show hosts on the radio.  I replaced my too big to fit on my stand, and no working remote, television with a new smaller one.  Unfortunately the volume  is also now so small I cannot monitor the news programs from the living room to the kitchen anymore and tried the radio.   I finally found a country music station and have it on low.
I had to give up the stuff I liked to do at age 22 due to a disability. Now I just fill my time with stuff I can do, and it seems to keep me busy. I over did it the last few days, now I have my leg elevated to relieve the pain. I'm transitioning into full retirement mode and need to downsize so I can do more fun stuff. I've read your posts and know you can relate.
You bettcha, all of us to some degree.
If you need something while in St Lou give me a call I live just SW of the city.   We are in STL county.  remember biggest catfish are north of the locks and dam
Good morning. Scott's Celebration of Life went well. Beautiful evening. Nice venue. The guys who are continuing the BBQ team cooked another award-winning meal. Thirty years of photographs that hung in the cook trailer are now a testament of years gone by. My wife reminded me that last night was the 40th anniversary of her dad's death. I guess the first week of September will hold several memorable events in my personal calendar as well as the historical ones who most have long forgotten.
what parts of the city should I avoid. need a hotel for the night before, we sail from somewhere near the Arch. I think we ate lunch somewhere that was pretty nice. Maybe Webster Grove area, maybe? Or was it Washington?
Enjoy the catfishing! The rest of the week sounds not so great, but sometimes we just have those times where the only way out is through.
You know what they say, " a bad day of catfishing is better than a good day of funerals and Dr visits"
+14 votes

This week its a "Blast From The Past" Weekend Chat song parody from Album 1 of Dave's Wiki Chat Songsdevil

On Wiki Chat In Cincinnati

Unauthorized Parody by Dave Draper

  • Sung to the tune of WKRP IN CINCINNATI theme song
  • composed by Tom Wells & Jim Ellis
  • sung by Steve Carlisle
  • Here is the music"'


  • Copy and paste link in a new window, then come back and try to sing along!
  • or Just click on the link, then click back here and try to sing along!
  • Baby, if you've ever wondered,
  • Wondered whatever became of me,
  • I'm on Weekend Chat in Cincinnati,
  • Cincinnati, on the WikiTree
  • Got tired of seeing profiles without sources,
  • Site to site, tired of free trials
  • I guess that them and me were never meant to be,
  • Thought I try out WikiTree for a while.
  • Heading in that rabbit hole and trying to find
  • Your family was really hard to do
  • Broke my heart in two, but baby, pay no mind
  • I found I’m a 2nd cousin to you!
  • Memories help me hide my lonesome feelin'
  • Far away from you and feelin' low
  • It's gettin' late my friend, my love, I miss you so
  • I’m on Weekend Chat, really have to go!
  • Baby, if you've ever wondered
  • Wondered whatever became of me
  • I'm on Weekend Chat in Cincinnati,
  • Cincinnati, on the WikiTree
  • Got tired of seeing profiles without sources,
  • Site to site, tired of free trials
  • I guess that them and me were never meant to be,
  • Thought I try out WikiTree for a while.
  • I'm on the WikiTree in Cincinnati

Take care PIP, we got you covered this weekend!wink

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Love it!
Dave, I always admire your creativity on these parodies.   How much time does it take you to do one??
+17 votes
I should not have been as surprised as I am by seeing the Friday chat, Pip! I had assumed that the chat would not appear today or that someone else would be posting.

Let's get the weather out of the way first. Today will move us into the the 4th hightest temps in the history of the Dallas area. We will hit 108F which is 8 degrees higher than the previous high. The good news is that beginning on Tuesday our temps drop and we will be having some highs in the 80's and RAIN! We have not had any rain for two months.

This week has been a mix of greeting, catching up on some missed webinars, working on the Louisiana Project and some DNA. It was all squeezed in somehow and I hope to do more catching up this weekend since the heat screams out for inside projects!I

On Wednesday, I had the dreaded MRI - actually three of them at one time. Cervical spine, thoracic spine and my right shoulder. About 45 minutes in all. Since I am claustrophobic, I took a Xanax and it was powerful enough that I did not even mind when I was rolled into the tube. Of course, I was rather relaxed the rest of the afternoon and even took a nap which is rare.

Fall is on the way for many and hopefully for all of us soon. I hope everyone enjoys the weekend!
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
Ginny, I am enjoying cool weather here today.  We have not had very many days above low 90s this summer.  The trees are starting to turn so we may be having a shorter fall.  Too bad I know what winters are going to be.  I will miss Florida's warmth this winter.
Beulah, I do not envy your winter at all. Here in north central Texas we do have some winter - ice or ice and snow - but it doesn't last too long. Sometimes, it brings life to a halt as we are not equipped to handle the icy overpasses but a week is about as long as we have seen one of these last.
Enjoy your rain! I'm so glad you were able to tolerate your scans with the meds. Naps are always a welcome gift when they come.
+16 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:00 am and 75F with an expected high of 104F, overcast skies and rain expected. We have another ‘Excessive Heat Warning’ from today until Saturday morning.

First, Pip, I have been sending positive healing intention for your shoulder surgery all week long. I want you to be in good shape when you come to visit in Tucson, which I hope is soon!

I am still suffering from the ill effects of Covid19 that I likely got while in New York City. I have severe fatigue and balance problems. I was tested and confirmed with Covid while in Milwaukee on the 21st at Urgent Care. They contacted our Arizona Department of Health, and I got a call from them this past Wednesday morning. I was on the phone with them for THREE hours as they are doing contact tracing beginning the 4th of August until I was diagnosed on the 21st. I had everything but a procto done on the phone. They even asked me if there was a chance that I was pregnant. I told them to ‘put me up against a wall and shoot me’ if I was! I am 78.5 years old! An entire 3 hours. I finally had to tell them that I had to hang up as I had a sleep research nurse zoom meeting that I had to coordinate. I did agree to participate in a study on Covid19 that is being run through my old alma mater, the University of Arizona.

The only good news this week is that our collaborative paper on nurse night shift workers, poorer health outcomes and costs has finally been published in Nursing Administration Quarterly. I mentioned this paper months ago and several of you, including Pip, were interested in having a copy. I have copied and pasted the PDF of the paper at the end of this Chat. Please let me know if you are unable to open the PDF. You can send me an email at shisacmb@gmail.com and I will send you the PDF via email. We are very pleased to have this published. I think this is the first major paper on which I am senior author. Our call on Wednesday discussed the policy paper we are now working on related to health care COSTS specific to night shift that affects the individual, insurers, and organizations.

I have done very little on WikiTree this week. To be honest, I have done nothing. I have been too ill to really do anything and am way behind. I reviewed the photos I took while in New York City specific to the Titanic. When (if) my health improves, I will be adding some fine photos to the various Titanic profiles, including the tomb of John Jacob Astor, and the park dedicated to the Strauss family. Isidor Strauss was one of Macy’s founders. He and his wife died together on the Titanic. They recovered his body, but not that of his wife. I have a photo of them that can be added, as well as a photo of the park in Upper Manhattan (the home has been torn down for ‘progress’). It is a very nice little park.

I was too ill to join Bonny, but she got photos of the location where the Carpathia docked along with the plaque. It is where the Titanic was to dock. Two days prior, we were in lower Manhattan and got photos of the Titanic lighthouse and several other plaques that we will contribute to the WikiTree Titanic Disaster project. I am hoping that this trip got some of the Titanic obsession out of Bonny’s system.

Two last comments. I was watching Morning Joe on Monday night (Peacock) and there were two interesting interviews. First, they reported a story about Oppenheimer relevant to the nuclear fallout after the Trinity testing in 1945. Apparently, they assessed people in surrounding areas that included all BUT homes near the Trinity site! The regions included Arizona, Nevada, and Colorado, but NOT New Mexico. Reporters spoke with a family that lived within a 50-mile radius of Trinity. One family member was treated for three brain tumors, a brother died of stomach cancer, and several other family members died of unexplained cancers, and they are now assessing birth defects. One of the epidemiologists they interviewed was Jonathan Samet, a research colleague of ours on an NIH study we did several years ago.

The other story had to do with the Oxycontin crisis/scandal. They had the producer/ director and an author of a 6-part series on Netflix called Painkiller.  I watched the first two segments two nights ago. WOW! It was bout the Sackler family (of Sackler Gallery at the Smithsonian, which I am now going to no longer support) and how they used false/misleading advertising to ‘addict’ Americans to make money off their pain. (https://www.netflix.com/title/81095069). It was very well done docudrama well worth watching.

Pip, as ever, thank you for leading the Weekend Chat. And I wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great SECOND weekend of September 2023. I will hold intention for all of you for a happy and healthy weekend!

NOTE: I cannot seem to add the article to this post. Please contact me at shisacmb@gmail.com if you want a copy. Pip, I already sent it to you!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin
Carol, I am sorry about your recent bout of Covid. It seems to be spreading everywhere but does not seem to be as lethal as the first round. I hope you have complete recovery very soon.
Eep. I hope you feel better, soon, Carol! *hug*
@Ginny Thank you so much for your kind thoughts. It has been a real drag. I heard a few nights ago that Dr. Jill Biden tested positive for Covid19 and is now isolated at home in CT. I have had all my shots and a booster last year. I am due for another booster in 60 days, which I will get. I cannot imagine what it would have been like for me if I had NOT gotten my Covid19 shots. This illness is a real drag!

You take care, too, Ginny! The HOT temperatures and health hazards as well. We have heat warnings here in Tucson through tomorrow. Your heat plus humidity has to be like living in a sauna. Hugs to you!
@Chris F...Ciao Cousin Chris! Covid19 is hell! As I mentioned to Ginny, I am very glad I have had all the shots including the booster. I would definitely not want full blown Covid if this is just a 'sample' of what it is like. Un grande abbraccio!

Oh...before I forget, Bonny and I had our delicious spagetti and meatballs feast at Carmine's (near Sardi's in the theater district). It's our favorite (and very famous) Italian restaurant in New York City!
Hi, Carol, I hope you recover soon from Covid.  Did the Dept of Health explain why they needed so much info for contact tracing?  I'm not sure I see the point at this stage of the virus.

carol sending prayers for a speedy recovery.   I was a vaccine tester and I have never had it.  My husband did but his experience was a mild cold   I have a friend whose daughter has long covid and they put her on B vitamins  it seems to have helped some.   Rest and catch up on some well deserved rest.   

@Laura Hi Laura, I have had every vaccine plus given that I have MS and four other long-term illnesses. This has been a nightmare that I never expected. I am on vitamins that includes the Bs, and, in particular Vitamin E as recommended by the neurologist for the MS. Thank you for any prayers, meditation, etc.

@Cindy Hi Cindy...I can only surmise as to the ADHS interview. First, Covid was confirmed at an urgent care in Wisconsin and they contacted the ADHS. In addition to all of the locations where I might have been in contact, they took an extensive health history relevant to onset, type of symptoms and so forth. 

Today was the first day I was really out of the house. I went to see Oppenheimer with two very good friends (husband and wife). I have known him since 1995. We worked together at the U of Arizona on grants and still work together on papers outside of being great friends with both people. He was chief of pulmonary, critical care and sleep medicine. I told him about the extended interview and he believes it is not just about contact tracing, but getting a handle on how current strains of the virus are affecting health...how they may differ. In the past, for example, people complained of loss of taste and smell. That did not happen with me. I thought I had strep throat along with my bones feeling as though they were on fire. There were other things I had not thought about until the ADHS interviewer asked more in depth questions. For example, I mentioned to my friend today that I have high frequency hearing loss to begin with (not uncommone with age); however, when my sister and I returned to Milwaukee from NYC, I kept begging her to turn the sound up on the TV as I could not hear it. She told me that if she had it up any louder the neighbors would complain of the noise. My friend said that is classic with this strain of Covid of which I was not aware. It appears as though surges are occurring in some states more than others. I think that when people test positive in another state (as I did in Wisconsin) the care centers are now letting the respective health departments know so that they can get an idea of differences in symptoms, similarity of strains and so forth. I think virologists are trying to keep up with the strains of Covid to prepare the most comprehensive booster relevant to health histories.

I found out today after the movie that it is another colleague (a pulmonologist) that I have worked with in sleep medicine who is doing the Covid study at the U of A. I am going to send him an email on Monday to let him know I am willing to offer my health history if needed. I am still not quite feeling up to snuff...fatigue, balance issues, foggy brain and such. Apparently, these symptoms are related to this strain. 

So, in brief, these Covid viruses mutate faster than virologists can create boosters that will address the particular symptoms and keep people as healthy as possible. Although we are no longer in pandemic mode, Covid isn't going away anytime soon, especially in view of the fact that it is a respiratory virus. I expect we will see yearly Covid boosters just like yearly flu shots. 

Hang in there and rest up. The exhaustion was the worst part of COVID for me, the sickness hit hard and lasted long but the sheer exhaustion, I felt like I was dragging around weights on all my limbs. You've got this! Sending hugs.

I'll have to look up Painkiller, I am a sucker for a good docuseries.

Hi Erin, thanks much for the words of support! Greatly appreciated! Yes, I think you will like Painkiller, based on a true story!

+17 votes
Pip, glad to hear things are "lookin' good", as my friends would say......"up an' at 'em", as my father would sometimes say.  Over here I had to look at the calendar, yesterday, to see which day it was......on Wednesday, the registered home care nurse classified 'Grampa Dick' as bedridden, he's only sipping a little water, so a hospital bed was installed Thursday, while he had the company of numerous family members.  I remember the summer of 2016 when his wife, 'Gramma Linda', who was slowly slipping away, and all of us went out for an evening meal......after dinner, we watched as Linda drove off into the moonlight, in her BMW M3 convertible, with Dick beside her......I know where he wants to be.
by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (363k points)
M3 convertible- nothing like going in style, if it's time to go

K.....9:30 AM, blue sky, heading for 75 F.......convertible weather and wind in our hair......................smiley 

Woke up Wed morning, after weathering a pretty good storm Tues night, while sitting on the dock. Lightning, hail, wind and about an 1 1/2 rain in 40 minutes. Wed morning came in about mid 60's and beautiful. Cool breeze and coffee on the water. While pondering all life's little mysteries, I heard two distinct voices talking one to another. I knew they were not crickets talking back in forth in rhyme nor were they songbirds looking for a mate. The blue herons only speak when angered and usually leave their nest in the trees and only return in the evening. I was just about to turn my attention to the crappie when two bald eagles seem to fall out of a tall tree before taking flight. From about a hundred yards, they flew straight at me before flying straight up in the air while still talking. The juvenile still had a lot of dark feathers mixed in with some white that were becoming the dominant color. The mature eagle gained about forty feet before setting its wings, extending its legs and talons and screamed as it fell towards the young bird in training. I felt guilty and blessed, all the while knowing that the people I bought my little fish camp from, didn't give it up because they quit enjoying it but rather it was time to go. I suspect they knew what I may encounter and that is why they said, "we hope you enjoy it as much as we have." Now all I have to do is convince my wife to downsize to about 250 sq ft of floating paradise.
Speaking from experience, don't invite her for just the day before you and your friends want to spend a good time while she is expected to clean, cook, and shop before every one else gets there.
The couple I bought it from (She) wanted to know what to put on the sign, I told her "Kevin and Pat's" since I doubt if my fun hater, I mean wife would be down much. Pat being a friend I met 35 years ago at work. Pat also has a day cruiser two slips down from mine. Pat told her not to put his name on it. As a compromise (we do that a lot here in Missouri) the sign reads "Big K's Place and Nan". I said perfect, I only need to change the two n's for a P and a t.
I think I can relate to that, K......we have a Great Blue Heron Nature Reserve nearby, with a resident Blue Heron in our creek and Bald Eagles soaring overhead.....the flood, two years ago, might compete with your rainfall.
Buelah, after 40 years I think she thinks this is far cheaper than a divorce or marriage counseling and achieves about the same. She would only come down to make sure I didn't have too much fun and to make sure my fishing buddy isn't 1/2 her age and enjoys catching, cleaning and cooking fish. I have her convinced I am a complete bore and absolutely no fun to be around. I let her think she has completely changed me after our wedding.
Sending hugs, John. Sounds like a hopefully peaceful transition to happen soon.
Thanks for the hugs, Erin.....Grampa Dick has a catheter through his abdomen, which plugged twice today......he has transferred to the hospital, a couple of hours ago, and has family with him.
My thoughts are with you and yours.
K, I have shared your recent losses with Kathy and our thoughts are, also with your family.

Surprise......unannounced the ambulance brought Grampa Dick back home, all repaired at the hospital, and tucked him comfortably into bed. smiley

give that man a cigar to chew on, if he so desires
K, I shall award the cigar to our son-in-law, his father's main care giver.....thanks for the offer.
+15 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps! =D

I hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for hosting as usual, Pip. Glad the arm has been repaired!

On the genealogy front, I wrote a blog about my great-grandfather, Alfred and the Fixit Shop in Newburyport. 


It was on Inn Street. I doubt it's still standing because Newburyport tends to recycle the stores downtown. Case in point. A smoke shop later became a comic/news shop by the time I was growing up and now it's something else. I think it's a cafe. I haven't been downtown in ages.

I've been working on more San Pietro births and adding more Ferraiolo profiles to Wikitree. I broke seventy profiles! Though, I had to merge a couple because of an oopsy I made. At least he is sort of connected to the world tree?

I also found that the 1814 births were combined with 1813 for some reason. It made finding this guy a little tricky: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Ferraiolo-49

I'm also working with Azure on a few panels we'll be doing for Wikitree day. Let's just say the Italy Project is gonna make itself known. =D Like we haven't already.

Speaking of the Italy Project, my friend I Caruso posted a couple threads in g2g and I'd really like it if you'd vote on them. It would mean a lot for the project going forward. Check it out here:


and here:


Thanks in advance!

In other news, it was so hot on Wednesday that we went to get gelato at this place in Methuen called "Dolce Freddo". My mom and I walk in to get ice cream and in walk in these right off the boat Italian guys. They had to have been in their 70s or 80s.

They say "Bonjourno!" to the baristas and right away she gives them their espressos. Then the following conversation happens:

Guy: I can't believe it's gonna be 90 tomorrow.

Guy 2: HEY! I'm not gonna be 90 tomorrow!

My mom and I tried not to laugh. We got our gelato and went to the car. We walked away with some chocolate chip, creamsicle and berry for my dad and we took home some for the freezer. I also got to try some coconut gelato. Basically it was coconut shavings in vanilla gelato. That was kinda weird. 

I hope everyone has a great weekend! Try to stay cool if it's very hot out there! 

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (785k points)
Somewhere last week, I connected to someone in Haverhill from the 1800's. I did not make a note and have made a couple more discoveries as well as real life happen.
That's okay. Do you remember the profile number? I can add the OPS sticker to it. =D
I will retrace my steps and see if I can find it again
Thanks. I had trouble looking for it in your recent history.
I'm sure it has been since Sep 1. I'm just not sure if it was something I added or just a collateral profile I encountered. I'm sure to uncover another, outlaws and in-laws hang together.
I'll check again later. =D Don't worry about it, man.
Both G2G questions upvoted Chris, just because you asked.
Aww thanks! Remember to vote early and vote often!
If I vote in person, can I still mail-in too?
LOL. For this election? Sure. We're not a shady operation at all! =D
i voted for those two
Thanks, Laura!
+14 votes
Good morning and greetings from Everett, Washington. The fog is burning away. The dog has slowly resumed an interest in eating his dog food. The adult children, son and daughter are still in bed.

Last night my son asked me to come upstairs to bed. I told him that I would as soon as I made a big announcement on WikiTree. Okay then, he said. So I posted to G2G that I have finally found a connection to former Seattle Seahawks defensive lineman Cortez Kennedy. At one time it was the third largest unconnected Arkansas branch. Now it's done and I can rest from my labors. Every USBH notable that I connect has required a great deal of work. Willie Wood, Wilver Stargell, Redd Foxx, Mary Wilson and now Cortez. I would say that it's more than 10% persistence, but luck does play a big role. My advice to everyone is that when you do find a connection, build it out!

This weekend culminates all my husband's hard work on SketchUp, dreading emails asking him to tweak just one more thing, and now he's down there at the lighthouse parking lot all 3 days of the festival, putting out "fires" and making sure all is comme il faut. Since our daughter is working a 3 1/2 hour shift tomorrow at the gift shop, we are skipping going down there tonight. Catfish sounds like a good dinner option tonight.

Husband gets extremely frustrated with his right hand as he can't feel on the right side since the stroke. He often makes typos and yells at the keyboard.

I shared the death certificate that Nancy found for the family of the 93 year old who was looking for info on his mother. I spoke with him on the phone last Saturday. He asked if there was any indication that he had African ancestry, as had been revealed in a DNA test. Funny you should ask...the 1860 Census does indicate that.

Sunday night was game night at the home of a church family that lives way out in the woods, off the grid, on the other side of Hood Canal. The lady of the house is my favorite drinking partner, but I can't keep up with her. She gets happy and I just get sleepy. I had some digestive troubles, too, after the nap. And then the drive home, in the dark on a 2 lane highway where everyone expects me to go faster than I want to, and it's drizzling and I can't see very well. Finally, the ferry ride home. Even so, I love going over that way.

You all get festive this weekend. Stay secure and heal from all your diseases, bodily and ghostly.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
Great work connecting Cortez!
You went from Everett to the other side of Hood Canal for a game night??  She must be a very good friend indeed.  I do love that area too, used to go to Girl Scout Camp on Hood Canal.
I miss being stationed in Everett (was on the Lincoln when it was there) but I don't miss the crazy drives, ferry rides, etc to get places! Glad you had a good time.
+17 votes

From Bloomington Illinois

Genealogy front:  Last week I started my own "WikiDraper" games played by me, myself and I!  The idea was to go into my Anniversaries and pick a profile with the current date.  Today is the 8th of September and I should be making over a profile, adding sources and connecting more people to a person on the September 8, right?  Wrong! I am still working on September 1st anniversaries and have already reach 522 contributions.  The idea was to be in the IK Club by the 15th.  I'm pretty sure that goal will be reached, but I am afraid I will only be up to Sept 2th anniversaries in the WikiDraper games!    I can't keep up with the current date!   There are about 150 profiles to update from just Sept 1 to Sept 7th!surprise

Next, my on again, off again book writing adventure continues.  I bought a book that teaches a person how to write a book, so that a publisher will look at it!  I came up with two titles to choose from (can't share them here because that has to be top secret) and the main story is coming together in my head!  But there are all the characters to develop and the sub plots to nail down, a romance and a chase scene!  And the story has to be mostly true, with real characters that existed in Iowa in the 1860's.

I have to go back to the Iowa Historical Society in Des Moines to do the research on the real life people involved, because they are not published on line, yet.  All the names and stories are in the Freedom Trail Project, but one has to look at it on their computers.  

Then I struggle with the thought that "Nobody will read this book!"   I guess I/we will just have to take one day at a time!

UPDATE 1:00 PM Central Standard Time (Illinois USA)   

Score: 1,000,890 points (ranked #34)
Title: G2G Astronaut
Questions: 88 (25 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 866 (146 chosen as best)
Comments: 371
Voted on: 7,193 questions, 70,568 answers
Gave out: 77,755 up votes, 6 down votes
Received: 5,407 up votes, 22 down votes

 laughI am in WikiTree Outer Spacelaugh

I also see I picked up 3 more DOWN VOTES!  Thank You! I'm trying to catch up with Pip who has 46 Down Votes! 

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
David......when I went to elementary school, I couldn't count that high......Congratulations!
I graduated from Raytown High and still can't count that high. I am working on my second million dollars. I gave up on the first!
You will make Astronaut status.
Will keep an eye out for your expected new status announcement! That should be really soon.

I see you crossed the line into outer space, David! Congratulations!

Virginia Fields 1.1m 19th cousin four times removed

Maggie N.  1.1m  19th cousin

Emma MacBeath  1.1m 11th cousin three times removed (she writes books)

Deb Durham   1.0m 9th cousin twice removed

Mindy Silva   1.0m  17th cousin twice removed

ME  1.0m( I know you are all saying: "There goes the neighborhood"devil

Don't stop there, some of my Wikiheros have well over 200 downvotes. I only have 19 but, have been flagged twice.
Congrats on becoming an astronaut! And I envy you being able to write a book. I would love to write one, even if no one ever saw it, but I just can’t find a good idea.
Your book sounds fascinating! Don't give up on it. The right people will find it and love it. And don't let the down votes get you down. I find not all corners of g2g are as nice and friendly as the weekend chat!!
+14 votes

Hi All!

Hope everyone had a great week! I have a very mixed bag on the Genealogy front, & K Smith & David Draper were the first to notice this. I got my 1st ever Wonderful WikiTreer Award on 2 Sep 23 from Leônidas Volcato Descovi for evidently explaining to Ian Becal about "losing my style" on those pop-up information boxes that WikiTree has; I guess he liked my "style".

On the input of the Squadrons of the 95th, I am almost done with the 1st Squad; lifening has happened to slow me way down as other priorities crop up, but I still try to get another 100 or so added in a day.

On the What Relatives Have You Shaken From Your Tree Lately, I have now connected with my step-neice, a 3rd Cousin Brunson, a sister-in-law, an ex-brother-in-laws' current wife/widow, a step-nephew & my oldest son.

I am also now on the PIP Voyage for the next 6 months or so, so another thing to report on. I have chosen [[Price-31355|Arthur Sterling Price (1909-1962)]] to take the Voyage with. And that was an attempt to copy/past something in the chat that would get me a link to where I want you to go, but at least his WikiTree ID is better than nothing. He has an interesting Story to tell.

On the Toy Computer front of what is supposed to happen is, in 3 days it's 2tb replacement will be delivered (fingers crossed). In the mean time, I am setting up my daughter's new 1tb computer with 23.6" curved monitor. Big difference between a flat 11" HP Stream Plastic Laptop Monitor to a Koouri 24NSC. I'm trying to keep from falling into the monitor! LOL!

K Smith, I used to know a woman from Lone Jack; Peach Winkler-Pierce. I realize a town of 1,500 is till a lot of people to know, but possibilities.

And on a last, but certainly NOT front. I have an external 1tb hard drive issue that I need help with. If anyone knows how I can get access back to my Seagate Backup Ultra Slim Metal Edition 2tb external hard drive so I can access my design portfolio, I will be a Happy Camper!


by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Thanks for the heads up on Peach. My mom's grandpa was a Pierce and his parents are a brick wall. His dad is listed on a census as from Illinois while his mother from Tennessee. I also have found a Miller listed as a child of Pierce back in 1850 Lone Jack. Would not be surprised if they were related to Clell Miller who died 147 years ago yesterday in Northfield Mn while robbing a bank. Not too far-fetched since that would make Clell and the unknown Miller related to the Daltons who met their demise 16 years later in 1892.

I didn't know I came from a long line of bankers.

Hi Pat!  The  [[Price-31355|Arthur Sterling Price (1909-1962)]] doesn't work in Chat! or on the G2G forum. You have to do it this way: Arthur Sterling Price 1909-1962

So, when you are typing in the answer box field, look up and see the horizontal menu: B I U S X2 | A A | Link Icon | Picture box icon | Chart icon | paragraph formattig | and funny faces etc.

Click on the "Link" icon which looks like a chain link.  Paste the url  ( https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Price-31355 ) in that box and then there is a title box field to type Arthur's name.

You have to do that also if you want to display a picture!  You have to click on the picture icon (looks like a mountain in a picture frame)  Make sure the picture is saved to a free space page that has open privacy.  I have several free space pages where I park all those fancy graphics and pictures I post.  If you set the privacy level on the free space page, the picture also picks up the privacy setting and it will not display!  It took me months to figure out what I was doing wrong!surprise

 The width on this "congratulations" graphic is 200...pay attention that the picture is not over 500 width


I LOVE watching History come Alive when you talk! 

You're welcome about Peach; I'm all about connections.

I'm fixated on connecting the known Bushwackers to each other. Anymore, I am surprised when I find one that is not related some how some way

Oh, NO!! NOT the dreaded image upload again! I remember spending HOURS trying to upload the bridge of the Ascender into chat a while back. surprise LOL!

This is very helpful to me as I always find your welcome posts the same & learn from them. I will say that right now, KOORUI screen or not, I will have to be at my NEW computer to be able to unravel this data pack in order to be able to really hear/see what you are saying; I can almost see the pattern when you talk. 

Since I am ALL about working smarter, not harder & actuality being lazy to the point that I can't see doing something twice when I can do it once & copy/paste it! LOL! Seriously though my frugalness demands twice what I can do once & I will learn my new computer's ins & outs as I am unpacking your very useful (thank you for taking the time to share) data pack. 

Once I get there, my goal is to take all your tidbits of knowledge & put them together. I'm SURE I will be coming up with a long list of WikiTree:Help Pages that I understand. And since I'm sure I am not alone in being 1 that learns differently, maybe I can use that Handy Guide as a How To to introduce a new Language here on the Tree. wink

Isn't it a case of like sticking to like & staying with what you know? These kinds of people have their own kinds of rabbit holes they fall into where whatever they do is ok, in their matrix.

I found that groups with this mindset was prevalent with my own family in the South; generation after generation doing the same thing down through history. To the point that some of them thought themselves their own king.

Truth is truth no matter what it looks like. I want to know the connections too.

If I'm not mistaken, Winkler's were related to the Hibner's here in Lone Jack. Carol Lee Hibner was my aunt that married uncle Sam. I think they are related to the  Niquist's somehow.
Pat I am 25 degrees from him once again through my Dad's Scottish Kerr/ Cheyne ancestry.
+15 votes
Howdy folks! Greetings from hot central Oklahoma. The good news is that fall-like temps are coming through starting Sunday and will continue for about a week. The weather apps say it will get hot again, but not near as hot as it has been. We call this Second False Fall.

Tomorrow is Founders Day here in our fair town. There's a parade, and food trucks, etc.. The big attraction is Junklahoma, a huge junker and craft fair that usually brings around 10-15,000 people into a four block square area. We live a block south of all the action. I will be walking in the 5K road race at 0800. I walk twice that much every day, so I think I'll do fine. It's the first road race for me since the early 1990s, but I think it will be fun.

Since we live so close to the activities, and we have an acre out back, our friends park here and everyone just hangs out and comes and goes as they please. I used to fire up the smokers and cook pork butts and brisket, but with so many food trucks up there, I stopped doing that last year. I will say I really enjoyed the day not having to babysit the cookers. Hopefully my grandbaby and the others will make an appearance.

Genealogy wise I'm still training to be a greeter, and my usual Ranger duty. Not much else to report on that front.

Pip, I hope you are finally on your way to being better! Everyone have a great weekend!

Until next time....

by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)
Are you walking for a cause, to set a record, or just enjoying being one of the crowd?  I am tired just thinking about it as I sit in my easy chair.  I used to enjoy strolling out for a mile or so in the evenings before the bugs got out.  Now, with my walker and bad leg, I'm lucky to get to my phone before that @%& robo call hangs up.
I'm just walking this one for fun. I'm going to walk the half marathon for the Oklahoma City Bombing Memorial in April. I will be raising PTSD awareness for that one.
Sounds fun!  Strange, but true: very few Founders' Day celebrations in Massachusetts unless it is a __centenial year. I hope to take in a few of the quadricentenials.
I used to really enjoy charity benefit races! I wouldn't call myself a runner, but did a number of 5Ks and even some half-marathons back in my mobile days. I am hoping one day my VA docs will approve a racing wheelchair and I could get back into it but until then, I will live vicariously through people like you!

Enjoy the festivities!
+15 votes

Greetings from Rochester, Minnesota USA!

Current Outside Temp: 63°F (17°C)

Eileen's Current Mood: Anxious, Nervous and Super Tense surprise

Lecture Exam Aftermath: I got a 78% on the first exam. Folks, that's the minimal passing grade in nursing school. It's a high stakes program. I'll do better on the next one. I just finished a paper and I have to get ready for a skills test out on Monday. Pray for me. 

Health: I continue to lose weight and I feel great!  Now if only I had some lavender to decrease the anxiety. 

Genealogy: If only I could be 16 degrees closer to Bob Barker. 

Pip, recover well and please do your exercises.

by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (208k points)
Keep up the good work on losing weight.  You also did well to pass the exam.  It should get easier as you get used to the new routines.  The kids are still in the study mode straight out of high school.  I tried to monitor a college Spanish class after 50 years out of highschool.  My best day was at the end of the first semester I took cup cakes and juice in to the class to celebrate.  I wrote in Spanish on the cupcakes Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. I had cleared it with the teacher and she used it as the time she passed out requests for us to grade the class while she left the room.  Those teenagers mobbed the cupcakes and juice as if they had come off a starving sojourn across the Sahara.  There was another adult lady in the class with me and we were conversation partners.  She was going to use it to get a job.  I was just trying to keep my brain from turning to mush.  It did anyway as far as a foreign language learning at that age was concerned.  I quit in the middle of the second semester.  You hang in there.
Hi Eileen, Whew! You passed...that's the main thing and you will do better. I send positive intention every day! Well done, you on your weight loss!
I'm glad you are still losing weight and feeling great, if only I could squish some lavender through the keyboard and send it to you through the 'net! Try to give yourself grace, the grades will come. Just keep working hard and doing your best.
+14 votes
First the good news, there is no surgery in my future right now. Also I have actually begun doing a bit more on WikiTree but still nothing to brag about. I am a bit late to post to this because after an eye exam I am still having problems seeing but in the next couple of weeks I should get new glasses so that should help.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Great to hear that there is no surgery in your near future, Dale! I hate it when my eyes are dilated for eye exams - it seems like forever until I can focus correctly.
May your glasses come quickly and your eye problems resolve. I can't stand when my eyes interfere with my wiki-work (usually if I forget to wear my blue-blockers for too long, I get migraines)
+16 votes
Sending you strong healing energy, Pip!

A sunny day in Nevada; it rained the first five days of September, but it has cleared up and looks good for my trip over the hill to visit my sister.
by Shelley Monson G2G6 Mach 2 (25.6k points)
Enjoy the weather and your visit with your sister.  Let Pip know how it went.  He always enjoys those reports.
That sounds like a lot of rain for Nevada!
It can get pretty wet in the winter, and we're in the high desert, so there's a fair amount of snow. June usually sees thunderstorms every afternoon. But yes, quite a bit for September!
+15 votes

Greetings from balmy central Arizona, where the temps are just beginning to creep down a bit in the early morning.  I haven't been too active on the genealogical front due to many extracurricular activities (buying a house, wilderness camping in Greenland, etc) but I want to share the news that I found my 7th great-grandfather Lewis Morris' ghost in Patricia Hayer's book "Ghosts Along the Navesink and Shrewsbury Rivers".  Unfortunately she gets his biography confused with another Lewis Morris, who became Governor of New Jersey some four decades after my ancestor's death.  I guess "Royal Governor" makes for a better story than "Sheriff of Monmoth County"?  Or maybe I'm being a bit picky, expecting accuracy from a ghost story?  laugh

Keep safe and keep cool,


by Nancy Freeman G2G6 Mach 3 (37.2k points)
Better ghosts in the book than in the bedroom.
Those are some exciting extracurriculars! Congrats on the house, I hope Greenland was as amazing an adventure as I'm imagining!
+15 votes
Glad to hear surgery went better than expected Pip, please take it easy though.

Weather here is fabulous

Nothing much happening right now. One grandsons birthday is today, 15th which is unbelievable!  

Still working on my Revolutionary War Grandfathers. That's about it

Have a wonderful WikiEnd!
by Teresa Willis G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
Happy birthday to him! It goes SO FAST!!! I hope he is having the time of his life getting ready to drive and take on the world!

Teresa, I noticed you have mentioned Irish ancestors......my father was proud of his Irish heritage. smiley 

Yes,the first of my Clary line came from  County Sligo, Ireland to Virginia Colony in the mid 1600s to the best of my knowledge

Right now all he thinks about is baseball, which is good...LOL
+13 votes

yesyesAnother Blast From The Past

Weekend Chat March 8-11, 2019 ENJOY!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
Just stopped by Dorothy's meatball recipe......gotta put some on our shopping list......thank's David!
+15 votes

On this day: 

1883: The construction of the Northern Pacific Railway is finished

1944: The V-2 rocket is used the first time in the bombings of London

1991: North Macedonia declares its independence

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
edited by Jelena Eckstädt

Hi Jelena!  I was back in the long aqo looking at Weekend Chat posts and there you were!  You have been doing this a long time! WOW!  And it is much appreciated!laugh

Yeah, that's true, I do it for quite a time now. The interesting part (for me at least) is, that I don't go into the English Wikipedia when I look for the articles. Different languages of Wikipedia showcase different events. Ok, some things are so much globally interesting that you find them in the "on this day"s in many languages, but often I find interesting articles showcased only in one language. Then I have 6 or 7 Wikipedia tabs open and start to choose from them which ones to put in the posting.
I like railroads, Jelena, the Northern Pacific has a branch to Sumas, Washington, 14 miles from where I am in British Columbia
Without watching at a map, I think you are in Vancouver. ... Now watching at the map ;). I could hardly imagine there is a town nearer to the border, but Abbotsford obviously is.
Jelena, we are just east of Abbotsford, the location where the Northern Pacific, Great Northern, Canadian Pacific, Canadian National and  B.C. Electric Railways are all connected.
+14 votes
Dobro veče iz Beograda!

For the last time this year, the weekend chat post comes from Serbia. Next week at this time I'm back in Germany. And, as much as I enjoy being in Serbia, I start to be happy about going home to Germany.

This week we visited (at last) a removed cousin of mine with who we really enjoy being together. No matter how long we don't see us in person (we haven't been here for 5 years now), with him we can always start chatting as if we had met yesterday. And, because in Serbia there isn't actually the term cousin, but we are siblings (in a specially defined way), and he is in the generation that is younger than me, I officially declare him my favourite nephew.

Alright, genealogy: I cleaned up one historical German category from the time before the WWII. Then I connected a branch of 9 profiles by creating 13 more profiles. I could date an undated profile in another branch and I found the LNAB for a profile that is listed as Unknown. Because the profile has a manager, I could not change the name myself, but I wrote a comment. I think it was quite a successful week.
by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Sounds like a great week on and off WikiTree! I love those friendships and relationships that time and distance don't tarnish. You can always just pick up right where you left off! Many of my Navy friendships are that way.
+12 votes

From Bloomington, IL....again!

This tree was ready to fall on my car.  We cut the top out of it and were too tired to finish off the trunk!  Today I thought of a funny way to "lighten" the look of this ugly trunk(s)  I have more to do but the drill got so hot I had to let it cool down!

I will try to add a night picture later.

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
I admire your creativity.  How would you have rigged out your car if the tree had landed on it?
Can't wait for the night look! Modern problems require modern solutions lol...
+13 votes
So happy to hear that the surgery went better than expected! Now listen to your dr and your physio person so that you heal properly and don’t overdo it. (((Hugs)))
by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (404k points)
I think the hardest thing is going to be keeping Pip immobile long enough to heal! Hopefully he has a good stack of books to keep him in a chair for a while.

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