What happened to compare or merging tools that were included when searching surname?

+2 votes
There was a choice, when searching a list of surnames, to compare two profiles that seemed to be the same person.

I think it was called merging tool (or something) and was included in the choices at the top of the list. It allowed me to compare two profiles and propose merges if necessary.

I know that I can compare profiles with just a couple of clicks, but the old one click method was really streamlined.

Did that function go away or change its name?  I used it often.
in The Tree House by Kristina Adams G2G6 Pilot (361k points)

1 Answer

+5 votes
Are you asking about the "merging and matching" tool? Make sure you are viewing the live data ("Click here for live data") instead of the pre-built index -- it only shows when viewing the live data.
by Jamie Nelson G2G6 Pilot (643k points)
Thanks, Jamie, it works when I click  "click here for advanced tools" Is that something new or did I somehow turn it off earlier.

Anyway, it works now.

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