Czech New Testament 1782 (?)

+4 votes
167 views - This is a picture of the Bible.  

Hello, while on vacation in the Czech Republic I purchased what I believe is a New Testament.  It is quite old - I believe 1782 if that's the actual publish date.  I would love some help deciphering both the first page and the inscription on the cover.  

in Genealogy Help by Tony Vernon G2G5 (5.1k points)
edited by Tony Vernon

1 Answer

+2 votes

Color me confused...

I have been studying the Czech alphabet for years. I am not an expert by any means, and this font is very awkward to read. Where you would expect an s (š) you have two ſ ſ which is a double long s. It really should be only one ſ


I can assist with the first 5 lines (condensed to 3 to make sense):

Nový Zákon
Pána a Spasitele našeho
Ježíše Krista

New Law (Testament)
Our Lord and Savior
Jesus Christ

I am pretty sure the 10th line which looks like Gezus Cnrach (actually Jezus Sirach or Ježíš Sirach) refers to the Book of Sirach, also known as the Book of Ecclesiasticus, in the Old Testament of the Bible. 

This would have been a Roman Catholic bible.

See: Ecclesiasticus on Britannica.

by Steven Harris G2G6 Pilot (761k points)
Thank you!  I also reached out to the Prague Museum.  They responded with a request for a higher resolution photo and an offer for help, so hopefully I will be able to report back with collaborative results.

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