Location of Union Soldiers Killed in Georgia

+4 votes
My Gr gr Grand Uncle John Trump bn 23 Sept 1839 died at the Battle of Rocky Face Ridge, Georgia on May 9, 1864.  I have not been able to find any information about were he might have been buried, or any soldiers that died at Rocky Face Ridge. I would greatly appreciate any help with this - thanks so much.
WikiTree profile: John Trump
in Genealogy Help by Beverly Dittberner G2G5 (5.8k points)


According to this record: John Trump was 22 when he enlisted in Company C, 64th OVI on 22 Oct 1861. He was killed in the Battle of Rocky Face Ridge, GA, on 9 May 1864. Flipping to the Roll of Honor (cited above comment pg. 776) he was interred in Chattanooga, TN.

If this is your ancestor, it should answer your question.

Following up on this question, I looked in the "Final Disposition, Vol 1, From Places in Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia & Virginia to Cemeteries in Tennessee, pg. 22. I found it on Ancestry. It tells us that between June and July, 1866, Union Soldiers were disinterred from Resaca (1,036) and Dalton (328) and reinterred in Chattanooga National Cemetery, Hamilton Co. TN.

The Battle of Rocky Face Ridge took place near Dalton and Resaca, GA. On May 9, 1864, Maj. Gen. McPherson passed through Snake Creek Gap to the outskirts of Resaca where he had to back up to Snake Creek Gap because Confederates were entrenched at Resaca.

Taking a logical guess, I'd say your ancestor was most likely killed in that area, maybe just outside of Resaca, and was likely buried with the other Union soldiers in Resaca before being reinterred after the war in Chattanooga.


Hope this helps.

2 Answers

+4 votes
You didn't say what side he fought on, but some of the 64th Ohio Regiment that fought there were buried in Georgia and later reinterred in the Chattanooga National Cemetery. I would start there if he is from this unit.
by Jimmy Honey G2G6 Pilot (170k points)
The Ohio Roster Commission indicates he was buried at Chattanooga. pp 775.


Hi Jimmy - Thanks  He fought on the Union side - It's in the question - There are 25 John Trump listed in the National Archives, I've tracked most of them down. John B Trump is buried at Chattanooga according to it's database, Trump, J B, PVT C 2 OH INF CIVIL WAR, * When you go to Ancestry, it has my John's information and John B Trump's death and unit so there is a transcription problem in there somewhere. I still have not found anything about where those that fought on Rocky Face Ridge were buried. It just maybe that this information was not recorded,

+3 votes

No burial given

Joh Trump

I looked at Marietta National. I have family in there.  JB Trump from 2nd Ohio Cavalry is the only Trump there.

If his name was misspelled he may be in Marietta National. A lot of Union soldiers who died in Georgia were buried there.

by Norman Jones G2G6 Pilot (118k points)

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