"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! June 30th - July 2nd, 2023 [closed]

+29 votes


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CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: See y'all next weekend! Stay safe.
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
Hooray! It's the weekend! Thanks for hosting Pip.
Keep up the good work on your shoulder, Pip. I never thought my shoulder rehab would end, but it was all worth it.
Nice to see we have more Greeters in the pipeline. I have been a Greeter for so long I can't remember not doing this. I did take a break at one point but returned. I think I started in 2014 & certainly remember a time when new members joined almost quicker than they could be greeted.

I will do a longer post tomorrow.

Pipster! Scroll down, down, down! Voila! I managed to add photos of my office redo just for you! And M, since she shared her redo! The photos aren't M Ross quality, but they do a good job of the great job Furniture Creations did on repurposing the Murphy Bed into a large center bookcase. I am still adding books. The two with wood doors are empty. It's exhausting trying to organize them. 

I am afraid there is no extra space for rent for your books. 

Thanks again for the cheering up this morning. You are a gift! 

Glad you have enjoyed a good week especially on the medical side! Keep working on your shoulder, but don’t let them push you farther than you are able.

Happy 4th of July.

David Selman is a Godsend. He deserves the Wonderful WikiTreer recognition. 

I'll get back to greeting at some point frown. I've been busy with work, life and getting ready for school in August. I help new members now and then. I've even recommended a team to a few new members for the Connect a Thon. 

David Selman is a great guy, for sure, as are you!  Two perfect people for greetership.
Hello,  New here and late to the weekend chat party. Still figuring out the interfaces with WikiTree tools including G2G.

Been loading in some of my dad’s data and it connected up to some of the collaborative deep ancestry.

I’ll keep playing.

Welcome DC!
Give me a shout if you'd like some help. You can also visit this page: New Member How-To

Thanks for the tip. Happy 4th.

37 Answers

+19 votes

I'm still Alive!

Sung to the tune of Staying Alive

  • Written by Barry, Robin and Maurice Gibb
  • 1977
  • Placed at No.189 on the list Rolling Stone's 500 Greatest Songs of All Time.
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the Music Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fNFzfwLM72c

  • Click on the link then come back here, the music should play, and try to sing along!
  • Or Open the link in a new window

I'm still Alive!

  • Well, it’s on Weekend Chat you can see me stalk
  • Yeah, I’m so engaged no time to talk
  • Wikipeeps are friendly warm
  • Been posting here since Friday morn
  • And now it's alright, it's okay
  • I’m on here each and ev’ry day
  • We can try to understand
  • The Weekend Chat’s effect on man!
  • Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
  • You’re stayin’ alive! You’re stayin’ alive
  • Feel the place shaking and Wkipeeps saying
  • We're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
  • Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
  • Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive
  • Oh, when you Chat!
  • Well when I wake up and come alive
  • I see a sad post, It'll make me cry
  • Got the dog laying on my feet and shoes
  • If I get excited he is gonna lose
  • You know it's alright, it's okay
  • I’ll post ‘bout it another day
  • We can try to understand
  • Weekend Chat’s effect on man
  • Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
  • You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
  • Feel the place shakin’ and Wikipeeps saying
  • We’re stayin' alive, stayin' alive
  • Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive (oh)
  • Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive (oh)
  • Life’s goin' on here, you all helped me
  • You have all helped me, yeah
  • Life’s goin' on here, you all helped me, yeah
  • I'm stayin' alive
  • Well, it’s on Weekend Chat you can see me stalk
  • Yeah, I’m so engaged no time to talk
  • Wikipeeps are friendly warm
  • Been posting here since Friday morn!
  • And now it's alright, it's okay
  • I’m on here each and ev’ry day
  • We can try to understand
  • The Weekend Chat’s effect on man!
  • Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother
  • You're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
  • Feel the place shakin’ Wikipeeps saying”
  • And we're stayin' alive, stayin' alive
  • Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive, stayin' alive
  • Ah, ha, ha, ha, stayin' alive (hey)
  • Life’s goin' on here, you all helped me
  • You have all helped me, yeah
  • Life’s goin' on here, you all helped me, yeah
  • I'm stayin' alive
  • Life’s goin' on here, you all helped me
  • You have all helped me, yeah
  • Life’s goin' on here, you all helped me, yeah
  • I'm stayin' alive
  • Life’s goin' on here, you all helped me
  • You have all helped me, yeah
  • Music fades out

The Gibb family are my 20th cousins through their mother Barbara Mary (Pass) Gibb

My wife shares a closer connection, being 16th cousin to the Gibb family

How close are YOU related to the Bee Gees?

More of Dave's Parodies   21 Now! WOW!

   ENJOY THE CHAT!   wink

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Brilliant! And one of my favorite groups... brings back memories. Thanks, David, for sharing your creative energy here each week.
Looks like we're doing the disco era this week. I can see the polyester. My dad had one of those jackets. Thing felt so weird and smelled funny.

Great song!

Barbara Gibb is 32 Degrees from Laura Bozzay

Hughie Gibb is 33 Degrees from Laura Bozzay

Another great song! Love the Bee Gees! I’m 30° from Barbara Gibb through my Deerfield ancestors.
Im not related to the beegees David, perhaps after my coffee. I need coffee to stay alive.
What a great group and you definitely honored them with your parody! Love it!

Margaret, You are my 10th cousin once removedheart

@Richard, haha, fun about the coffee making you staying alive. laugh

Just got an idea for a song based on The Rainbow Connection.

Someday we'll find it....that DNA connection. The lovers, the dreamers and me. =D

Dare ya to do a parody!

Great idea Chris!
Where are you Wikitreehugg Leader? Your family locked you up in a room with no technology?
@Chris: Not a bad idea.
+19 votes

     Another week, summer is charging along! Happy to be the interstate taxi/ferry system delivering my kids to grandparents near and far. (Just kidding, we have none that are near!) Last weekend we went to Charleston (SC) for great granny’s 88th birthday, we managed to get all 13 great grand kids present. We didn’t quite manage a photo as the littlest were too tired and overstimulated,  but having everyone in one place was nice enough. The kids all had a great time in the garden, we actually had a break in the rain long enough to let everyone pick some tomatoes and cucumbers and made a nice salad. Even got to help the littles dig potatoes, they had a dirty good time! A few runs through the sprinkler and everyone was clean-er-ish. 

    Now this weekend we are at my moms in Maryland, My Maryland celebrating my oldest’s 10th birthday! I can’t believe she is in double digits! Still feels like I just had her. Excited to give her all the art supplies and legos she can handle. Glad she will have some cousins to celebrate with. It’s one of the things I hate most about living so far away, I grew up with more cousins than I could count and I feel like my kids are really missing out. I also wish we could hang out with the grandparents more often, just because. Birthdays are so hectic, I like those just-because-dinners. That’s why we’re staying a week this time so we can get some down time.

     Genealogically super busy week! When I wasn’t driving, I was greeting, RAWKing, and working the KY Gen Society Challenge with my Appalachian buddies. I feel like we’ve been mastering the divide and conquer even though all of us are vacationing and spending family time (with alive family in between family time with the dead ones). I love when we are able to come together and really dig in to a project. If I get a chance today I’d still like to RAWK out a few last profiles. 

     I hope everyone is enjoying whatever crazy weather is coming your way, for now we have some humid but great swimming-and-popsicles weather so the kids couldn’t be happier. Have a lovely weekend to close out June and oh-my-goodness we are already to July! Happy Independence Day American friends!

by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (163k points)

Hi Erin, Happy 4th to you and yours. I might spend a little time on ancestors profiles who fought in the American Revolution just as a little homage/remebrance to them. So many of these older profiles need updating.

Sandy sent Sentinels to Pip. Now we have to get him to set aside the Discord class readings for all of 3 days to finish the book and send it along to you!

Erin, when I was growing up, I thought our sprinkler was the shower! But, the sprinkler was really for just getting off the major dirt. Mom wouldn't allow us in our tub at least somewhat clean.

All those kids' activities will tire you out, but they will also keep you young! 

Erin, I understand the feeling of growing up with no cousins around. Growing up we lived in Toronto 4-5 hrs apart in different directions from their families plus we never owned a car. I grew up with my 4 older siblings but rarely saw family on my mom’s side and never saw family on my dad’s side. It didn’t help that my dad’s parents were both gone before I was 3, my maternal grandfather when my mom was in high school and my maternal grandmother when I was 11. And yet my mother grew up with her 4 siblings, her 10 older half siblings and their children. Unfortunately my kids are not close to their cousins either even though we visited them when we could.
Erin, Hlad you were able to attend your Granny’s 88th Birthday party. Precious memories for a long time. I was looking at  old pics yesterday and came across my grandmother’s 90th Birthday. It sure brought back nice memories and it was good to see many who have passed and the littles who are grown with families of their own. It is so important to celebrate birthdays and holidays with our loved ones as we are able.

Happy 4th to you and yours!
+16 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:00 am and 79F (26.1C) with an expected high of 104F (40C) with sunny skies. June is near gone and no monsoons in sight.

I shared the cost of my home/auto insurance last week, which is due in two weeks. Cindy Cooper was kind enough to provide a contact that she has worked with for a very long time. While they were quite wonderful and did their best, they came up with an estimate of just $50 less than what I would be paying. My other concern is that while their quote covers the home for a year, it only covers the auto for 6 months, which means that the auto insurance could go up by December and that would ‘eat’ the $50 difference. They did say that people have been flabbergasted with the increases in their home and auto insurance, and it will very likely not go down…just up, up, up. Very frustrating when one is on a fixed income.

It has been another very frustrating week and I try to keep a positive attitude despite the turmoil. I went to Urgent Care on Tuesday and was diagnosed with yet another urinary tract infection! This is the third since April of this year. The nurse practitioner and I are concerned about becoming resistant to antibiotics. I have no doubt this is due to the issues I have with the atrophied exopancreas. Despite following the strict diet, taking the lipase medication with each meal and so forth, there is no telling if running to the loo will end up being a…hmmm…how do I say this delicately…a ‘cow pie.’ This is especially concerning and is the major contributor to the bladder infections when I am out and about wearing…hmmm…Attends…which hold the ‘cow pies’ thereby contributing to the E coli that invades the urethra. I am sure I am not the only woman in the world with this issue. So, I have an idea for inventing a ‘barrier’ for the ‘women parts’ that would be waterproof, 'pie' proof, everything proof and changed as needed. I have been ‘surfing the web’ for such a barrier and will find someone who is adept at inventing medical devices who I can work with to create such a barrier. If someone can invent ‘Spanx’ I am sure this barrier would be a welcome addition to health, quality of life, etc.

The ablation of the spinal nerves did not do anything to control pain. I saw the physician’s assistant on Tuesday and will be returning next week for steroid injections, which seem to be more adept at controlling pain from lumbar stenosis at least for a few months. I must say that the entire staff at the pain clinic work so hard at pain relief. It has got to be frustrating to try so hard to help so many patients with pain, and many times without success. I take a little something each time I go just to keep THEIR spirits up. This next Wednesday, it will be a veggie tray.

My colleague, Iris, and I are still slogging along on updating the book chapter on Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. I sent all my sections with sources over a week ago. Iris added them to what she has written and sent it back to me on Monday. It is forty double sided (80 pages!) with 314 references. I had to laugh as it is just like years past when we worked on the first and second editions. Next, I have to text-edit the entire chunky chapter, cut redundant sections, and see where we can ‘edit’ fat, yet keep the facts. We have another few weeks of editing, and then we will send it to the book editors. It must be done by the end of July as I am leaving for Milwaukee/New York in early August.

Genealogically, I am working very hard on updating several Baldwin profiles, several in the early 17th century with sources that read ‘Personal Knowledge.’ Seeing that just really sets my eyeballs and brain on fire. What? Past life experience? And the kiss off is no biography to speak of. On the other hand, working on profiles with the Baldwin surname, most of whom lived and died in Buckinghamshire, and several who settled in Massachusetts or Connecticut give me a sense of ‘belonging’ knowing that I am working on several times great grandparents, great aunts and uncles, and cousins several times removed. I also noticed that my CC7 is increasing, not that I need incentive. It is just nice to see. Some of the new features on WikiTree are also very enjoyable. For instance, it is cool to see how I am related and through which line. I’ve been so focused on the Baldwin bios and sourcing that I need to take time this weekend to add some information on the Baldwin One Name Study.

Pip, my sincere thanks again for leading the Weekend Chat. I am going to post some photos of my office on this chat a little later today. Maybe you will be pea (not pee) green with envy! I wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great fifth and last weekend of June 2023 and a stellar 4th of July for those of us on this side of the pond!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin
Carol, if you DO invent that "barrier," then you'll make a fortune off my wife who has been wishing for something like that for years!

Really, I do not know how you keep your spirits up ( at least weekly int he Chat). When I am ill, it directly affects my mood. Depression is not my friend, though s/he hangs out with me more regularly than I wish.
Hi Pipster, these past couple of years have been a health challenge with five major illnesses and no real 'cure'.

Squaking on the Chat actually helps as it makes me feel less alone so I have to thank you and all the Chatters for 'listening.' I never take listening for granted. Plus, I oftentimes get useful comments or advice and I take it.

Finally (I think) I come from a family that found the good, or the humor in bad situations (kind of like laughter being the best medicine second to a good night's sleep) and after a good cry I laugh my buttocks off over some body part or another that embarrased me in public. It's a waky kind of humor, sort of like cousin Chris Ferraiolo exhibits every now and again.

There are so many others who have it so much worse than me. I saw real courage (patients and families) when I worked as a hospice nurse. And there is Cousin 'Winnie'...Never, Never, Never, Never Give Up!
Oh Carol, I feel for you. UTI’s are never fun. I had them on a regular basis growing up and my dr at the time kept giving me the same antibiotics so eventually they stopped working. A dr once gave me ciprofloxacin instead and it’s all I take now, plus it works quickly (usually done the prescription in 3 days). My issue now sometimes is leaking, but not bad enough to need Depends. It seems that these issues are very common in women especially as they get older.
Carol, sorry the nerve ablation didn't work. Pain management is not always easy.  Its good that you keep your humor up. I hope the find a pain treatment (and get rid of the UTI for good).
@Liza, I'm 78 and fortunately I don't leak. I better not say that too loudly or the leak gods might hear, though. My sister 17 years younger and my daughter 24 years younger have the 'leaking' complaint that you are describing, though. I wonder if it has anything to do with numbers of childre women have. I had one, my daughter two and my sister three. My problem is leaking from the back end, kind of like an oil slick due to the severe atrophy of the exopancreas and it can happen 'without notice' so to speak, more than leaking. If I'm out and about, it takes a while to go home and clean up, which contributes to the E coli invading the urethra. I never had a UTI until this pancreas problem. It is a dilemma, but I am actually going to follow through and see about inventing a 'barrier'.

You take care and thank you for your kind words!
@Doug These pain docs, PA, NP's nurses and staff are absolutely wonderful. A person wants whatever procedure to work just to keep the staff spirits up because they do try so hard. The abalation not working just tells me it is some serious inflammation in the lumbar spine. The steroid injection worked in the past for some 4 months. I will take 4 months pain free in a heartbeat! And, yes, it would be nice to never have a UTI again. Three in a 3 month time span after 78 years of NEVER having had a UTI is rather outrageous. The upside is that the Urgent Care staff are as nice as the pain care staff. I would just prefer to visit them without having any problems.

Have a great weekend and a great holiday!
Let's go on Shark Tank and pitch it, Carol. I've been wondering about that idea as well. Hopefully that crazy infection will clear up.
Carol, Hope you have a great week and are able to enjoy the Fourth of July!
@Eileen, I would be more than happy to have your assistance with this, Eileen. I think your skills and abilities ould be very helpful. I am going to have breakfast with a sleep colleague (pulmonary critical care and sleep) tomorrow (an MD) and chat with him about the idea. I think he will refer me to another colleague, though, who has invented a biosensor to detect bomb type things on planes and more recently a desalination procedure to help bring water to our desert. I will keep you apprised! You have a great 4th!
@Margaret...thank you so much for the 4th wishes and hope you have a wonderful holiday as well!
+16 votes
Top of the morning to everyone from Lone Jack, Mo. Hot, Hot, Hot! Not a chance for rain until tomorrow. I know there is something that precipitates this phenomenon. Oh, that's right, the Grand Army of the Republic reunion reenactment is tomorrow. The same one that was done in the rain last year.

Speaking of history, it appears I made some of my own last week. In review of my initial outing at the museum, I asked the "president" if the DVD, VCR, VHF thing is programed to come on on it's own. I said I was giving a tour when I heard the TV come on playing a battle scene. She said it was a first and suggested I was being welcomed by a spirit from the cemetery. Maybe a cousin, how cool would that be?
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
Hi K, at least you will be getting rain. We have had NO monsoons as yet. Spirits from cemeteries are always my cup of tea! I'm an old hospice nurse.
Don't know how you stand it, K. We have barely reached the low 80s here. This morning, we've got a bit of rain and it's 74.

A ghost in the museum? Oughta be a movie. Oh wait, there are movies about that.
I love watching those! There is a Sons of the Civil War group in OKC I'm going to check out. They are very active in recognizing Civil War vets and it looks like something I would like to do.
Come on up, lunch is on me.
@ John I talked to one of the gals that was setting up this afternoon. She asked if I had family in the GAR. I said, no my family played for the home team. I did tell her my mom's side were in the GAR. Come to think about it, mom and dad got along about as well as my gr gr grandparents although no shots were fired.
@ Carol I think I prefer ghostly spirits far and away over AI. Hospice nurse? Talk about a job that's tough to do, hats off to you. In October we have a spirit walk around Halloween. We'll have a few dead and dying soldiers scattered about the battlefield that talk to the visitors. Should be kind of fun, at least cooler!
@K...I'd take hospice over ER any day. The talking soldiers sounds like a real treat. My kind of Halloween. Will there be a mix of Union & GAR?
I'm not sure on the spirit walk but, I'm guessing it will be mainly Confederates if not entirely since this area was a Confederate leaning area which caused the battle to be fought here in the first place.

My brother was an ER nurse for 6-7 years. Took a break and dispensed meds for a while at a nursing home.
Well, it's Saturday morning and raining as scheduled. Why don't meteorologists use a calendar of events to help predict the weather?
+18 votes
I'm losing track of what I've done.

I helped a bit with the Kentucky Genealogical Society challenge.

I've done some actual DNA segment triangulation for the first time, which allowed me to, I think, confirm 2 sets of 3rd great grandparents. But there's some wrinkles, apparently, that I need to look into.

There were also some discovery of DNA segment false positives, which is disappointing. I'll need to do some cleanup of citations, as it looks like I wrote them down too soon. Lesson learned.

Little stuff here and there as usual.
by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (526k points)
Eric, I have done little with DNA, maybe because the paper trail is pretty good for me. Triangulation? I think my brain would bust trying to figure that out. I have so few close(ish) cousins that have taken DNA tests.
Eric, I recently had someone contact me that is a distant cousin and a DNA match. I really need to learn how to do the DNA triangulation magic, but will admit to some hesitancy on doing this for fear of doing it incorrectly.
@Pip: the paper trail was good for me too until I discovered NPEs in my family. That changed a lot of things. You really don't know your family tree until it's verified with DNA.
@Michelle: have you worked on identifying closer matches first?
@Eric, no, I have not taken the leap to working with DNA matches. There are other WT members with DNA information on this line (Hollandsworth), while the match who contacted me is not on WT.
+16 votes
Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

It's been rainy here in Salem the last couple days. At least the sun is out now. They've been doing work outside on the road widening it. Remember New England has like three seasons. Winter, Fall and construction. It's been a challenge getting around that mess every day.

But, that doesn't deter me from doing stuff on the genealogy front! Nope! I wrote a blog about how long it's been taking to solve this DNA match: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/06/52-ancestors-week-26-slow.html

As a bit of an update, I have access to Pamela's kit and am now doing a Leeds chart. So far so good. I just need a few more pieces of the puzzle. It's getting there but it's taking forever. I just wish the match would TALK to us. It'd make life so much easier.

In other news, I think I did all I could for Marisa Tomei's tree. I've been looking for births in Antenati and so far nothing. It doesn't help that Florence, as a major city, has a ton of fraziones and you need to navigate each one. But, I did what I could. Hopefully, we can find more. For now this is what we got: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Tomei-20

Not bad, I think. I do wonder where trees on Geni and Ancestry got some of the rest. Ah well. It's a start!

Not much else to report. Hope everyone has a great weekend!
by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (785k points)

Wish they'd widen roads around here. 

After reading your blog for this week (last night very late) I am constantly amazed at how adept you are at using DNA as a tool in your detective work. BTW: Your snail/turtle joke at the top? I'm going to remember that one. Great blog!

I had to look up what frazione meant. Does this mean that the records are not centralized, just spread out all over the place?

Ciao Cousin Chris...while you have the Italian team in the Espresso line, I'll be with the Mighty Oaks in the English Breakfast Tea and Crumpets line! I join them because I have more English ancestry that I can identify, although I am hoping FamilySearch will be a boon for some of my maternal Giorgio ancestors who came from Turin.

Read your blog and it is well done and interesting. Marisa Tomei's profile is a very good start. If not verboten, I would add a couple of photos to 'dress up' her profile, like one or two from My Cousin Vinney (more cow bell).

You have a great 4th! Hugs, Cousin C

@ Carol: I could toss in some shots of her as Aunt May from the Spider-Man movies. Hands down she has been the best live action Aunt May since Rosemary Harris in the early 2000s. I forget who voiced her in the 90s cartoon.

Glad you liked the blog! Enjoy your tea and crumpets! I hope FS updates Turn, too. But, there's always Antenati! Thanks for the comment! You have a great fourth too, Cousin C!

@ Pip: Well, from what I remember from going through North Carolina to get to the Outer Banks, it's that you guys DEFINITELY need roadwork done. Good thing we've got infastructure programs happening. Glad you liked the joke!

A frazione is like a suburb. It's a subdivision outside a major town/city. You get them alot outside the major cities in Italy. The records would be there. You'd just have to dig for them. They'd be centralized in the main city or in a frazione itself. It depends.
@Chris F...I think an Aunt May (great idea) and a Cousin Vinney would be great additions.
Nice. I would get right on it. Problem is I'd have to ask Scott if it's okay since he manages the profile.
Chris, you actually get 3 seasons there? In many parts of Canada, like here in Ottawa, there are only two seasons winter and construction, and sometimes construction is still going on into winter. I’ve seen them paving roads as the snow starts to fall lol.
Well, the third one is conditional and depends on mother nature and if people are gonna do stuff.
Construction is the bear of Summer especially while traveling. Hope your roads will be in good shape for winter.
NH roads in winter. They'll still be doing work! Thanks, Margaret! I hope so too.
+16 votes

Howdy folks! Greetings from "I'm melllllllllllttttttiiiiiinnnnggggg" Central Oklahoma U.S.A! For the first time this spring/summer I had to water the garden. Yeah, those 117F heat index temps suuuuuck. Good news is we're supposed to have a cool down this weekend and next week is supposed to be low 90s and high 80s. So we got that going for us. Which is nice. Sounds like my peeps in Illinois got hammered with a derecho last night that caused all kinds of damage, so keep them in your thoughts.

Wednesday was my 58th trip around the sun, so Brook took half the day off for the Birthday Crawl. We started out at a place called Cal's Chicago Eatery for Italian beef sandwiches. It's as good as you'll find in this area for sure. Then we hit some breweries and ended up at a place called Taqueria El Rey, our favorite taco place. They always smile when the big gringo with the white beard comes in because they know we're going to spend some money. laugh It was a fabulous day. Pip, email me your address. I got you a sticker from The Angry Scotsman brewery. wink

Tomorrow we're going to a friends for an early 4th of July celebration. We're supposed to bring a side and I'm a bit torn on whether to make my mango salsa, or bring the ice cream maker and make my 3 ingredient Wendy's frosty clone recipe. Might do both. 

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend. I also hope all of the rest of you damn colonials have a great Independence Day!

Until next time......


by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)

You're not in Kansas anymore (heehee), John. In any case, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Sounds like you had a great time.

We haven't planned for the Fourth very well. Someone else had to suggest a get-together at our house, just a few local friends. That'll put me back on the grill, of which I am no master. surprise

Happy 58th John! I wish I could have gone to Taqueria El Ray with you! Sounds like a fun place. The downside is I can no longer have alcohol. The upside is because of that I am a 'cheap date' drinking water or club soda with a twist.

Have a wonderful 4th!
Happy birthday John!

I hope everyone in Illinois who lived through the derecho is ok. We had one in Ottawa (Canada) just over a year ago and they are still cleaning up the fallen trees in some of the rural areas. There was so much damage.
Thanks Pip! Brook has to work on the 4th so I'll be home by myself all day. The possibilities are endless!
Thanks Carol! One thing the OKC metro does not lack in is quality, authentic Mexican food. It's one of my favorites!
Thanks Liza! So far it sounds like my family came out of it ok, but some of the pics I've seen remind me of the May 3, 1999 tornado outbreak here in Oklahoma. Lots of damage.
Happy birthday, John. We share the day, although I have had many more trips around the sun than you.
Well Happy Birthday to you, Candyce! Hope it was an awesome day!
Happy birthday John! I visited a corner of Oklahoma in 2018, and even if it was September I found it very very hot, so I can't imagine how it is now.

Thanks Maria! We call Sept-Oct second summer. laugh It usually starts cooling down mid October. It's not unusual to mow the lawn through the winter. 

Your mango salsa sounds delicious. Enjoy your Fourth Party!
Happy belated birthday, John! I hope you had a great day!
Thanks Chris!

Hi Margaret! I did make mango salsa and it was a big hit! I was all gone by the time we left. smiley

+17 votes
This last week has been spent helping neighbors with the tornado that came through our town.  The bad news is that there is a lot more damage than shown on the news.  The good news is that injuries were not bad and few in number.  And the neighbors have bonded to help each other. It is good to see people coming together to help each other. We did not have damage but I got to participate in cleaning up 9 houses and repairing one where homeowner insurance had lapsed.  We were also fortunate that this was just an EF1 even though it was on the ground for 6 miles through suburbs of Denver. No houses are down.  It is mostly trees, fences, decks and roofs.

On genealogy, I was able to prove that my son married his cousin even though it was a tenth cousin.  That was fun. Now I am filling in the blanks of that tree which cover mostly central and western Pennsylvania.
by Gurney Thompson G2G6 Pilot (476k points)
Gurney, I saw the news about that tornado and wondered how you came through, safely I am glad to hear. How very kind of you and others to help those who did receive some damage.

Both of my sons-in-law are cousins to their respective wives. I enjoy picking on them about this.
Hi Gurney, I am very glad to hear that there was no loss of life! These twisters are going to become even worse with climate change. It is heartwarming to know that coming together to help each other out transcends everything else. Kudos to you for helping with the cleanup. It is a feeling of accomplishment, I'm sure...especially for the homeowner's insurance lapsed...yikes. And married to a cousin? With genealogy, we are discoving that it is becoming commonplace. There was a story about Keven Bacon and his wife Kyra. They discovered a mutual ancestor several generations back. Then again, aren't we all related to Kevin Bacon?
Glad to hear you came out of all that unscathed, Gurney. I've lived in OK for 41 years, and there is no populace more in tune with the barometric pressure than Oklahomans, unfortunately. I hope everything works out for everyone.
+19 votes

by Laura Bozzay G2G6 Pilot (843k points)
You definitely stay out of that heat, Laura. It's just too hot! Are you having smoke issues like we are?

Happy Fourth to you and yours!
Stay in and cool! Happy Fourth!
Stay safe and stay cool like ya do. Happy Fourth, Laura!! =D
+15 votes

Hi everyone from Bloomington, Illinois, USA!  

1: Tornados blew through here yesterday, but we are Okeedokee!

2: Finally got some good rain we desperately needed! Maybe I can mow again!

3. On the genealogy front, I am working on my wife's family, adding original photos as we have been visiting cemeteries.  Also found a Notable while working on a co-workers family! They were shocked! Henry Gilman 1893-1986

4. I keep looking at the rotted wood behind my gutter!  I WILL fix it tomorrow! (then next week I will post the same thing: I WILL fix it tomorrow!

5. My book came: Save The Cat Writes A Novel  I have been toying with the idea of writing a novel based on my 2nd Great Grandfather, Ira Dillingham Draper , but I have to learn how to write a novel first!  

The "Save the Cat" is an expression that Hollywood screenwriters use to make sure the audience bonds to the main character quickly!  Here is an example (that is not in the book) that shows the meaning:  Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark in the opening scenes of the movie is on a dangerous quest to find an artifact, encountering booby traps, problem solving to get the artifact, failure that results in more trouble, betrayal by a hired hand, then betrayal by a colleague, loses the artifact for a second time and barley escapes with his life only to end up in a plane with something he fears more: a snake!  This is totally designed to make you fall in love with this character right from the begining!  And if you compare this opening to Indian Jones the Temple of Doom you will see the EXACT SAME sequence in the beginning of the move...they just changed some characters and events!   So I have to do that some way, some how with my story (should I get that far)!  There are 15 segments every best selling novel and movie has to have to be successful, and they are rather complicated to lean and grasp!  I will have to add a lot of fictional content to get to the 300+ pages required by publishers!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
You want to mow, David? If I had known that, I'd have hired you when my wife and I lived just down the road. Two acres along a creek whose banks were so high I couldn't mow the edge for fear of falling in.

I wonder if the Gilman you've worked on is related in some way to Billy Gilman, the country singer from Rhode Island.

You write that book, David. And, keep us posted on your progress. I am trying to convince Chris F to write one. He has some great stories to tell.

Pip I need to learn how to spell first!  Had to edit this a dozen times to fix spelling errors! bahahahahaah!crying

My life every day. Spellcheck is my friend. Autospell is NOT!

I actually like mowing. My dad, however, despised it. His lawn goal was to "cover the whole damn thing with concrete and paint it green." Ma never would let him. laugh

+16 votes
Hello and good morning from Everett, Washington, where skies are clear and sunny and another warm day is in the offing.

I have taken up again a quilt project I called "Drunken Quakers," in honor of my ancestor Josiah Payne II https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Payne-2226 I wish I could see what it was like when Josiah, the overseer of Nottingham Preparatory Meeting, was drunkenly singing and dancing in 1738. The quilt pattern is "Drunkard's Path," which I find one of the most challenging to wrap my brain around. So I'm not going to try. I'm making two rows of Drunkard's Path blocks and I'm going to separate them with sashing and add some other rows of similarly colored fabric in beige, orange, green, navy blue. The fabric is themed with early colonial American (including a group of Quakers with some kind of petition), travel, classic woody station wagons, and American map fabric.

I continue working at it despite having had to clear away the cutting table in order that the two handymen can have access to the dining room window which is to be replaced today. The noise of window replacement chases me all over the house. They have done two windows so far and will be here all next week. They came from Montana (the head guy used to be our next door neighbor) and stay in a trailer in the church yard behind our property.

The elevator/forklift collision has caused Boeing to return to their former mode of narrated film presentation for tours. Chris is delighted to be doing this.

My son celebrated his 27th birthday on Wednesday. He had a  Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles cake in honor of having met Greg Sipes (voice of Michelangelo) at the ComicCon. I told him we have an ancestor named Sipes (Judith Sipes, wife of Matthias Kissinger). Greg was there with his dachshund, which would yawn adorably. Our friend from Toastmasters has offered to teach George to drive, in his own Subaru. Lord, let it happen. Some can teach driving, and some can't (myself being one of these).

From last night's Historical Society meeting, I came away feeling I need to get back to writing more about local history. It looks like we are not attending the History Fair in mid-July, as our membership is spread thin in time and energy. The Lighthouse Festival Sept. 9-11 is requiring MHS to take a greater part. That is where my storytelling skills come into play, to good effect, as I saw at the Memorial Day ceremony I hosted in the cemetery. Also Chris is a natural liaison between MHS and the Festival.

On Sunday I will be driving the kids over to some friends' who live Wayyy over on the other side of Hood Canal. As the "maint req'd" warning is flashing on my car's dashboard, I hope I can make it ok. I think the car just needs an oil change, which will have to be put off till next week. Also, daughter Isabella has a doctor's appointment today.

The diet is going well; I have resolved to use the stationary cycle more. Twice already this week. Chris ate 2! slices of pizza on Tuesday, which turned him into a monster. Blood pressure and sugar went WAY up. Angry, irritable, etc. I had a tiny bit of two cakes, including a Santiago cake our friend brought for George.

I hear the window guys at the door behind me, so I will close with thanks to God for the past week and with blessings for all of you.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
Oh Margaret, I’m not very good at making quilts yet and I have never done curved piecing yet which is required for the Drunkard’s Path block.I’m sure that your quilt will turn out lovely.

I would love to see that quilt when you are done, Margaret. You have so much going on, I do not know how you keep up the energy. I'd be worn slap out! 

My sister is the quilter in the family. I love her work, and I enjoy looking at quilts. I keep saying I want to make a quilt, and I have saved a lot of fabric and clothing items to even construct quilts with. However, the Genealogy seems to get in my way of any quilting endeavors.

Happy Fourth of July! Hope you celebrate like at 1776!
+17 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at the cottage: what's happening here? There really is only 1 answer, smoke, smoke, smoke from the many forest fires in northern Québec. 

The weather has been mostly rain, yesterday was warmer and sunny. We went to Bonnechere Provincial Park about 40km away to hike, the park has a great sand beach, marvellous stands of white pine and several hiking trails. Even though the underlying soil is sand, much of the trail we choose was very wet and swarming with mosquitos, so I’m now covered in bites. And before you ask yes, we had bug lotion, I however was not in charge of bringing it, so DH brought the almost empty several years old bottle, not the new one bought for this trip, I have not asked why.

Today’s forecast is rain again, so cribbage, WT and Spanish coffee might be the order of the day. 

We did go to visit our sculptor friend in the Gatineau Hills, we had not been to his home before. It is fascinating, he built it himself, homesteaded the land, cut down enough trees to build the house, its sort of a combination of a Hobbit House, an Ewok House and early settler. If you have been to the Smithsonian, you may have seen his sculpture of Charles Darwin. I asked him if I can add him as a living notable on WT and surprisingly he said yes, he would be unconnected.

WikiTree and other family history: the area where we are staying (Renfrew County, Ontario) is another that is important in Robbie’s family history, 4 sets of his maternal 3 x GGPs settled here in the early 1830s-1840, one from Scotland and the others from Ireland, they then intermarried with other settler families. While at a local museum this week I found information that suggests that 2 of the families probably knew each other before they came to Canada. One of the sets of 3 x GGPs was the Dickson family, another was the Wark family. A person who also came from Ireland was called James Dickson Wark. They all came from County Donegal. 

When I get the Alton Cemetery project finished, maybe over the winter, there is another similar project that could be done in this area. They aren’t all buried in the same cemetery, but many of them are. 

What else: reading, one of the books I brought with me to read while sitting outside by the lake, is now being read inside looking at the rain. ‘Unshackling America, How the war of 1812 truly ended the American revolution’ by Willard Sterne Randall, I’m only at page 53, date 1775, a long way to go to 1812, it is going to need plenty of time to digest all the historical facts, and many quotes. 

I will try to upload some pics, it might not work, the internet is very iffy here.

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (759k points)

Hi M, I heard on the news yesterday that New York is quite hazy again from the Canada wildfires. My sister and I will be in New York in mid-August. I hope the smoke clears a bit by then. I'll be taking N-95 masks in the even there is smoke when we are out and about.

My sister, Bonny, is OBSESSED with the Titanic. It was renewed a bit with that submersible imploding, but she has always been obsessed about that sinking. So she is planning our New York trip around locations where there are memorials to New Yorkers who went down with the Titanic. Arggggh! She doesn't like museums or art galleries. I actually made her go to the Neue Gallery to see Klimpt's Woman in Gold. I made her watch the movie Woman in Gold AND The Monuments Men to help her appreciate what people went through to save and regain these treasures. She did enjoy the gallery, but said that was it for her lifetime, one art gallery was enough. 

What she doesn't realize is that she is planning a tour though history with these various memorials, including one in Central Park. In return, I'm making her see Night with Oscar (NOT Wicked for the millionth time which, which I think is the worst musical ever. Once was enough for me, but she's been maybe seven times!)

The book you are reading sounds very interesting. I won't have time to ready anything until our chapter is done and in.

Carol, if we still have these wild fires in August ....it will be an even bigger problem.

Lack of sunlight and below normal temps will affect crops. Even all the much needed rain hasn't done much if anything to slow the fires, I think they are now a self supporting system, creating their own weather and so hot the rain doesn't have any impact.

I'm not much of an art gallery person, museums on the other hand are fascinating.

My dad's Richards family ancestors founded a museum and art gallery

Hey Carol, does your sister know about the connection between the Olympic & the Titanic?

M Ross, try aquaponics; it cuts out the middle men.
I understood our local weatherman on tv to say the fires are in such uninhabited places they will not fight them and just give them time to burn out on their own.  That doesn't sound good for diminishing  the smoke soon.
@Pat Brunson...Do I want her to know about the connection between the Olympic & Titanic? Do I really want to further her obsession? When I get her itinerary for New York, I'm posting it on the Chat because if I have to suffer, everyone should suffer!
@M Ross...I am hoping those wildfires will mellow by August for everyone's sake! They are as bad, if not worse than our California wildfires! We had a wildfire in the Tucson Catalinas about 2 years ago and the smoke was wafting right toward our townhome complex. I live near that range. And that was small potatoes compared to the fires in Canada.

I love museums and art galleries. That link you sent was awesome! You and your family are famous!
ROFLMAO!!! 1 is the other; O went down, not T. It's all connected to Jeckyll Island & banking.
@Pat, aquaponics for .....?
@M Ross for being able to grow your own food to overcome the problem the fires in Canada are creating. Or just to be able to overcome the shortages being created or bypassing the toxins found in food. There's numerous reasons for checking out aquaponics, but bottom line, it is a way to be able to feed your family if circumstances caused by the fire reduce the ability for farmers to grow food for everyone.
Hi Pat,

I grow lots of organic fruit and vegetables, however here in Canada with temps at night below 0 C for 5-6 months hydroponics and aquaponics only work well in very large home greenhouses or large commercial greenhouses, such as this one.

@M, are you able to have fish aquariums indoors at home? If you can, you have the ability of setting up an aquaponic system that will feed your family year-round despite the weather outdoors. Your link isn't to an aquaponic system; from what I can tell this is probably an aeroponic system that uses NFT. Whatever it is, it does not use Deep Water Culture. But you are right, you will have to make sure your tank & beds remain warm throughout the winter. It just doesn't require warehouse space to do it. And it really depends on how many people you are trying to feed on one small system. A family of four can survive off the food and fish in a small home system.

Here's a link showing the differences between aquaponics, aeroponics & hydroponics:


And heres a link to growing aquaponics at home in Canada:


I hope this helps. At least you now have more information to make an informed decision on as opposed to only having part of the information and possibly missing out on an alternative way to feed your family.
The book sounds fascinating; I’m gonna put that on my reading list. I sure hope the smoke clears soon. I know this has to be so miserable for the Canadians as well as the northern USA. A couple of weeks ago We even had some hazy days from the smoke and I live in the southern USA, so I can’t imagine what y’all are going through at this time.

Happy Canada Day!
Pat, no space available inside, but this book is a marvellous guide to growing vegetables outside most of the year

The Year Round Vegetable Gardener by Niki Jabbour who lives and gardens in Nova Scotia and is useful for anyone that has winter. She also has other very good books.

Margaret, the smoke is constant haze, sometimes it smells like a campfire.
I hope everyone will be all right who got to do with the forest fires. Here in the Netherlands I don t hear  much of it in the news, but I always watch several news broadcasts on youtube. Even here we got bad air quality and red skies because of it. Almost the only family I got left are living in Ontario. I don t know where they are. I hope nature will recover. I love the nature in Canada and USA.

Greetings from Rotterdam
Re: Unshackling America, How the war of 1812 truly ended the American revolution’ by Willard Sterne Randall, I’m only at page 53, date 1775, a long way to go to 1812, it is going to need plenty of time to digest all the historical facts, and many quotes.

2 Days later at page 151 we are still in the late 1700s, I'm not sure the book is really about the causes of the war of 1812.
+15 votes
Hello, my name is Pat I'm new here & I live in Missouri. It's only 87 degrees right now, but last night at 10:30 pm it was still 91. I am am an alternative healer & use massage, herbs & energy to help people return to homeostasis.

Pip, you can use the color green on your shoulder to help strengthen & heal it. Try it; what do you have to lose, it will just be an experiment. Most people have reported measurable results. Several ways to do this, but I think the best for you would be the picture frame method as opposed to the simple green light method. Simply find, or take, a current image of the affected area, with or w/o clothing, find green cellophane film, or tissue paper & a picture frame. Put the green film or paper in the frame behind the glass, cut to fit if needed, then place the image behind the green, close up the frame & put it out in the sun. I had arthroscopic surgery on my right shoulder & I used this method because I was too busy to sit still for the minimum 15 minutes to use a green light directed at my shoulder. I hope this works for you as it's cheap, simple & non-invasive.

I am part of the Little Team on the Prairie, the Brunson Project, participating in the Connect-A-Thon & the Saturday Sourcing Sprint. I work on Brunson, Herring, Adams, Wilson, Lynch, Spangler & Muller families from Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Nebraska, Kansas & Colorado. My father successfully traced our Brunson branch back four centuries to England & he took over my High School project to do it! LOL!
by Living Brunson G2G6 Pilot (103k points)
Welcome Pat! There is a great group of friendly people in the Weekend Chat.
Welcome to the chat, Pat! I live in central Oklahoma, so I'm right down the interstate from you. Hope you enjoy the chat and keep coming back!
@Liza, @John, Thanks for the welcomes! @John, I'm close to you, but I'm closer to K Smith from Lone Jack & sharing this OVEN we are living in!!!
Welcome, Pat. It sounds like you are quite familiar with the WikiTree doings. See you at the Thon!
Welcome to WikiTree, Pat! It sure sounds like you’re off to a good start with a great team and you have signed up for some great projects.
Welcome Pat! I'm also interested in helping people have a homeostatic balance. I'm glad you are doing the Connect a Thon with the Prairie team! My Adams lineage comes from Georgia. I would guess that my 2nd great grandfather took his slaveowners surname after he moved to East Texas. It's a guess of course. You might have a connection to my father in law.
I have only taken Wilson back 5 generations so far. Those are coming from Mississippi (Choctaw Reservation) & Illinois. I have a similar situation to yours in another family tree. The choice is between an all white couple & a man who took his octoroon slave as his "Lady of the House" & their son ended up inheriting the plantation. But like the game of Risk you have entire swaths of data that will only take a simple few bytes of data to bring it all together & those bytes are still floating around somewhere in la~la land. I wish they would hurry up & start floating towards me a little quicker though! LOL!
Welcome to the Chat, Pat.  There is no end to the things you can learn and enjoy on the Weekend Chat.  Thanks for jumping in.
+17 votes

Hello from Ottawa everyone!

It’s Canada Day tomorrow so most of the country will be celebrating Canada’s birthday tomorrow. 

We had really warm, humid weather most of this past week and it has rained several times. We are expecting rain possibly thunderstorms every day this weekend so that won’t be good for celebrating. There is still a fire ban on for all of Ontario. We’ve also had a few days with smoke from the forest fires. The smoke comes for a couple days, then is gone, then comes back. It came back yesterday and is still here today.

Not much is happening here. I was at the dentist on Thursday. I have to take pre-meds and go every 3-4 months so they can keep an eye on my teeth. My gums keep receding slowly but gum specialists won’t touch me because of my Liver-Kidney transplant 9 years ago. I’m 58 and have only had one root canal and lost one molar so I think that I am doing ok so far.

As to genealogy, I have done some work on adding sources to unsourced profiles plus working on several Data Doctor challenges (I keep forgetting to put the DD comment for what I’ve changed sad), plus a few other odds and ends.

Stay safe and healthy!

by Liza Gervais G2G6 Pilot (404k points)
Have a great Canada Day, Liza!
Hi Liza, I will second John's wish for a great Canada Day for all of you. I will also hold intention for those wildfires to cease. Hugs, Carol
Happy Canada Day! Enjoy your celebrations!
Have a nice canada day
Canada Day is here!!
Happy Canada Day!
+15 votes
Happy Independence Day weekend to all my US friends. The weather doesn't look too promising for the evening, but that won't stop our neighbors from setting off fireworks around the lake and making our dogs bark!

Along with the heat we've had high humidity for the past two weeks. It's certainly hard to breathe when the air is "air you can wear". Thankfully, we have a window air conditioner that works well and a fan that helps circulate the air at least.

Another cousin, this one a second cousin twice removed, contacted me through Wikitree to let me know that his father had passed away this week. He had just celebrated his 104th birthday. Barnes-24420 I'm waiting to read his obituary so that I can fill in his profile. The cousin's name is also Ralph, but uses his middle name "Douglas". Because of this contact, I've been able to open up another branch on the family tree. It's exciting.

This week I plan to re-write the narrative for my One Place Study of Nelson, New Hampshire. The one I had previously written is rather dry and not even close to what our town is truly like. I was inspired by an article in our town's weekly newsletter - "Nelson Rules Softball", so I'll be adding that to the updated version. I'll let you know when I've got it done.

I've been thoroughly enjoying my birthday week. Ay my age there's not much I really want unless it's the surety of having more time on this earth, so my family has given me InstaCart cards and lots of chocolate! Color me happy!

That's it for now ...
Happy week everyone!
by Candyce Fulford G2G6 Pilot (122k points)
Have a nice birthday week and independence day.
Thank you, Richard. It was a marvelous birthday. And I got to have broiled scallops for dinner! That's my annual treat.
+15 votes
I also forgot that Friday had arrived but finally, here I am. I missed last Friday due to a sad situation that ended on Monday morning with the passing of my best friend and genealogy travel buddy. It has been an upsetting week but at least she did not suffer a long time. We were genealogy travel buddies. On one of our drives to the Dallas Library we discovered that we were cousins of some degree on an Andrews line in Virginia. She was a wonderful person and I miss her.

Not much was accomplished on the genealogy front this week but I had a message from a newish WT member about a descendant of the Germanna colony in Virginia. There were a couple of merges needed and when I dug into the family, there was a lot more needed so I have been sorting out the children. It kept my mind occupied and today I discovered that more is needed as there are children who probably don't belong to the attached parents.

Pip, I hope your PT advancement does not make your shoulder too uncomfortable. And, I hope the smoke dissipates soon. We have had 100+ degrees all week but today we are a bit below that lofty number. No rain but a chance of it early next week - much needed

I hope everyone has a happy, safe 4th of July weekend.
by Virginia Fields G2G Astronaut (1.3m points)
@Virginia, I am sorry for your loss :(
Hi Ginny, I am so sorry to hear of the death of your best friend. To discover that you were cousins was an extra added bonus. I am sure this week has been very upsetting and understandably so. There really are no words and I am sure the grief seems unbearable. Please know that we are here for you and maybe on one of the chats you might share a story or two about your genealogy travels.

You take care because you are important to all of us. Sending hugs!
Thanks so much, Carol. I appreciate your thoughts and I will plan to share a bit of our fun in a future chat. Her memorial service is next Saturday and will be hugely attended.
Thank you, Pat!
@Virginia...Ginny that would be great to hear stories of your genealogy treks. And do let us know how the memorial service goes. It is great when one has large attendance with the opportunity to share stories and experiences.
+17 votes

Hello everyone from me in Sweden!

Thanks Pip for hosting the chat!

On Monday this week I and my family went to Tivoli in Copenhagen. We had a great day there with rides and good food. They had a very good gluten free pizza base for my pizza! The trip to Tivoli takes about 1 hour 15 minutes from my home by train, but we haven't been there for at least 10 years anyway. We were back about 17:30 to feed our dog and take her for a walk.

Have a lovely weekend, and happy 4th of July to you that celebrate it.

by Maria Lundholm G2G6 Pilot (232k points)

And by the way, the cathedral of Lund was celebrated yesterday on the 30th of June, since it was 900 years ago that the altar of the crypt was inaugurated by arch bishop Asker in 1123.

The Swedish King and Queen visited the ceremonial mass yesterday. I wasn't there though. smiley

Image from newspaper Sydsvenskan (article probably paywalled).

900 years, and to think my little church building was finished only seven months ago.
+16 votes
Greetings from Brightlingsea, Essex, England

Thought i would get in early this week. I am on a Zoom meeting on Saturday, Sunday & Monday.

The 184th High Court Meeting of the Ancient Order of Foresters Friendly society is  on this weekend, until Monday lunch time. Normally I would attend in person the event in Torquay, Devon but there is the option to attend virtually on Zoom. So i have taken that option given the distance involved and that I would travel by train. So its a weekend at the computer. Will miss out on the associated events like the band concert and the High Court Dinner on Sunday night.  I get to attend as I was elected delegate by my Court (branch) and it is up to me how I attend in person or virtually. I am sure it will be an interesting meeting.

More next time....
by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
edited by Chris Burrow
Chris, I hate that you missed all the associated activities a the 184th High Court. Is the event always in Devon?
+16 votes

Busy couple of weeks so I missed a few chats. The garden will be slightly smaller this year. Between the excess rain at the beginning of the season and my accident, my wife didn't get everything in the ground. It will still be big. This past week I could start helping again but it is slow going.  Another couple of weeks and I might be able to drive again (can't put the shoulder belt over the broken ribs yet).

Genealogically I've managed to get a bit of work done on a "cousin's" family but little on my own. Week before last I was in a week long session at GRIP and got some help in creating a battle plan for my two brick walls. Both will need DNA to solve. Fun, fun, fun.

This week we're getting ready to head to Pittsburg for an in-person GRIP. I'll be taking a course on land and property records. There will be three free evening sessions (7PM Eastern USA time) open to anyone. Check https://www.gripitt.org/evening-programs/ to see if you might be interested. 

by Doug McCallum G2G6 Pilot (547k points)
What is GRIP, Doug?
Genealogical Research Institute of Pittsburgh
Doug, do y'all can to help get you through the winter?

Here's praying for a more speedy recovery. Continue to take care of yourself!
Thanks for clarifying for me, Beulah.

GRIP is one of the 4 big research training institutes. It's a week long course. There are multiple topics to choose from but you can't move between courses. They are taught by leading genealogists from around the USA and world. The first week had part of the Polish research course taught by a genealogist in Poland.

The other interesting institutes are IGHR (Institute for Genealogical and Historical Research), SLIG (Salt Lake Institute for Genealogy) and Gen-Fed (Genealogical Institute on Federal Records). There is a Texas institute that has been gaining some ground.
+15 votes
Pip, at your request last week, a brief report on the alumni banquet.  Out of our graduating class of 29 we are down to about ten known living members who keep in contact.  We have lost about ten members and the rest are unknowns.  My
close friend who started first grade and graduated with me was the only other member who attended.  She, like me, has mobility problems and had her daughter escort her into the gym.  She was to come back near the end of the evening to pick her up.  I took my walker and sat on that because folding chairs do not have arms to use as a push up spot to stand.  Her phone and mine did not work to call out.  I called a man from the head table over and he said cell does not work in the whole school.  Apparently they have it blocked so kids can't use their phones.  (That's for discussion some other time.)  He called from out in the parking lot and we waited for her ride.  It made for a long evening.

Classes for every 5 year intervals for the last 50 years were honored with a short roll call of those present.  Every class over 50 years had the same thing.  The longest interval was for 80 years, graduating in 1943.  The lady, a good friend of ours, is 96 and received a standing ovation.  Her mind is as sharp as a tack and she is moderately healthy.

The 25 teens graduating were presentable babies.  Some years in the past they have looked like stable hands in the
middle of a job.  I hope that trend is over!  All in all it was an
enjoyable evening and the future looks bright.  The class presented the alumni group with a check for a life time membership payment for every one in the class. (It all goes into a scholarship fund.)   $20 per class member.  When I  graduated I did not have enough money to buy a picture of my class in our caps and gowns, something I often wished for over the years.  A life time membership means they will send you a notice to buy a dinner for that year, class celebration listings, list of known alumni deaths for the year, etc.  IF you keep an up to date address on file with them.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (575k points)
edited by Beulah Cramer
Beulah, I hope you were able to get some pictures, even if your cell phone couldn't call out. I am really so very glad you got to go. I was worried that you wouldn't have sufficiently recovered to go.

Does not someone have a copy of the class picture from so long ago? Easy to make a copy now.

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