Friday Night Daters are approaching 80,000 dated profiles! Can you help us get there?

+15 votes

Date: 30 Jun 2023

Time: 4 pm Eastern US (2000 GMT)

No need to swipe right or left! We're looking for lonely profiles without dates, and we need your help!

We'll meet on Zoom, as usual, to get caught up on each other's progress, answer questions, and have a little fun. Then we'll head off to date those profiles and share our victories on Discord (look for the #friday-date-night channel).

Helpful hint: You don't have to wait until the Zoom call to date profiles. :-)

This "challenge" is just for fun (and to benefit the tree), so we're not keeping score, but we do keep track of our progress. Join in to share some social time with your fellow WikiTreers and know that you're helping to make WikiTree better!

Be sure to check our Friday Date Night free-space page for important information, tips, and instructions.

in The Tree House by Julie Ricketts G2G6 Pilot (492k points)
edited by Admin WikiTree
I think the date should be June 30th?
You're absolutely right, Kathy!

I lost my post at one point, and I forgot to edit the date when I re-copied it. Thanks for catching that!! :-)

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