Translation Needed Please! Birth record in French. [closed]

+9 votes

I have an image of a baptism for the child of Jacques Picard and Marie Anne Morin. It was posted in a FamilySearch Family Tree. It looks like it might have been from Ancestry originally.  

I am hoping someone can help once more to transcribe this record for us please? broken heart And if anyone can find us this record in FamilySearch that would be very much appreciated. 

The one really important bit is the name of the child. It is very hard to read. I think (third line of text) it says ...Jacques Destroismaisons dit picard . And on the next line it names the parents Jacques Picard and Marie Anne Morin


WikiTree profile: Jacques Picard
closed with the note: Answered, Thank you!
in Genealogy Help by Lorraine Nagle G2G6 Pilot (214k points)
closed by Lorraine Nagle

2 Answers

+11 votes
Best answer
FR Baptême de Jacque Picard
Le 2 septembre 1742, a été baptisé par moi prêtre sousigné, Jacque, né du premier du courant (mois), fils légitime de Jacque Picard et de Marie Anne Morin, ses père et mère, habitants de St-François de Sales
Le parrain a été René Picard, oncle de l'enfant, la marraine Thérèze Quemeneur, qui ont déclaré ne savoir signer de ce enquis suivant l'ordonnance .... sign
EN Baptism of Jacque Picard
On September 2, 1742, was baptized by me, undersigned priest, Jacque, born on the first of the current (month), legitimate son of Jacque Picard and Marie Anne Morin, his father and mother, inhabitants of St-François de Sales
The godfather was René Picard, the child's uncle, the godmother Thérèze Quemeneur, who declared that they did not know how to sign this inquiry following the order .... sign
by E Martin G2G6 Pilot (121k points)
selected by Lorraine Nagle
.Thank you for the link and the translation. That is very helpful. This family has the surname of Destroismaisons dit Picard and they wander between the two and many spelling versions. Mostly the birth registrations have been using Destroismaisons but this one was the first that was only Picard. We are trying to merge with a duplicate profile and the other profile has LNAB as Des Trois Maisons and ours is Picard. Both correct but the system will want us to agree on the format....the birth record will help...aaargh I hope!
Lorraine, on the merge issue, the LNAB is clearly Picard.  Merge into that.  Destroismaisons can be entered in CLN and/or OLN afterwards, IF he actually used the name.

Thank you...Yes it is clearly Picard! I am using the primary for the LNAB and explaining variations in Notes and Current/Other Names. This birth record was a critical piece of the puzzle for the merge as the PM's need to agree and we did not have proof positive without the translation of the supporting source. 

The attached family connections all have variations, some with Destroismaison (several different formats of that name ) recorded in birth record for LNAB and various different ways of adding the "dit" Picard. Like a christmas tree all lit up with different color lights!surprise

Thank you for you input, much appreciated!

+6 votes
The caption for the image has the name of the parents and the child. I do not see that it has the surname of the father as Destroismaisons dit Picard, but just Picard, although parts are rather hard to read. As expected the godparents are named (the godfather being René Picard. The caption has, I believe, the name of the parish and the town. Looking at the FamilySearch catalog, I find the town, but nothing that suggests this parish. Of the three results one is a non-digitized film, and two are books.

The caption also cites the Drouin Collection, which I believe is a subscription site.


The FamilySearch Wiki has an article on the Drouin Collection, but the links are not to FamilySearch but to two separated Ancestry editions, and another site. All of which require a subscription.

The library or institutional edition may have access to this collection. At the FHC you can access the Canadian edition, which may have it.
by George Fulton G2G6 Pilot (657k points)
edited by George Fulton
Thank you so much for taking the time to look at this!

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