"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! June 23rd - 25th, 2023

+29 votes


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Click here if Interested in Hosting the Weekend Chat and earning a Guest Host Sticker? 

CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
Hell-mira as it was referred to by the prisoners was equal within a few percentage points as Andersonville for death rate of inmates. For all the same reasons; disease, exposure, starvation, lack of medical care. Hell-mira built observation towers and charged civilians a fee to observe the prisoners. Within six months of closing, Hel-mira was destroyed as it was considered an embarrassment to the Union. Wirz was executed for war crimes. In reality, Wirz was executed for not testifying that he was ordered by Jefferson Davis to create such conditions. The conditioned worsened exponentially once the North suspended prisoner exchange program as a strategic move as the South had fewer men. Jefferson Davis did relieve one camp commander for excessive cruelty and that was Mary Todd's brother, Abe's brother-in-law. I am hardly advocating the treatment of prisoners from either side as I had family suffer and die in both sides of the conflict.
Cousin Carol:
I applauded "TC's" actions mightily!
The Kindle edition did have all of those excerpts from the actual letters of the prisoners. At first, I wasn't sure what I was reading, but I quickly figured it out.
Like you, my heart broke several times.
:( A sad business all around, K. Wirz was a scapegoat..hey, they had to make an example of someone. I, too, had folks on both sides who suffered: a 2xggrandfather in Libby Prison, and a ggrandfather who died of what is now known as PTSD in Milledgeville :(
Libby Prison is where David Humphreys Todd was removed from by Jefferson Davis for extreme cruelty toward Union prisoners.
@All who have comments about Andersonville, other POW camps during the Civil War and Sentinels. I copied and pasted the Wikipedia page on American Civil War POW camps:


I mentioned in one of the later posts that none of the camps were great and the one at Chicago ran a close second to Andersonville (in my opinion). Wikipedia lists Andersonville as the worst of the camps primarily because its death rate exceeded others (28%).
@Pip Did you send me an email, or was it a chat post? I cannot find it!
Camp Douglas, too, K.
Probably a comment here, Carol.
I use see through plastic stackable storage bins.  turn book spines so you can read them   this allows you to stack books that go together and protect them   safe from bugs, spills, etc.easyto mix hardback and paperback and can even include printed material found on web.
Thanks once again Chatman!

33 Answers

+17 votes

Hip To Be Here!wink

Sung to the tune of: Hip To Be Square

  • Song by Huey Lewis and the News
  • Written by Bill Gibson, Sean Hopper, and Huey Lewis
  • Released in 1986
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the Music


  • Click on the link then come back here, the music should play, and try to sing along!
  • Or Open the link in a new window

Hip To Be Here!

  • I used to be on Ancestry
  • And Family Search around
  • But I couldn’t take the annoyance
  • And had to shut it down
  • Now I’m sourcing it real straight
  • And yes I post it here
  • You might think I'm crazy
  • But I don’t even care
  • 'Cause I can tell what's going on
  • It’s hip to be here!
  • Weekend Chat's here
  • I like my files all business like
  • I use the WikiTree
  • I’m profiling most every day
  • And watching other trees
  • They tell me that it's not good for me
  • But I don't even care
  • I know that it's crazy
  • I know that they’re nowhere
  • But there is no denying that
  • Weekend Chat’s here
  • It's hip to be here
  • Weekend Chat’s here
  • So hip to be here
  • Music
  • WikiTree ain't hard to figure out
  • I profile every day
  • Ancestors who are farthest out
  • Are cousins anyway
  • You see them in the graveyard
  • And Searching is a lot of fun
  • But don't you try to fight it
  • An idea whose time has come
  • Don't tell me that I'm crazy
  • Don't tell me I'm nowhere
  • Take it from me
  • Weekend Chat’s here
  • It’s hip to be here!
  • Weekend Chat’s Here!
  • So hip to be here
  • Tell 'em, boys
  • Weekend Chat’s here!
  • (Hip, hip)
  • Music continues

More of Dave's WikiTree Parodies Here: (20 Now! WOW!)

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
One of my favorite bands ever, along with prefect new lyrics. Thanks, David!!!!

I must admit, his songs are easy to parody with a Weekend Chat theme!  His videos are fun to watch!  Brings back the good memories.wink

Good one, David.
When I switched on Youtube I thought: "I know that song, but I can't remember it." It's from my youth and I haven't heard it for decades (probably literally). But when it started I remembered it instantly.
Nice David, good live performance of lewis
Yeah, saw them in Weedsport, NY in '86. Their shows aren't a Jimmy Buffet but still great fun.
+16 votes

Bonus Song!  This Video Just Makes You Laugh!  It is crazy and it don't make any sense, and neither does my parody!devil

You Can Call Me "Pal"

Sung to the tune of Call Me Al

  • Written by Paul Simon
  • Released August 1986
  • Studio: The Hit Factory, New York City
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the music:


  • Click on the link then come back here, the music should play, and try to sing along!
  • Or Open the link in a new window

You Can Call Me "Pal"

  • A man on Weekend Chat
  • He says, “Why am I so short on sources now?
  • Why am I short on the sources?
  • The rest of this profile is hard
  • I need some photo continuity
  • He was shot in Redemption (a town in the USA)
  • Don’t want to end up with nothing
  • In a canyon graveyard
  • Bonedigger, Bonedigger
  • Graves in the moonlight
  • Far away from my well-lit door
  • Mr. Beerbelly, Beerbelly
  • Get these nuts away from me
  • You know, I don-t find this man amusing anymore
  • If you’ll post on Weekend Chat
  • I can be your long lost pal
  • I can call you Betty
  • And Betty, when you call me, you can call me Pal
  • A man on Weekend Chat
  • He says. I’m getting down vote attention
  • Got a run of some down vote attention
  • And, whoa, musta said something wrong
  • Where's my wife and family?
  • What if I die here?
  • Who’ll adopt my profile
  • Now that my profile is wrong, wrong?
  • Lost my phone down the alley
  • Picked up by a creepy little bat-faced girl
  • All along, along
  • There were incidents and accidents
  • There were hints and allegations
  • If you’ll post on Weekend Chat
  • I can be your long lost pal
  • I can call you Betty
  • And Betty, when you call me...
  • Call me Pal
  • Music
  • A man on Weekend Chat
  • Posts pictures of a strange world
  • Maybe it’s the third world
  • Maybe it’s his own family town
  • Doesn’t use foul language
  • Hasn’t posted currently
  • He is a foreign man
  • He is surrounded by the sound, the sound
  • Pictures of the marketplace
  • Scatterings and orphanages
  • He looks around, around
  • He sees angels in the architecture
  • Spinning in infinity
  • He says, "Amen and Hallelujah!"
  • If you'll post on Weekend Chat
  • I can be your long lost pal
  • I can call you Betty
  • And Betty, when you call me...
  • Call me Pal
  • Na na na na, na na na na
  • Na na na na, na na na-na na-na
  • Na na na na, na-na na-na na na
  • Na na na na, na na na na
  • Music
  • If you'll post on Weekend Chat
  • I can call you Betty
  • If you'll post on Weekend Chat
  • I can call you Betty
  • If you'll post on Weekend Chat
  • Music fades out


by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
Oh this is my favorite so far! Nicely done
I really enjoyed when we marched a Paul Simon show in high school. This song had a rocking piccolo solo and even a special appearance from a soprano sax! Not the cool WikiChat version of course ;)
Erin, I really thought this parody would crash and burn, that is why I worked it in as a bonus!  The video with Chevy Chase is so fun to watch, I think in part because they were young and funny back in those days!  Sigh!
David, how brilliantly mad! I love it!
+19 votes
Top of the morning to everyone in Wikiland. Looks like a day of AC here in Lone Jack. Pip, I don't claim to be a cure for boredom but, you are invited to come hang out at the Museum with me today as I do my maiden solo voyage. You better hurry though, we open at ten. No running through the house though to make it in time.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
Heehee. I sure wish I could be there, K. Be sure to let us know how things went on your first solo performance!
Good luck on your solo, it'll go swimmingly I'm sure. Wish I could come! No amount of running through the house would get me there by any decent hour.
I finally get a chance to give my side of history. Just kidding! I did have to correct one of the docents, after I heard him say, on two occasions, that the Dalton Gang rode with Quantrill and were involved in the Northfield robbery committed by the James Younger Gang. I'm not sure he fully appreciated my sense of humor when I said I doubted that Cole's sister would let the youngest skip kindergarten that day.
It seems I missed a good visitor yesterday. The curator of the John Wayne Museum stopped in to see where Rooster Cogburn lost his eye. I hear he was most impressed by our souvenir tee-shirt with Rooster's photo that referred to the battle as a scrap outside Kansas City. Oh well, maybe I'll make it a point to drive to Iowa and make a to-do over Rooster Cogburn and downplay John Wayne, afterall,he has had some bad press over the years that is probably not highlighted in the museum.
Oh wow! Sorry you missed that. Ol Rooster.
I would prefer to  have a group of well-behaved interested cub scouts. I don't do well with people who already know everything.

I would love to come but I just spent 10 hours driving round trip to Des Moines!  I'm wore out!  Maybe next month!wink

K, thanks to you Lone Jack is now on my travel bucket list! Who knew?
If you need to clear your mind after the Battlefield, we do have a Botanical Garden, Powell Gardens, about 5 miles down the road or Fort Osage about 25 miles due north. Fort Osage was established on the Missouri River by Lewis and Clark. Liberty Memorial, a WW1 Museum. Harry S Truman Presidential Library. We even have some cool stuff too.
Sounds great, K! Lots to explore here.
My first solo was a lot more like work than I ever imagined. I rolled promptly at 10, ate lunch about twelve and woke up immediately when the door came open as I was snoozing. I had eight visitors if you don't count the young ones. My last visitors were there about an hour. We had a lot in common as she was a recovering parole officer too, although she worked in the institution. After a little conversation, we determined we retired for the same BS (Bureaucratic Situations) reasons. Her husband was ex-military, ex law enforcement and pretty well read on the subject matter at hand. All in all, about a hundred-dollar day which is not bad for a weekday. I am more and more surprised how few know about Gen Ewing's Order #11 and the devastation it inflicted on primarily civilian women and children in a 4 county area.
+21 votes
Trying not to float away in Virginia Beach. I'd love to send this rain somewhere that needs it, all our plants are rotting and drowning! And my poor little cub scouts have had day camp all week in the sogginess, but they are having fun splashing boots in the puddles. What little troopers! I'm excited to get them some actual summer time starting this weekend (their school ended last friday and day camp, 8:30-4, started monday) so bring on the lazy days!! It's good to keep them active but not too active, I like to give them some room for their imaginations to keep them busy. Have lots of STEM scout fun planned for the summer, even soda bottle rockets in August!

     Have spent this week RAWKing and greeting all I can around camp hours, and won't get much more in this weekend - driving down to SC for the kids to go to their Great Granny's 88th birthday. We wanted to throw her a big 85th but COVID had something to say about that, and with her dementia and heart problems, who knows what 90 might look like, we just wanted to surround her with great grandbabies while she can enjoy them. Actually looking forward to the drive with my girls even though it's easier when I have my husband to split the drive with...I feel like I've barely seen them since school let out because of camp. Lots of driving to squeeze in some quality time this week, when we come back from South Carolina we're heading to Maryland to see the other side of the family. Birthdays birthdays everywhere! Excited to see in person how my mom's new Alzheimer's meds are working out, she seems much more with-it in our phone conversations.

     In all my spare time when not driving and putting on family birthday celebrations, I'm going to work on the KY Gen society challenge! And greet, and RAWK. I just need a few clones lol.

     Hope everyone is enjoying whatever weather they're getting and making great genealogical strides. Have a great weekend and an even better week, all!
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
Erin, rain never stopped me from playing int he wet growing up... except if there was thunder! I bet the kids are having a blast.

Have a great trip. We'll want to hear all about it when you get back.

Hi Erin, love to hear that you are planning STEM scout fun! Well done, you. Send some rain our way. It is mid-June and no monsoons in sight. Your description of surrounding Great Granny with grandbabies for her birthday make me picutre our Native American 'story dolls.' 

Sentinels should be on its way to you in a month or so. Sandy is packing it up and sending it to Pip! I discovered a cousin who was awarded two Congressional Medals. Frank Baldwin was awarded his first during the Battle of Peachtree Creek, and the second during Indian Wars. He is buried in Arlington. I would not have had this appreciation had it not been for these topics during Friday Bingo! 

I ALWAYS learn something at Bingo! Even in groups I am a member of! This week's bingos are Oh, Canada!
Hi Erin, I will definitely be on for Bingo today! These challenges help divert my brain from pain to learning. I look forward to learning about our friends and neighbors to the north today!

There sure was a lot of rain this morning. Our grandson is now a Boy Scout and is volunteering working as a gopher at the Cub Scout camp (very close to our house). This morning he didn't want to go because of the rain. They should be just about done now that the sun is out.

Hope that you enjoy your weekend trip.
+18 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:00 am and 73F (22.8C) with an expected high of 104F (40C) with sunny skies. No monsoons yet, but we have had some very high winds that kick up dust and dust devils.


This has been a very ‘expensive’ week! My auto and home insurance are due (bundled) and the costs are sky high! My home insurance went from $600 to $850 and my auto (a 2018 Honda Fit with 16K miles) from $1200 to $1500 for a whopping $2300! No need for any home coverage this past year (or ever for that matter) and no tickets or auto accidents. I got the usual BS about inflation, increase in building costs, etc. Well, I didn’t build, no accidents, nothing. The payment is due July 15th, but I am going to investigate other insurance companies. Right now, I am with American Family. This is not good news, especially on a fixed income and medications alone take a bite out of that income.


I will see the pain specialist this Tuesday and sadly must tell him that the ablation of the spinal nerves did very little to reduce the pain. My guess is that the major pain culprit is inflammation as the best pain relief comes from cortisone injections. I am hoping something can be scheduled quickly as I am waking up yet again from my own moaning. Lack of sleep makes me even grouchier, and I am grouchy to begin with. I got my prescriptions refilled, a 3-month supply, and that cost a whopping $400. Between insurance, medication, and doctor visits, it is a good thing I cannot eat much due to the atrophied exopancreas so there is the grocery savings.


I will be going to Milwaukee in early August to visit my family and attend the State Fair. I can no longer ‘pig out’ on corn on the cob, baked potatoes with butter, hot fudge sundaes and the ever-famous cream puffs but can enjoy the ‘pig races’ and spend time with family. My nieces generally enter items for judging, usually jams, jellies, cakes, and pies. Their efforts also generally get ribbons. My retired sheriff brother does security for the fair so I will see him in between directing cow, horse and other animal traffic and maintaining safety and security. My sister Bonny and I have arranged for a long weekend in New York in mid-August. We have yet to tour around Brooklyn and places other than Manhattan, so she is working up an itinerary. We will be seeing Good Night Oscar, based on Oscar Levant’s nighttime visits on the old Jack Paar show in the late 1950s. I used to watch these shows with my maternal grandmother, and she always got a kick out of Levant’s neurotic dialogue and incredible talent as a pianist. Most of you will not know these names, I suspect. Our other for sure activity is to watch the pre-season Packer game at Kettle of Fish, the most famous Packer bar outside of Wisconsin (https://carpecity.com/best-of/kettle-of-fish-nyc-greenwich-village/) where even Bears fans sing along to The Bears Still Suck. The owner, Patrick Daley, grew up in Wisconsin. I knew his dad, who was a surgeon at St Joseph’s Hospital when I worked in hospice. Kettle is in Greenwich Village right next door to the Stonewall (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stonewall_Inn), where the historic uprising took place between gay customers during a police raid in 1969. We are hoping that our favorite bartender is working when we stop in prior to the Packer game at Kettle.


I have been adding One Name Study stickers to the Buckinghamshire Baldwin profiles; however, I will be updating them. I must give a ‘shout out’ to Sandy Patak because she is going to ‘personalize’ these stickers for me with a B rather than the tree given that I have no talent at all whatsoever with this computer technology. I would also like to add that Sandy’s work on Friday Bingo is fantastic. I know she doesn’t do this alone; however, she is the one who generally hosts and/or covers topics for people when they are unable to be present. I have learned SO MUCH from these Friday Bingos and they give me a greater appreciation for all that WikiTree does, and for our very talented members. I will also be revising and adding some new information to the Baldwin One Name Study (ONS) site this weekend after finding updated information on the name meaning. I think it will also be nice for any Baldwin browsers to discover that there is a motto, “Vim vi repello,” roughly translated, “I repel force with force.” Very nice, especially for people who are into quantum physics, and Star Wars. May the force be with all of us (in a good way). Other than the Baldwins, and the ONS I have been slogging along adding family to my daughter’s paternal line and increasing my CC7.


Pip, my sincere thanks again for leading the Weekend Chat. Sandy has packed up Sentinels and it is on its way to you! I wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great fourth weekend of June 2023!

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Hahaha! Sorry, Carol, I had to laugh. Mike sent us D(me and my other brother) the forecast temps for Tucson last night. 100°++. I bet he isn't hiking now (unless he gets a very early start.

$1500n for Honda FIT?!? That little bitty car? That's just plain robbery. Surely there is another company with better rates. We don't pay near that much here, even for my '19 Passport.

So sorry to hear you are still experiencing the pain, even after the treatments. No wonder you can't get any sleep.
Oh, so sorry to hear the ablations didn't work out. I really hope they are able to ease your pain. It makes everything SO much harder.

I also love Bingo, and Sandy! She puts so much love into everything she does for WikiTree and the Bingos are so educational and fun!
Carol, sounds like you are going to be very busy, I just looked at our insurance costs, my car a 2019 Kia Forte is $1500 Canadian dollar of course, house insurance $1300, but that's for a 2 storey 1800 sq ft house with a full basement-not included in the sq feet.

I haven't seen any of the Bingos, I have signed up for the Connect a Thon, and finally think I have a strategy that will work better than just wandering through lists of unconnecteds.
Hi M, I just signed up for the Thon this morning with the Mighty Oaks. If you have a strategy, please share. I generally wander...
As I have been adding profiles to the Cemetery Project, they often have other relatives, parents, kids, siblings etc that aren't buried at Alton, and unless they are part of the immigrant ancestor generation, or can be connected to that generation I don't usually create profiles for them.

I usually list them in the biography, so I thought I could add them as part of the Connect a Thon, then I plan to orphan them.

The dreaded Babcock family I was working on last week has a zillion relatives in Ontario, a few older ones are on WT but are not currently connected to the branch I worked on, but are part of the same extended family.

There's 298 profiles for Babcocks born and died in Canada, about half of them are born or died in the same area as the Babcocks from last week, starting about 1790.

It could take the entire weekend!
Grand idea! I will have to pay attention to my daughter's paternal line!
Carol, long ago I switched to Auto-Owners insurance and saved a ton of money.  My agent here in Tucson has been wonderful, you might call her to get a quote.  Halvorson Insurance 520-298-8885‬.  I work mainly with Nancie but also her brother Tom (they are the owners).
Cindy Cooper! Where have you been??? Thanks much for this info and I will call first thing Monday morning. Hope you are doing well and staying fit and healthy.
+18 votes
I am alive and well. The But is that it is a big weekend for amateur radio, Field Day, when we go outside in any weather and play radio so this is it for me this weekend on WikiTree.
by Dale Byers G2G Astronaut (1.7m points)
Let us know how it all goes, Dale. I know you love this stuff!
+18 votes

Last week, after leaving the Haunted House, down the road we passed a vintage DC-3 on display at the local airport.   Remembering flying on DC-3's, in my youth, I asked Cousin Frank if he'd ever flown on a DC-3 and after a pause he said, "Yes, once from Saskatoon to Regina, the stewardess boarded the airplane wearing a parachute"........seems she was wearing a heavy winter coat with the hood folded behind.

by John Thompson G2G6 Pilot (363k points)

"...the stewardess boarded the airplane wearing a parachute." Hahaha!!! It's the perfect plane to take ol' Cousin Frank out on. Think he'd agree now, John? laugh

DC-3 was the most exciting day of my skydiving days that never happened. We had a DC3 fly up from Tulsa and all the local skydivers converged on a little private strip for a weekend of fun. One of the engines lost one of the magnetos and wasn't running quite right so we all watched as it headed back to Tulsa empty. Oh well, it still makes me smile thinking about it.

Shhhh!  Don't want to get ol' Frank 'jumpy'......on second thought............wink

K, I remember sitting at the end of the runway, wondering if we're ever going to take off, as  the pilot ran through the checklist and powered up the engines with the brakes on.
Those ol' radial engines slobbering and spewing oil is almost as romantic as diesel fumes and a cadallacing diesel engine. I have a neighbor who still uses his Johnny Popper from time to time because the sound reminds him of his youth. I tell him it's not quite a Harley but it's cool just the same.

Johnny Popper.......never heard the term before......but, guessed it, sort of, before looking it up, as my business partner is restoring his second 1948 John Deere Model D tractor,

there is something about signature sounds that are made by mechanical devices that resonate with me
When I was 3 years 8 months, in Kamloops, B.C., I heard, in the distance, the 'bark' of a 6-110 Detroit Diesel, in a Euclid off highway end dump truck......I was hooked.
Not sure I am familiar with a 6-110 Detroit but I'm sure it is as distinctive as an Allison or Rolls in an aircraft. I have a friend whose son restored his gr grandfather's '39 John Deere H as a FFA project and it was featured in some magazines. My zero turn lawnmower has more horsepower than that, but I'm sure it was considered a beast n it's day.

K, just for fun I'll share this Euclid video......must have been done without parental supervision.

Lifes' most memorable and exciting events take place without parental supervision or consent, if you leave Freud out of it.

I grew up around concrete trucks, excavators, loaders etc. I know I've been in earshot of a Detroit but never one fully extended. I'm more of a Cat and Cummins guy.
+18 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

I hope everyone is doing well. Thanks for hosting, Pip! 

On the genealogy front, I have a blog about how important it is to do descendency research and how it solves some DNA puzzles fast: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/06/52-ancestors-week-25-fast.html

I've been working on the tree for Marisa Tomei and managed to correct some errors on FS. Because of course they had errors. Ugh. Can't be helped, I guess. At least the tree here is looking good. Can't say much for FS..

On the non genealogy front, my brother and his family left and so it's back to business as usual. Had some fun with them of course. Can't wait to see them all again in November.

I hope everyone is doing well. Have a great weekend! Thanks for hosting, Pip! 

Oh and I signed up for the connect a thon in July. Should be fun!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (785k points)
Whenever I encounter messes on FS (or heavens no, here on WT!!) I correct whatever I can and leave with the knowledge that it's at least better than I found it. My husband laughs at me with my multiple screen tabs and if it's really messy I bust out pen and paper to help my brain process/sort. He thinks I am over here solving conspiracies and will eventually have things pinned to the wall with string connecting notes ;)
Ciao Cousin Chris! I came across a 'Tedesco' through marriage in my daughter's paternal line. Her parents were Louis Joseph and Josephine (Barragree) Tedesco. Here you go: https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Tedesco-258
@Erin I'm with you, kiddo!

@ Erin: I know we have some whopper of messes here. But, this mess I solved could have been resolved by a simple trip over to Antenati where the original poster would find the birth record for Crescenzo Prezioso.

Over on FS, they had the wrong parents and the wrong birth date, too. So, I linked Antenati on the page there and left it at that. I should probably go see if I can find his death record and make sure that's accurate.

But, yea I try to correct what I can and move on. There are some serious messes as far as Italian records are concerned. People need to check out Antenati more is what I'm saying. Btw, I love the scan quality on that site. Not gonna lie. 

I could probably use multiple screens, too. My brother has at least three for his work. I swear it's like looking at the Bat-computer. Sometimes I sneak behind him with a sandwich and say "Master Bruce, your lunch is ready."

Hmm...You know genealogy COULD have some conspiracy theories. You never know what crazy uncle Ed did one cold December morn.....

@ Carol: Tedesco is a very common Italian name.  I actually knew a video producer named Joey Tedesco. But, he lived in the Philly area. His family was from like Sicily, I think? Not sure. Nice find, though and good work with the profile.

Ciao, Cousin Chris! Um...isn't "Tedesco" Italian for "German"? (That is so messed up...)
It is, and I often wonder when there was an immigrant from Germany to Italy (or maybe a German native speaker) in families with that name.
I wonder! My Italian professor years ago said different cultures called Germans after the various tribes who lived there: aleman, tedesco, etc., though I haven't researched it.

An Italian named Taliaferro settled in 18th century Virginia. Locals couldn't wrap their tongues around it, so they pronounced it "Tolliver." There are several other mangled names there, like Botetourt (boat-a-tote or bot-a-tot). Here in upper MI we have folks of French Canadian descent: Gervais is pronounced Jarvis, Dupuis became Dube.
@ D: It sure is. I wonder how far back I'd have to go to find the actual Germans who were the original Tedescos. My Tedesco line goes back to the early 1800s. So, it's got to be hundreds of years before that.

It's interesting how names changed over time. But, my last name hasn't changed much it seems. It still means iron worker.
@Chris...Tedesco must be a common name! I think I mentioned a while back that when I first went to Asia to teach for the military in 1990, one of my teaching colleagues was Paul Tedesco! He taught history, and did his dissertation on...wait for it...the Baldwin family in Woburn, Massachusetts!
@ Carol. Heh. I'm cousins with a Tedesco family who went to Woburn, Mass! =D

@ D-is this the guy  Colonial Fort E-46

Colonial Fort E-46

two 9th gr grandpas on one sign. If it ever comes up missing you can probably find it hanging in a barn in Lone Jack.
@K, looks like him. It appears his family had been in England for some years before emigrating to Virginia, though - like my Jaquiths (Jacques) who left France for England at some point (they were Huguenots).

Um, regarding the sign...I know nossing, I see nossing! LOL!
+18 votes
We are expecting a week of scattered rain so I just transplanted three tomato plants, hoping for just a tad of savings on my grocery bill this fall.  Since I was in the nursing home on Memorial Day weekend I am behind about a month for the ideal time here.  The garden center was all out of any broccoli plants and I got the last three tomatoes left.  One regular tomato and a double planted
cherry tomato, $1 each.  I don't expect much but still have time to collect from a planting of bush green beans and some lettuce.  All of my gardening supplies were dumped and lost so I have been having a hard time setting up the
pails to start again.  That also set me back.  It took me three days to get things set up while using a walker and a very painful ankle and knee.  But my therapy has also helped me, Pip.  I just finished a month of home bound therapy and am waiting for about two more weeks to see if the swollen ankle joint will heal so it can be flexed without pain before I sign up to go to outside therapy.  Am now allowed to drive my car and look forward to enjoying a little more freedom.  I'm going to that alumni banquet tomorrow
night but a friend is driving.  I may have to wear my expandable slippers.  I  still cannot reach my sneakers to tie them and the therapist wants me to wear shoes with support.

School is finally out but grandma's taxi service has been severely  limited so far.  One granddaughter is taking drivers ed and English for advanced credit.  The youngest
has foot surgery today so no sport team for two months.  I
am relieved to be more relaxed than usual as the backup driver.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (575k points)
edited by Beulah Cramer
You just take it easy and keep healing up Beulah. Plenty of time left to get some yummy veggies. My daughter is so excited to visit her Granny in July, she is the official tomato harvester while she is there.
Beulah, I wish you a wonderful time at the alumni banquet! I'm happy you are able to go.
Thank you.
Glad the therapy is coming along nicely, Beulah. Fear not, there's plenty of time this summer for some nice vegies...we're just getting started up here, and now it's 90 degrees! Enjoy the banquet!
I knew you would make the banquet. I could just tell. Enjoy!
Beulah, I am glad to hear that therapy is working for you. I only go twice a week, but the homework they gave me is twice daily, matching most of the stuff we do on site. I hope that your healing continues apace.

Have a blast at the alumni banquet. We'll want to hear all about it!
+19 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's happening here? I’ve been trying to convince myself all week to get ready to go away for a week at the cottage, we leave tomorrow and other than printing the cottage packing list, I haven’t done anything. This of course means I will spend most of today running around like a crazy person. We need 7 breakfasts, lunches and dinners plus snacks, various beverages and bedding, books, playing cards, cribbage board and hiking stuff, bug spray and rain coats, hats ….. my camera.  The weather forecast is rainy.

As the cottage is 20km from the nearest store we don’t have the option of running out to pick up anything that has been forgotten. We will have Internet but often it isn't reliable. And   

On Monday we are going to visit our sculptor friend I mentioned last week, he lives over on the east side of the Ottawa river in the Gatineau Hills in Québec. 

WikiTree and other family history: I found a connection between a living 3rd cousin of Robbie’s,  a descendant of a GGU and another large Alton area Irish immigrant family (Bowles) already on WT. I think there is also another connection between the Bowles family and James Cameron’s extended family. This really is spaghetti genealogy. 

I’ve been looking at information about One Place Studies both here and other places and it seems that many of them never get further than a list of names. I found a really good one about a village called Earlston in Scotland where Robbie’s 3x GGF (the one who came to Canada) was baptized.  

What else: not much, I stopped at the local book store yesterday to stock up on some books for reading at the cottage while looking at the lake! 

And I'm trying not to get totally furious about a proposal to put 8 apartment buildings in the middle of a Heritage district in a village near here that was founded over 200 years ago. It is very likely to be turned down as being completely inappropriate. I need some cottage time.

This is the cottage, this is where we went in August 2021. Robbie's niece has a large house on the property about 500 feet to the left. 


This is the lake it's big enough to get rough when it's windy or stormy.


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (759k points)
I am in love with that cabin!
Enjoy your stay.
I love the cottage and would not mind canoeing or kayaking on the lake! I'm jealous!

As to 8 apartment buildings in a Heritage district? They should burn in hell.
It's interesting the range of names given to 'other accommodations', here in southern Ontario they are called cottages, further north they are called cabins, north of Superior they are often called camps.

Other options the lake, the chalet, the shack or sometimes even the summer house. In Cape Breton the island that is the northern part of Nova Scotia they are often called bungalows.
Love the cottage, M! We are south of Mother Superior here, and we too call them "camps."

A pox on those tacky developers! Fortunately, here in the UP we have a bunch of dedicated folks who will raise a stink at any such tomfoolery. They managed to keep a "Group" out of Marquette from turning Houghton into another Traverse City. (One is quite enough.) The Group withdrew their proposal...
I agree one Traverse City is enough, I've been there!

We live at the north west corner of the GTA, Greater Toronto Area and what was the village of Streetsville is now in the middle of suburbia.

The site that is being proposed for development is/was the local plaza with a supermarket, drug store, hardware store etc, it is the only shopping area in walking distance of most of the houses and small apartment buildings in the downtown area. It is rundown and needs work, but covering it in 8 apartment buildings is not the answer.
Argh. What is the matter with these people? All they care about is $$$...
Beautiful photos, so enjoyable.
What a lovely getaway, M. I'd go for something like that, even if it would be that far from a store, just for the peace and quiet.
The trip here yesterday was interesting, I drove through one of the worst thunderstorms I have experienced.

At one point I thought of pulling off but not being able to see where the side of the 2 lane country road, made that impossible, and I didn't want to end up in the ditch.

This morning the islands you can see in the pic above are almost invisible. The smoke from the fires in Québec has blown here, and combined with the high humidity from yesterday, there 's a layer of smoke/ mist everywhere. The forecast is drifting smoke all day. It smells like a campfire. The sun is bright red-orange just like a red rubber ball.

There is a total fire ban, so no campfire for us, if it rains all day tomorrow as forecast, that may change.

We heard loons calling all night, heard a raccoon family chatting early this morning.

We're just sitting outside, drinking tea and coffee, watching the water and geese, and ducks, loons and the occasional person fishing.

And Pip it is very quiet. If you're interested in where we are, we are on Lake Clear, about 20km west of Eganville, Ontario. About 4 hours from home.
+20 votes

Howdy folks! Greetings from boiling central Oklahoma! Summer has arrived. Tuesday the heat index got up to 116F here at the house. It was as miserable as it sounds. It has been pretty mild up to this point, it was just a matter of when would the heat show up. The garden and flower beds are still doing OK and all of the rain barrels are full, so I think it's going to be a decent year for all of the plants. 

Tonight is the get together for my 40 year class reunion. It will be interesting to see who all shows up since we invited the classes of 1982-1986. I'm looking forward to seeing some folks. Others..........

We were at the lake last weekend and were awakened by the storm sirens at 0200 Saturday morning. Our area got 50-60 mph winds and some rain. Other areas had up to 80 mph winds, baseball sized hail, and torrential rain. We came home Monday and there was still no power. Some have no power today. The electric cooperative for that area said they had over 100 poles down, which was the most since 2007. We still had a nice time. Don't need electricity to swim and drink beer. laugh

Tomorrow the kids are coming over so that can only mean one thing! Its Harper time!!! Cannot wait to see my grandbaby!! She has started to roll to her back, and is giggling a little bit. Being a Grandpa is the best!

Thanks, Pip for being the host with the most and I hope your shoulder is coming along. I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time.....


by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)
I am dreading when New York is going to make all new construction to only use electricity for power.  We sometimes are without power for several days in the winter when ice storms take down the poles and lines.  There may be a general rebellion as the time, 2030, gets near and people who are so blase find themselves "up the creek without a paddle (or heat)".
Eek! Stay cool and stay inside.
So glad we have multiple power sources here (electric, wood, propane - benzene threat notwithstanding, it's a backup anyway).

Enjoy your grandbaby!
Beulah, it is unrealistic to expect that all homes new or otherwise will have reliable electrical supply, we are in suburbia but do get power failures occasionally.

Our gas fire runs when the power is out, and when that happens in the winter it is the only source of heat.

Are the plans to bury most electrical lines? Around here most are buried, except for transmission towers. It does make power failures less likely.

We had the 1998 ice storm, the 2013 ice storm, the 2005 blackout, none of which were fun events.
There was an initiative here in the UP a few years back to force folks to leave off wood burning. It failed. We have many elderly residents who depend on their wood stoves (at least as backup) and glean the wood left along the roads by the Forest Service.
EGAD! Now that is HOT! I have never been in that kind of heat before. We have hit 80 only twice so far this year, and lately it has been in the high 60s or low 70s.
I don't think they can afford to bury the lines when homes can be a mile or more apart.  My son worked in an area south of Albany, New York where a hurricane took out all of the lines and poles.  It was so sparsely populated that the phone companies furnished everyone free cell phones instead of replacing lines.  I'm not sure how the power lines were replaced.
@John- not having electricity while swimming is actually a good thing, especially while drinking beer
Beulah, was there cell coverage in the place where everyone got free phones?

Or was it just a publicity stunt.
Yup, just on the other side of the Red River from ya. It's sticky. not looking forward to the 100+ temps this week as I work in a warehouse.

High today in Bonham was officially 96. my thermo is saying 101 right now.
I don't know.  It was about 4 years ago.  I don't have cellphone service and I live in a populated area.  Is there
satellite service like my computer and tv reception are?
+20 votes

Greetings from Rochester, Minnesota USA!

Current Temp: 80°F

Humidity: 47%

Air Quality Alert again. This is nuts.

My life affected by the weather: Mask on. Mask off. Mask on. Mask off. No COVID--just those annoying air quality alerts in Rochester. Where's the rain and the storms??? Where's the pea sized hail? I haven't used my rain jacket at all this summer.... because of no rain and I can't fit into my jacket!

Health: I'm on a strict diet. I have a health coach. I'll be going gluten free for awhile. Apparently I'm gluten intolerant. Sad. 

I have switched the mochas to Matcha Tea Lemonades and Matcha Tea Frappes with oat milk. I cut down on portions and red meat. Brown rice is the staple. More salads. No bacon. I drink black coffee with no sugar or half and half.

The scale I got is amazing! It tracks my progress and let's me know how much muscle I have including skeletal muscle. It tracks my BMI, Pulse, Metabolic Age, Body Water. It tracks my visceral and subcutaneous fat percentage. I need to cut down on the visceral fat on the organs. The last thing I need before nursing school is a cancer diagnosis or fatty liver disease. This is a wake up call. My husband wants to get me a bicycle. God bless him.

Nursing Journey: I decided to compile both school and work into one. I'm waiting to hear back from the college regarding financial aid/scholarships until I use my tuition reimbursement benefits. The nursing program orientation is on Monday (for the first group which I am in), the second group meets on Thursday. The class of 2025 will have 65 students plus me for a total of 66. That's bigger than my graduating high school class!

WikiTree/Genealogy: If you haven't done so, sign up for the Connect a Thon. It will be the same weekend as the youth conference I'm volunteering in Rochester, but I want to do some adding of my relatives plus anyone else related to Black Heritage. 

I've pulled a LeBron James and switched teams. I'll take my genealogical talents and work with Team Roses for the Thon. I will cheer for all teams. It's all about having fun and connecting people to one another. I've recently created a Facebook account and I have connected with the WikiTree group!

I enjoy connecting with cousins here and on Ancestry. I'll have to take a weekend trip to Omaha to visit my cousin who is a Catholic priest and my friends. Last time I been to Omaha was when I was 5.

by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (208k points)
I signed up with the Toddlin' Tortoises, my fave group. The Connect-A-Thon is a ton of fun. I hope many of our Chat gang will join us for the event.
Sorry you're having such an awful time with the air quality over there, Eileen. And best of luck with the diet...sounds like you've hit on a winning strategy.

I won't be able to do the connect a thon as I'll be working that weekend, but I hope to get back to the Black Heritage Project for a little bit before that. I have several Virginia families with very sketchy information, but hopefully it will be enough to help someone find their family members.

Be well!
My maternal line originated in Loudoun County, Virginia. Should you find any Jacksons, give me a shout.
Will do, Candyce! Though the Jacksons...I have some too, in both my maternal (New England) and paternal (SE US) lines. It's about as bad as the Smiths and Joneses, lol.
Eileen, your diet sounds very nearly like the one my doc recommended to me. So, no red meat, more salads... both of which I can do, but I gotta have something in my coffee to sweeten it up!
Hi Eileen, best wishes on your orientation! I'll be thinking about you.

 That is quite an impressive scale you are using for your diet. I would gobble the diet you're on as to salads! They are like dessert for me. Due to the severe atrophy the exopancreas, though, the nutritionist said to steam the lettuce which is like swallowing sputum, so why bother? All fruits and veggies have to be steamed or boiled so I'm jealous of your salads!

We've not had any monsoons as yet and it's dry as a bone and 180F today. We have excessive heat warnings until tomorrow night. Fortunately, we don't have to deal with smoke drift ( touch wood). You take care!
+19 votes

Good Morning!  Thanks Pip for all you do!  

Last Wednesday, I left for Des Moines, Iowa, USA, at 4:30 am to drive 5 hours to meet with David Holmgren of the Iowa Historical Society!  He is retired, and volunteers a few days a week, for a few hours a day, to work on a project called the Iowa Freedom Trail project, which for the past 20 years have been collecting information on any one connected with the UGGR (underground railroad) in Iowa.

Meet David:

Now, all the file cabinets you see in the picture are 20 years worth of research, mainly by volunteers like David.  Now he is the only one working on it.  I asked him are these files on line? Can I access them.  He said NO!  They have made pdf files of each person profiled, but one would have to email him and ask for a specific person, then they would email the pdf information sheets they have on file.

I asked him, what happens to all these files when you retire?  Who carries on?  "I don't know!"  was his reply. 

I asked him about Thomas Mitchell and does he have a file on him!  I was curious because my great great grandfather, Ira Dillingham Draper was a station master on the UGRR and lived close to him, even naming a son Thomas Mitchell Draper!  There had to be a connection, and yes there was! A big one! 

Turns out both my gg grandfather and Thomas Mitchell lived about a mile apart, and both were station masters on the UGRR at the same time.  

I told him my gg grandfather, Ira, had a bounty put on him, wanted "Dead or Alive", for his activities on the UGRR, so he took his family and fled to Nebraska!  I was told by my historians it was the slave owners in Missouri that sent the bounty hunters.  David stopped me and said "That is probably incorrect!"  In 1864, the confederacy was falling apart and the Iowa militia groups had grown very strong, so bounty hunters trying to reach the middle of Iowa would be extremely difficult.

Well, who wanted him killed?  David replied, "Well the local sheriff and government officials did not enforce the Fugitive Slave Act!  They would have helped your gg grandfather!  It was probably the Knights of the Golden Circle that wanted him dead!  

I have never heard of them!  They were very active in the Des Moines area, and very secret, and probably "double agents" that ratted out my gg grandfather!

When I got home, I fell asleep watching YouTube videos on who they were and what they did!  At any rate, I will now have to make edits to the profile of Ira, and explain who were after Ira Draper!  

After I left, I visited the area my grandfaher was supposed to have lived, just south of Mitchellville, then headed down to cemeteries where the rest of my gg grand uncles and aunts and cousins are buried!  Now I have original pictures I can add to their profiles.

I didn't expect the feelings of emotions that came over me as I visited them!  I never knew them or what they did in their lives.  But still I had to wipe the tears away as I took pictures!  crying

My gg grand uncle and aunt, William and Nancy (Means) Draper who probably cared for Ira's farm when they fled to Nebraska. More Draper burials in the background!

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
That's a pretty cool find in your history!  We need more people like him.

--Is it just me or did you want to scan, sort, and upload all those files?  lol.

Yes, just thinking all the profiles we could add to WikiTree is killing me!  Some of those in those file cabinets could already be profiled on WikiTree.  But the information in those files is solid gold and probably not included in their profiles!

Spoiler alert! Your 14th cousin three times removed, Draper side

Melissa. this is YOUR family too!  (didn't see that coming did you!)

Wow David!

I'm shocked you didn't come up to Rochester! We are about 3 hours north of Des Moines.

Next time you pop in Iowa, stop by in Southeast Minnesota. 

And yes, there is a category on the Underground Railroad

What?  Which Melissa?  Me???  What?  lol.
What a great story about your gggrandfather, Cousin David. Is it just me, or would his story, and that of Civil War Iowa in general, not make a great film? I had heard of the Knights but didn't know they were active in Iowa.

You should write a book. A friend of mine (who is also my writing coach) had Unionist ancestors who had to flee Virginia for Tennessee; she's working on a book based on their story. And her folks were in the Valley, where there were many pacifists (Quakers, Mennonites, Dunkers)... also devastated by the war. Sheridan and Early saw to that.

Sounds like a great trip! I'm jealous!
I would love to write a book!  I think I could do it if I started putting together a pictorial story board on the basement wall.  I see stories in pictures, so if I came up with a screen play first, it just might work.  I still would need help, then yes, it needs to be made into movie!

D, this is too good not to follow up on...in your copious free time, lol.

For format, may I recommend "Save the Cat!" Writes a Novel. Helped me a lot and started out as advice to screenwriters. The beat sheets are indispensable for any aspiring writers just trying to get organized!

That is a very cool piece of history.

Come to find out that Ira Dillingham Draper : Your 19th cousin five times removed so nice to get to know some of his history. Now I plan to check to see through which side of my family is out relation.  I see it is primarily my Stephens and Brassfields side which my father's side.

David we are 17th cousins twice removed. Hi Cuz.
David, you are making some absolutely fabulous discoveries. This oughta help to really bring your family members to life. Really, you need to write a book!

Ok, The book is ordered and on its way. At least I can start it.  Maybe my daughter will help me finish it.  She had excellent writing skills in college!

Thanks for the suggestion!heart

Awesome, David! I hope it helps. Nice analysis of great and bestselling novels, all of which follow a similar format. (I can hear my foam board with the beats calling to me, even as we speak...) Best of luck!
+20 votes
Good morning from sunny Everett, Washington, where this past week we had alternate sunny and rainy days.

Due to the collision between elevator and forklift, described in last weekend's chat, the live Boeing factory tour rollout has been moved back to September. Husband Chris has been engaged to do voiceovers for Boeing videos while he is leading the newbie tour guides in dry runs to get the timing right. Murphy's Law applies in hefty helpings to Boeing.

Today the adult children, Isabella and George, are preparing to attend a ComicCon at the Puyallup fairgrounds. No, they are not in costume. Isabella is wearing the Her Universe dress design by Ashley Eckstein (Asokahtano of Star Wars); it's a black Lord of the Rings dress to which I attached a lace ruffle to extend it. They will be going tomorrow too.

Tomorrow I teach a brick walls class at the Sno-Isle Genealogical Society library in Lynnwood. I will be provided a laptop by which I can access WikiTree and FamilySearch.

I have been doing a lot of work on native tribes of northwest Washington. On Wednesday members of the Mukilteo Historical Society met with members of the Tulalip Tribes at the lighthouse for a tour of our facilities. We are discussing ways to get a video interview done that can be put on their YouTube channel. YouTube and social media are the ways that most tribal members get their news and tribal history.

There arrived in a surprisingly short time a book I ordered: "Interwoven Lives: Indigenous Mothers of Salish Coast Communities," by Candace Wellman (WSU Press, 2019). I found in it some biographical information for at least one profile I created recently. I am still waiting for another book by her, a biography called "A Man of Treacherous Charm: the life of Edmund Clare Fitzhugh," published last May. Fortuitously, while I was working on Fitzhugh's family, I received an email from someone in the Bellingham area who had seen the profile I created and was fascinated.

I have virtually stopped sewing and quilting for the past week or so. Creating profiles is more satisfying, for the present. I keep promising myself I will get back to sewing.

Stay well and free from humidity. Blessings to you all, especially Pip.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
I had to look up Ashley Eckstein's designs, Margaret. Very cool! I especially like the LOTR designs. You'd think that as a costumer, I would've heard of these. Too busy making my own stuff, I guess.

While cleaning out the garage for our yard sale, I found a box of quilting fabrics that the mice and squirrels had spared! Blast from the past: it included a "block party" project from the 90s, 9 patch blocks that will make a nice light/dark diamond hanging or lap quilt, once my faire season is over. We swapped everything by mail. There was also some stuff that will make great quarter-square triangles. I need a clone.

Have several friends over the years who have worked for Boeing up in the Seattle area. I imagine they are following the news.

I had an Aunt and Uncle that used to work in Kansas for a part of Boeing. I tried to get them to write out some of the history of their work, but never could get it accomplished. Never new how high their security levels were too so that might have been a factor.

Thank you for the update.
Unfortunately my son and daughter cannot attend the second day of the ComicCon today as their friend, who was to have been their ride, has dislocated his shoulder--again. This is a recurring issue with him. I am glad that son and daughter are taking it well and praying for their friend, whose mom came to pick him up. We will figure out what to do with his SUV which is now parked in my husband's space.

I also have to clear all the fabric from the living room so the upstairs window can be replaced. Then find some cash to pay for the installation.

I am off to teach genealogy this morning.

Tomorrow the bishop is coming to our chapel and there will be a great deal of ceremony.
Good news! They were able to pop the shoulder back in, so the trip to the ComicCon is on again.
Oh, Margaret! I really wish I was attending your class on brickwalls. I know for a fact that you will do a great job.

It's hard to find the balance between WikiTree and my other hobby... reading like a maniac, both of which take time to enjoy. You'll figure out how to get your sewing in while doing your research, somehow!
Margaret that is wonderful news. Will continue to keep him in our prayers.

Yes, it is hard to balance Wikitree and other hobbies but be assured that you will manage it.

I wish I could attend the class on brick walls, that is where I am on several family members.
+19 votes

Greetings from Brightlingsea, Essex, England

Today - Friday, sees the Visit of the Mayor of Sandwich to Brightlingsea. Sandwich is a member of the Cinque Ports and Brightlingsea is associated as a "Limb" of Sandwich. The connection goes back hundreds of years.... Brightlingsea has a Mayor Deputy who is elected annually by Brightlingsea's freemen and represents the town in dealings with Sandwich.  The position of Mayor Deputy is a ceremonial one, not political. He is referred to as "The Deputy" locally.

There is a Civic Procession from St James' Church to the Parish Hall where the Mayor of Sandwich is welcomed by the Town Mayor and Town Council.                                      There is usually a lunch and there will be a reception for the Freemen this evening.                          

Have been active on Wikitree this week- just going through some profiles I had not looked far a while and made some additions which was good. 

Hope everyone has a good weekend. 

by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
Thank you for sharing the photo and the history behind today. Have a wonderful weekend.
Chris, out history is so short here in the US that we miss out on such wonderful ceremonies like the one pictured above. Wish I could make out the tartan in that kilt in the procession!
+20 votes
Good afternoon Pip and all the other WikiPeeps,  I spent the morning going to the hospital and talking with the doctors about my sister.  Two weeks ago she had her 4th surgery having to do with her cancer.  They did a bladder and colon diversion this time, so I guess they took about a quarter of her body away.  Anyway she is having such a rough time and I had to sign for them to do dialysis on her since her kidneys are not working right.  At least the doctors think this will only be a temporary thing.  Anyone that happens to pray if you could send up some prayers for healing for Robin I sure would appreciate it.

On another note some of you have kept me laughing since I got home today.  I enjoy reading the weekend chat even if I don't usually comment.  I love to hear what everyone has going on and today Carol nearly wore me out but her trip sounds like fun.

Also Pip, it sounds like you have some good physical therapists.  Mine would tell me to let them know also if the exercises caused me pain and they would change them to where they would still work but get the job done.

It has been mostly cloudy here in northwest Georgia today but so far it has not rained.  I already feel like a drowned rat from all the other rain we have had this week.

I missed the Bingo at noon since I did not make it back home in time to catch it.  I just hope I don't fall asleep and miss the next one.  I still want one of those Bingo mugs and I always learn something new.

Now I better catch that nap before it gets too late.
by Paula Franklin G2G6 Pilot (110k points)
Hi Paula, I am so sorry to hear of your sister's travails. Please know that I am sending healing intention and light to both of you in my daily meditations.
I am adding my prayers to the many intercessions offered up for your sister's health.
Sending good mojo for your sister, Paula!
Paula so sorry to hear about your sister. Prayers and thoughts for all of you.
Paula, there's this fella I know in Alabama whose wife is going through much the same as your sister, and these kinds of things break my heart, especially for the family members of those suffering. We will be praying for Robin and all your family tomorrow at St. Pat's.
Paula, I hope your sister's surgery and dialysis bring some relief. Sending love and hugs.
+18 votes
Forty-fifth anniversary today!  As usual I forgot to get a card and had to get one off the internet and print it out ... duh!

We're going out to a bar and restaurant called 'Center Stage' at the TPC Colorado golf course in Berthoud (https://tpc.com/colorado/}.  The golf course hosts Korn Ferry tour events.

For all you golfers out there ... we're at altitude, like 5000 feet and golf balls fly a bit further here.  The Korn tourney plays at 7991 Yards.  The highlight of that is the 13th, par 5, 773 yards!  I might get to the green in four shots, more likely five.
by Bob Jewett G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
Happy anniversary.  May you receive a hole in one as a gift to yourself on your next round of golf.
Happy 45th Anniversary.
Congrats of 45 years, Bob!

A 773 yard par 5?!? No such animal... well, at least around here. That is a monster hole. I'm thinking I'd be lucky to score an 8 on that one. GAH!
+19 votes

On this day:

1785: The Ottoman Albanian Governor Kara Mahmud Pasha captures with his army the Montenegrinian capital Cetinje.

1881: The botanist and founder of the cell theory Matthias Jacob Schleiden dies

1885: In Alberta, the Banff National Park is established.

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Hmmm. I will go with both Schleiden (I am into botany and cell theory) and Banff National Park. There are never enough national parks!
Had a surprise visitor at the house yesterday so I missed class, Professor. I'm doubling up today, and the first will be reading about Kara Mahmud Pasha and his victory.
+18 votes

Good evening from Germany,

where rain, thunderstorms, hail and wind ended a really hot week yesterday. When you scroll down this article, you can see a picture gallery with what happened in the northern part of Hesse, thanks God about 200km away from me. We also didn't have that much of rain, because the clouds went straighter towards the north than usual, we were farther in the east than where they went. It was quite windy here though.

This week, both mum and I didn't do that much in the flat as we wanted to do, also because of the humid heat with temperatures around 30C. The humidity really broke us, we're not yet used to that this year.

Yesterday I had an unplanned guest. I was sitting here on the sofa and suddenly I heard that something crashed into the big window. What's that? Looking around, there was a bird sitting on the backrest of the armchair. Huh? I have to help it get out of here, it will hope there is a hole in the window. So I went towards the window, as did the bird (well, it flew). Then it was on the windowsill, where there are several plants and other stuff. Poor bird, it didn't know where to go. I chatted with it, tried to calm it down and tried to get it in my hands to be able to help it out. When I got it in my hands on its legs, it first started to scream. "Stay calm, I'm gonna bring you out." In the same moment I thought "I hope I don't break its legs now." When it saw that I'm going towards the balcony, it really calmed down. On the balcony I put my hands out of the railing and let it go. And it flew away and then left. Poor thing, it wanted to take a shortage and got nothing but stress.

Genealogy-wise, it was quite a productive week. I worked with the German Emigrants to Cape of Good Hope-category to get the German part of the profiles historically correctly located and categorized, I was able to connect a few branches, to date some undated profiles and to work also a bit on my own watchlist. There I mostly exploited sources on profiles that don't belong to my family and then orphaned them, but that is also a kind of a success.

Btw, the "Did you know?" part of the German Wikipedia covers today and tomorrow the article of Edward Thonen. Most of the article and the corresponding WikiTree-profile is a result of research which was done after one of my Germany Project Connector's Challenges. (Daniel Bamberger said on a German genealogy Discord-channel, that the WikiTree-profile is currently not really up to date though).

Have a nice weekend, stay safe!

by Jelena Eckstädt G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Yikes, Professor! Some heavy weather in Hesse! Glad there were no serious injuries.

(My father's family home in Virginia, btw, is called "Hesse." An 18th c. brick Georgian house. There's supposed to be some kind of connection to Darmstadt, even though they came from Yorkshire...)

Glad you were able to help the bird. Earlier this spring during the junco migration, they'd come up the dog run and get trapped in the entryway. There were 5 or 6 we had to catch and release!
Glad to hear no serious injuries. Storms in Germany can get bad. I worked at Landstuhl W. Germany in 1983-1986. We had the roof blown of a couple of buildings close to the Hospital at 2nd General. Fortunately only scratches and bruises. But considerable repairs. Stay safe.

We are receiving rain in southern Oregon, USA with golf ball hail and some 30 mph winds. Sure scares my two dogs, especially with thunder.
+18 votes
Greetings and Salutations, Fellow WikiTreers!

Dzien Dobry! Just flew back from Poland yesterday and boy are my arms tired! Our church had a Mission Trip set for Poland and I was happy to be able to go. We were in country for around a week, but with the travel, it was about a week and a half total. We help to support a church in Bialogard in northern Poland and got to visit all the surrounding churches in that region and met some very awesome people, leaders, and pastors in each of the churches. It was an awesome time. We did take a little time out to view the countryside, the coast, and the beach, and Poland is an absolutely beautiful country with absolutely beautiful people. I'd love to go back one day, so we'll see how that goes. As you might imagine, I got a little genealogy done while on my trip, but not a lot. My jet lag is kicking in at the moment, and things are still a bit fuzzy. It will be better tomorrow.

Hope everyone had a great week!
by Scott Fulkerson G2G Astronaut (1.5m points)
Welcome back, Scott! My maternal gradmother's family came from Poznan, Poland in the 1880s and settled in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My sister and I drove to Pozan from Berling around 2015 and had a great time, the people were wonderful and one of the oldest cities in Poland. We got great photos of the old town square and clock tower.

Scott welcome back. Glad to hear of your treks. Glad youare ok except for being very tired.

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