"Welcome to the Weekend Chat!" All Members Invited!! June 9th - 11th, 2023 [closed]

+33 votes


New Members Saying Hello (our favorite!)

Puzzles and Tips 

"Today Is" 

Movies & Music

Where in the World?  Share your photos!

Members Checking in via "All About the Weekend Chat"


Click here if Interested in Hosting the Weekend Chat and earning a Guest Host Sticker? 

CHANGE TO BEST ANSWER PROCESS:  After much discussion we have come to the conclusion that all answers in the Weekend Chat are of equal importance and weight.  So we are going to discontinue the Best Answer portion as it adds points and then takes them away from posters and is causing some hurt feelings.  So in the interest of everyone is equal and valued we will delete any best answers given which will deduct those points because it has been pointed out that to give everyone best answer is also not a viable option. 

Weekend Chat is for everyone. It's a place to catch up on what people are up to and to share what you've been doing.  New members can say hello, introduce themselves, ask questions, and meet each other.  Our seasoned members can share progress or successes from their projects, give tips and advice, or chime in on hot topics.

Post as many answers and comments as you wish. It doesn't hurt anyone to post a lot and enjoy the multitude of topics.


Enjoy yourselves and spread the love!

WikiTree profile: Pip Sheppard
closed with the note: Until next weekend, flourish in all you do!
in The Tree House by Pip Sheppard G2G Astronaut (2.7m points)
closed by Pip Sheppard
I would, but my dad is in heaven.
Eileen... sending you hugs.  And know that your Dad's memory continues today and he made me smile with his wisdom.
1. Saving bacon grease is not only a thing done in the south. My parents did it in Ontario, Canada, for decades and I now sometimes save it myself.

4. We say the same thing here - humidity is bad in the summer.

15. We pullover too, but not everyone does.

Lots of sports are important here but hockey usually is at the top spot. Our NHL team (Ottawa Senators) is still for sale.
I have seen the full version of your "Southern" list - love it and the shorter one is more likely to be read.
You almost described Nebraska.
I think the one about the second religion of Texas and a lot of the South was left out. Remember "Friday Night Lights"? That was not make believe! Friday nights see the stands completely full at high school games. Whole families plus their neighbors go out to see the home town team.
The whole state turns out for their high school football games! Second religion... correct!
my daughterinlaw's father just had a shoulder replacement and he is thrilled.   prayers for you Pip
Thanks so much, Laura!

Pip, a big thankyou to your daughter for the "Southern" list.....I've returned to it several times during the weekend.   #2 reminds me of Kathy's spontaneous, on occasion, 'southern drawl'......where she acquired it remains a mystery and #3 starts a grin of understanding.  laugh

35 Answers

+20 votes

Good morning Pip and the Weekend chatters!


  • Currently, it is 73º and Sunny

Unconnected Garver profiles:

  • I have been working on the unconnected GARVER profiles.  I have one large branch left to go.  The unconnected count is now 28, down from 51.
by Tommy Buch G2G Astronaut (2.0m points)
Hoya, Tommy! Haven't heard from you in a while. Glad to see you're still WikiTreeing! We are at 60°F and sunny. The smoke is cooling things down for us.
+18 votes

The Girl From Weekend Chat

Today we honor Astrud Gilberto who died this week at 83, and because Father's Day is fast approaching.  This parody covers both!  Because this is rather a sad parody, and might mist up your eyes, I have Bonus song this week also!  Enjoy!

Written by Antonio Carlos Jobim and Vinicius de Moraes,

  • With English lyrics by Norman Gimbel,
  • Sung by Astrud Gilberto
  • With the American jazz saxophonist Stan Getz 1964
  • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw_a9LuWvE8

  • Open the link in a new window then come back here and try to sing along!
  • Or Click on the link then click back here and try to sing along! Enjoy
  • Tall and tan and
  • Young and Lovely
  • The girl on Weekend Chat
  • Is posting and
  • But when she answers
  • Each one she answers
  • Goes WOW!
  • When she chats
  • About the summer
  • Is seems so cool
  • She speaks so gently
  • That when she answers
  • Each one she answers
  • Goes WOW!
  • Ooohhh but I watch her so sadly
  • How can I message I love her?
  • Yes I would chat with her gladly
  • But each chat that she answers
  • You see
  • She never chats back love to me
  • Tall and tan and
  • Young and Lovely
  • The girl on Weekend Chat
  • Is posting and
  • When she answers I smile
  • but she never sees
  • Music
  • Ooohhh but I watch her so sadly
  • How can I message I love her?
  • Yes I would chat with her gladly
  • But each time that I type on the keys
  • My hands float right through to my knees
  • Tall and tan and
  • Young and Lovely
  • The girl on Weekend Chat
  • Is posting and
  • Said she's making a profile,
  • And its about me!
  • A profile of me!
  • I’m a ghost, you cant see!
  • My daughter is profiling me!

More of Dave's Parodys Are Here! 17 songs now!

Enjoy the LOVE Chat!   laugh

by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper

When I saw that Gilberto died, I had to go to YouTube for a blast from the past. She has such a silky voice. Here is her Wikipedia page. And here is her WikiTree profile.

Thanks, Pip, for sharing!  I didn't think to check to see if she had a profile page.  I wrote that parody the day she died!  It took 10 minutes.  I have to be motivated, and my emotions were in high gear!crying (I'm on Cindy's computer)

+17 votes


You Made Duplications

Sung to the tune of Walk Like an Egyptian

  • Written by Liam Sternberg
  • Released in 1986
  • Billboard’s 1987 Number-One song of the year
  • Million-selling single by The Bangles
    • Parody by Dave Draper

Here is the Music:


  • Click on the link in a new window then come back here and try to sing along!
  • Or Open the link in a new window

You Made Duplications!

  • (pronounce it du-pla- Kay-Ay-shuns) PRACTICE! PRACTICE! PRACTICE!
  • Okay! We're gonna do one more! Yeah!
  • All the old profiles with the tombs *
  • They got the sources don’t you know?
  • If you save to quick (oh whey oh)
  • You’ll get kicked out like some spam-e-o
  • To get back in may take a while
  • Not to worry, and do not fret
  • They’ll let you in (oh whey oh)
  • When they stop smoking cigarettes
  • … Foreign types with the hookah pipes say
  • (Whey oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh)
  • You made duplications! (du-pla-K-A-shuns)
  • The great profiles take many days
  • You come back in and you edit more
  • They're looking good (oh way oh)
  • You drop your mouse, retrieve it off the floor
  • They got school kids, so take a look
  • They like the punk and the metal band
  • When the cell phone rings (oh whey oh)
  • You edit the description (de-script-she-an)
  • Wikipeeps on your Free Space page say
  • (Whey oh whey oh, ay oh whey oh)
  • You made duplications (dupla-K-A-shuns)
  • Music
  • Slide your mouse to the top, click and clack
  • Shift your arm then you pull it back
  • It's not hard you know (oh whey oh)
  • So post a pic of a Cadillac
  • If you wanna profile cops
  • Search the owners of the donut shops
  • Then include their dance (oh whey oh)
  • How they cruise squad cars down the block
  • All Japanese with names of Yen
  • Will drive you nuts, do it all again
  • And the Chinese, whoa! (oh whey oh)
  • You’re gonna make duplications (dupla-K-A-shuns)
  • Hang your head at the donut shop, say:
  • Oh no, Oh no, Oh no, I know
  • I made duplications (dupla-K-A-shuns)
  • I made duplications (dupla-K-A-shuns)

More of Dave's Parodys Are Here! 17 songs now!


by David Draper G2G Astronaut (4.0m points)
edited by David Draper
+18 votes
Top of the morning from Lone Jack Mo to you Pip, and all others concerned.
by K Smith G2G6 Pilot (381k points)
You're up early, K!
Couldn't sleep, got too cold 'cause of that new air conditinin. You forgot a couple on your list, crappie are white perch unless you want to call them brim and if you are from the north and are house shopping you are called a Yankee, if you buy a house you are considered a damn Yankee. At least that's what my sister n law said of my brother.
K, my father-in-law, CJ Patterson, attended a naval officers' school just before WW II. In the "yearbook" someone wrote about him that CJ thought Damn Yankee was one word.
Here on the boarder, we whistle Dixie as well as the Battle Hymn of the Republic. If we like you, we call you neighbor or friend, if not, we tell you to go back where you came from.
What's new in local news, two black bears were reported on the local news. They were the first reported sightings in our county in my lifetime that I know of. Week before last, a local reported seeing a mountain lion, what's next, tigers. I don't think we're in Kansas anymore Toto. Upcoming on the news will be a segment on the Lone Jack Historical Society and Museum. A news crew came out last Wednesday and interviewed our president and shot the museum and cemetery. As far as digging up any history, I have found 4 defunct cemeteries located on private property. In one cemetery, I found a slew of Howe's that I am unfamiliar with. I am certain that they are related to gr grandma Jennie Lou, but how?
we've had black bears show upin suburban St Louis now for past two years.  we are told they are coming up from Arkansas following rivers and creeks  before urbanization they were native to Missouri.
We are seeing more and more armored opossums move north as well. Fifteen years ago, I had a farm down around Nevada and was told by locals that black bear were pretty common down there and that's only about 80 miles south.
Laura, anymore deliberation on your road trip? I forgot to add the Genealogy Center in Lee's Summitt.
probably last weekin July   checking on hubby's schedule.  He is waiting on client feedback  your nuseum sounds interesting and so does the general area.
+22 votes
Am much recovered from last week, have resumed normal duties. Sometimes you just need to take a beat. Hard to remember when I just want to keep pushing through and “get it all done.” Have been really enjoying this last little bit of the school year, one more week! Then summer camps and grandparent visiting and hot day activities, oh my!

Monday is a big meeting of our Cub Scout pack, end of year catch-up awards and I will be giving my scouts their own pairs of work gloves and clean-up patches to commemorate their helping me with Clean the Bay day cleanup last weekend. We got 35 lbs of trash picked up! I am so proud considering we are a small group. I love getting the kids into conservation projects, there’s always a lot of fun to be had for a good cause. I have several ideas for projects to keep us busy through the year, excited to get them planned out on the calendar.

Had a coffee meet and greet with prospective kindergarten parents to try to recruit PTO board members for next year. Was a success I think, we’ll see if they show back up in august. Hopefully next year we’ll have more than 3 people to run events! I doubt I’ll find anyone to take on treasurer but I’m used to that torture so I’ll probably just keep on keeping on.

Genealogy has been all about the RAWK this week and for the foreseeable future. It’s so exciting seeing those CC7 numbers tick up, especially when someone else is working the same person with you so you add a handful, they add a handful, and all of a sudden there’s a big difference! I LOVE to see the collaboration in real time.

I hope everyone’s projects, WT and in real life, go smoothly this week (and every week!) hope everyone is easing into summer with few bumps and bruises. Sending hugs.
by Erin Robertson G2G6 Pilot (163k points)
Hey, Erin! Glad to see ya in the chat. Thanks to your greeting, I've added a couple people to the Italy Project. Gotta love teamwork. =D

Coffee meet and greet, huh? Yeah...I think you'll need it to deal with some people. Good luck!!!
Erin, everybody needs a break once in a while. I didn't do ANY genealogy this past week. The pleasant interruption for me was the arrival of our daughter. I did my duties, but nothing else. I have learned not to push myself too hard.

How wonderful the youngins getting experience in keeping our planet clean. Good for them. I hope they love their new gloves... and use them!
Hi Erin! I wish I could have coffee with you one morning, enjoy the dawn and just...chat. Maybe Pipster could join us. In the North, we call that a 'coffee klatch'.

My CC7 is going up a bit because I am working on my daughter's ancestry and those crazy Buckinghamshire Baldwins.
+21 votes

PIP YES!!! The only one of those southern "thangs" I don't do is 18, in my neck of the South we always called them soft drinks. Now a days people here say pop....kind of irks my nerves LOL (joke). I find all these things mainly in the country though, city folk are different. ( I stopped for a funeral just the other day) Got to get that bacon grease ready for those garden veggies coming in.

Sorry I've been slackin' for the last couple of weeks, work has me not even wanting to look at a computer when I get home.Awful head aches from eye strain. 

I also started doing more volunteer work with the DAR, I work on a cool project called "Patriot Records Project" where I enter data for Revolutionary War soldiers/widows. I am loving that. BTW some of the surnames I have entered a lot of are Chase, Child/Childs, and ChildressChildres mainly in the New England area. A few of the Childs were from VA/NC. I can not answer any specific questions nor can I copy any of this information. A lot of this information is new and you can search it at DAR/GRS.org. I cleaned Military graves at local cemeteries on Memorial Day, so satisfying!

We are getting some smoke here in Southern VA, hazy mostly. Weather is still too cold for Spring/Summer. But the garden is really loving it. I already had 2 "messies" of squash and they are so good. I went to the Virginia Ren Faire in Lake Anna last Sat and will visit Petersburg this weekend to grab some King's BBQ sauce and BBQ (they recently closed the restaurant but have popups to sell just a few items). If you know you know on that. It's well worth driving an hour.

Pip good luck with your PT, you do not want the surgery if you can avoid it.

Everyone take it easy and have a great Wikiend! One last thing to add on the Southern list....absolutely do not say to a Virginian "I thought Virginia was a northern state"!!! LOL

by Teresa Willis G2G6 Mach 5 (50.6k points)
Teresa, I know the feeling. I've been busy as a bee, but not at the computer at home. Sometimes I just got to step away.

City folks in the South ARE different. I grew up rural... very rural. and, even not, I still live rural. I did not enjoy the times I lived in the city.

Really great work you are doing with the DAR. I'm glad to see such as active group. Ours here is not as active.
Hi Teresa, thank you for all the DAR work that you are doing. One of these fine days, I have to get serious about getting my 4x GGF Josiah Baldwin listed with the DAR. He was an artificer and Fishkill and earned a pension of $96! I have all the 'evidence'. It is just finding the time and $$$ to do it. I am told that I am a rare bird because there are very few women descendants of Revolutionary War veterans who still have the same surname as the soldier! I don't know how true this is.
Country folk are different from the city folk wherever you go. I recently had a new neighbor stop to advise me that there are leash laws even in the county because they saw my dog untethered. I advised that she wasn't really my dog, someone from the city disposed of her out here about eight years ago and we just feed her. As I have seen her drive very fast on our road, I advised we have speed limit even though there are no signs. Please, go back where you came from!
Carol I don't know about the surname, I do have a Clary(my maiden name) ancestor that is proven and will be one of my supplement grandfathers I add later. It took me years to do the application after having all my information. I enjoy it very much.

@KSmith, too funny!!!surprisesmiley

I'm afraid to wave any more for fear someone will take offense. I heard someone complain of all the gunfire out here in the country. I told her it was called practice and assured her it was not a drive-by. She didn't care what it was, it should just stop. Come to find out, she moved within a mile of a shooting range that is in the middle of nowhere, been there forever, has a trap and skeet league and used by several local law enforcement agencies as well as locals. Way to research your new home purchase, by the way, we shoot fireworks the whole month of July, have you seen my dog?
Sounds just like my neighborhood, I actually have a shooting range on my property and people have asked me "why on earth would you have a shooting range?" I just laugh, if you know you know!
Around here, we consider brass and lead precious metals.
+20 votes

Hails and horns, Wikipeeps!

First and foremost, I hope everyone effected by the smoke stays safe and masked. That stuff is no joke. I have friends in the CT/NY/NJ area who are effected and the sky looks like Gozer is going to be coming. Pip, do NOT pick the Stay Puff Marshmellow man as the form the traveler will take.

On the genealogy front, I wrote a blog about a family who has many, many, many descendants: https://allroadhaverhill.blogspot.com/2023/06/52-ancestors-week-23-so-many-descendants.html

Most are dna confirmed. MANY more are via a paper trail. Should I put them all in my tree? Sure! Why not?! People have trees that are 100k plus and are largely unsourced. Shocking, I know. I like to have sources and confirmation. Wikitree, you have ingrained that into my skull. 

In other news, I heard from San Pietro. It seems that the info I sent them was incorrect. That kinda sucks, doesn't it. So, I sent along an apology and a request for something else. Specifically, the parents of this Caterina Butruce

She married Pietro Francesco Gullo in 1874 at age 20. I have a good idea of who her parents MIGHT be. However, I want confirmation. I did the math and found a Caterina Butruce who was born on 28 Dec 1853 to Giovanni Butruce and Caterina Basile. Could it be her? I have no idea. I'm hoping the marriage doc confirms it.

In non genealogy news, my brother and his family are here. We had our annual pilgrimage to the sacred lobster roll place known as the Beach Plum in Portsmouth. We got some candy at Yummies in Maine. Was a good time. Just sucks about the rain and all that. Makes sense as we had a dry winter.

Hope everyone is doing well. Stay safe out there! Thanks for hosting, Pip!

by Chris Ferraiolo G2G6 Pilot (785k points)

Yes, Chris, you should add ALL of those DNA descendants to WikiTree. Hop to! laugh

What happened with San Pietro? Wrong name or dates? Here's hoping that those kind folks come through for you once again! Wouldn't it be great if you could make a trip over there?!?

Enjoy your time with your family!

That's what the Connect a Thon's for. Fortunately (Or unfortunatel) a lot of people were uploaded to Wikitree via the Decoursey gedcom. I cleaned up what I could find. There's probably more. More of the descendants will be added sooner or later.

I'm not sure what happened with San Pietro. The lady said that there was a Caterina Butruce in the documents she was looking at. However, it seems the day I gave her was the one in error. I had gotten that from a tree on Ancestry. Whoops. So, I asked them to scrap it and look for someone else. Ah well....

I would love to go there! Perhaps some day I will.

Having a great time with everyone! Hope ya liked the pic I sent you on Discord.
+22 votes

¡Buenos días a todos from the Old Pueblo! It is 7:30 am and 68F (20C) with an expected high of 91F (33C) with partly sunny skies. It is June and I am hoping for a healthy monsoon season.

I want to let all my WikiTree friends, colleagues and family know that I am thinking of all of you in Canada, the northeastern states (e.g., New York) and along the Eastern seaboard who are experiencing the effects of those horrendous wildfires. PLEASE be sure to wear N-95 masks and try to stay indoors. The last thing anyone needs is exposure to the particulate from those fires, especially if you have lung, or other respiratory complaints, sensitivity to chemicals and so forth. Now is the perfect opportunity to add to your CC7, beef up profiles, source, integrate and connect. You are in my healing intentions.

It was wonderful to spend last week with my colleagues in Leon, Guanajuato, Mexico! They truly are the family of my heart! I had wonderful meals with friends, went to El Centro (a large downtown park where families gather) and enjoyed people watching. There is a family that makes my favorite drink in all the world. “Cebadinas” is made from Jamaica (hibiscus), tamarind, and a grain used in brewing. It is bright red and has the consistency of water. Before drinking, a teaspoon (or so) of baking soda is added to make it fizz and then I guzzle it down like the pig that I am. Breakfast was always fresh squeezed orange juice, and the most delicious fresh fruit (cantaloupe, watermelon, pineapple), a scrambled egg with chopped fresh tomato and avocado, and a small bolillo. Dinner, due to my gut problems was invariably sopa de pollo (chicken soup LOADED with fresh veggies). Dr. Marquez and Karla took me to the historic Hotel Leon, which I had never been to. The décor was right out of the Art Deco era and gorgeous. The food and service were outstanding. Tuesday evening my colleague Luxana and I met for research and paper writing discussions and kept an eye on the football game (oh…soccer) in the hotel sports bar. Leon beat the Los Angeles Football Club, and we celebrated with lattes (sorry LA WikiTreers).

The students in this semester’s diabetes educator program were a large and academically diverse group – nurses, physicians, nutritionists, exercise physiologists. I have gone back to demonstrating Healing Touch, an energy-based modality specific to nursing, as well as the Guided Imagery technique. The students really enjoy these. The one thing I forgot was a bag of licorice. It is uncommon in Mexico, and the flavor is difficult to describe. During the complementary and holistic practices lecture, I spent a fair amount of time on herb and drug interactions. Licorice is one of the herbs that can interact with prescription drugs, and I like the students to experience the ‘flavor,’ since they are not familiar with it.

The flights to and from Leon were not great. My Tucson to Dallas flight was delayed 2 hours (no good reason). The flight from Dallas to Leon was delayed 1 hour. On my return, the flight to Dallas was delayed 45 minutes and we had to wait on the tarmac at Dallas another ½ hour because the other flight was still at our gate! Then it was a rush to go through customs, get luggage, drop luggage for the connecting flight, go through security and head for the D to C concourse. My Tucson flight was to board in 11 minutes when I got to my connecting gate. Naturally, that flight was delayed because the crew had not arrived from Panama City, Florida. I will never understand why American made Dallas their hub when Phoenix Sky Harbor would have been a much better choice.

I had un/expected work to take care of earlier this week. I got a request to re-review a paper dealing with sleep and toxic exposures, which I agreed to do. I also got a request to review a new submission on Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease, which I declined because that is not an area of skill for me. I had a zoom meeting with the friend/colleague about the book chapter we are working on related to multiple chemical sensitivity and environmental/occupational exposures. Because of all this, I have not had much time to work on WikiTree, although I did add some of my daughter’s relatives over the past two days. This weekend, I will focus on updating and adding to the Baldwins of Buckinghamshire. I took on the Baldwin Name Study prior to leaving for Mexico. Instead of making demands on Sandy Patak (so she could focus on The Sentinels of Andersonville), I redid the One Name Site. It still needs some ‘sprucing up’ though.

Pip, I wish you and your wife could have joined me in Mexico. We would have had a blast.  Thank you as always for being the Weekend Chat Leader! I wish all my WikiTree friends and family a great second weekend of June 2023! I missed all of you last week and thought of you during my return travel and travails from Mexico to Tucson. Again, to all of you in and near Canada, stay safe and protect yourselves from the smoke and particulate as best possible.

by Carol Baldwin G2G Astronaut (1.2m points)
edited by Carol Baldwin
Carol, I had to laugh at your Dallas airport adventures. I have experienced the same there. Arrive on time only to have to wait another hour. Mike doesn't need a call from me about delays as he has an app that tells him exactly what is going on with my flights.

I think you were down there in Mexico when I heard about those call center kidnappings and murders. I was so worried about you. In any caser, I am glad you finally got to go back to Mexico and do your thing which you are so good at.
Hi Pip, I just had to correct 'blase to blast'. These damn new computers with Windows 11 think they can AI predict what I am about to write better than my own brain!

I heard nothing about kidnappings and murders while in Mexico. I know that there are dangers in Mexico, but please tell me what countries don't have these problems (other than, say, Japan)? We have our own dangers with children being shot to death in our own schools! I worry much more about my daughter, who is an 8th grade language arts teacher.  I tell people that I am more likely to be shot to death in the U.S. than I ever will in Mexico. What I did read about while in Mexico was that man in France (France!!!) who stabbed those children from out of nowhere in a park.

It was great to be with my friends and back in the classroom post-pandemic. I figured you would enjoy the TUS/DFW travails!
You're right, Carol. My traveling daughter says that the fear of what might happen won't keep her at home. She is seeing the world and loves.
Your traveling daughter is a like-minded spirit! Hooray  for her!
+19 votes

Running late today and all week.   What turned out to be a one weekend new deck rebuild has turned into a complete re-design master plan of the backyard.  surprise  Genealogy and IRL have taken a back seat to digging and building.

Here is what I was able to sneak in this week in between the heat of outdoors: 

RAWK:  I believe all five are over 1000 as of this week for CC7!!!   With one tiny exception, Kathy's Adoptive Line.  That is mostly European and a bit challenging.

US Civil War Challenge:   Add Camp Chase Profiles to WT.  Such a worthy challenge that I hope to add more today and this weekend!

BINGO!  Can't forget about Bingo today.  We have APPS with us today!  Have you wanted to learn more about Greg Clarke's Apps (Xfriends, DNA Citation Maker, Fan Chart, Surname Generator, Ancestor Games??), join us at Noon (EST)   AND, Rob Pavely will be Demo'ing his Sourcer App at 6pm (EST).  I use Sourcer at least 50x a day every day I am on WikiTree.   

If you haven't won a Bingo prize yet, today's a great day for winning!  Trust me on this one.  wink

by Sandy Patak G2G6 Pilot (246k points)
Sandy, I'm gong to try and make BOTH of the bingos. I know so little about the more functional apps WIkiTree has. Thanks!
Sandy, that it the way it goes with every fix it!  You start with touching up a spot on the wall with new paint that doesn't match exactly, which leads to an entire room paint, which leads to new carpet, new furniture.....then a new roof on the house! Arghhhhhh!

Hi Sandy! I am back from Mexico. I redid the Baldwin Name Study site so that I would not have to interrupt your very limited 'free time' last week! Have you started Sentinels? How is Mike? You, Mike and Erin are my new BFFs. I will be ready for Bingo at 9am my time, which is about 1/2 hour away! I wish I could win again. I want another mug to give to my kid sister, Bonny. She and our mum used to play Bingo at Potawotami in Milwaukee. It would be a nice keepsake for Bonny. See you soon! 

David:  Wow, are you correct!   The new flooring in the house somehow leaked to new paint on all the walls and now working it's magic on the outside.  I am hopeful a new roof is no where in our future. :)

Carol:  I have GREAT news for you... your kid sister and your entire neighorborhood can play  WT Bingo for a chance to win a prize!   Our Bingo is for everyone.  (My Mom joins but doesn't play).  

+19 votes
Howdy folks! Greetings from a hot, and getting hotter, central Oklahoma! Yes! The cranky old hosedragger is back from vacation! We spent a week and a half in western Illinois at my sisters house on the Mississippi River, and the Vaskie Family Sh*t Show was a blast. Everyone, especially my Ma, was fired up to meet Harper Sue on her first trip up north. We cooked, made ice cream, fished, went antique shopping, and generally had a great time together. Can't wait till next year!

When we got home, the yard and garden looked like we had been gone for a week and a half. It had rained almost 2 inches while we were gone, so the grass was crazy high and thick. The mowers struggled a bit. We had asked some folks to come pick stuff out of the garden while we were gone, and nobody must have found the time to come by. I had to pull up the whole row of radishes and throw them in the composter, as they all got big and hollowed out. I trimmed the greens, and cooked some of them up. Man, were they good! Now I have to get all of the grass and weeds pulled. Sunday will be a good day for that.

Tonight is the retirement party for Brook's boss. Yesterday she was named the interim Director of Emergency Management until they finish the process of finding the new Director. (Brook is one of the leading candidates) I'm very proud and excited for Brook and this opportunity. Last night we went to Eischen's Bar to celebrate. It's the oldest bar in OK and is famous for their fried chicken. We love to hang out there, and never need a reason to go. It was delicious as always!

This afternoon I'm going to play with my new toy: an HP scanner/copier. I have a ton of pics and documents I need to scan into my laptop, so I guess I'll hook it up and see how it goes.

Tuesday I'm going to meet a fellow Wikitreer who lives about 5 miles from me and have lunch. The world gets smaller and smaller.

Thanks Pip for being the host with the most, and I hope everyone has a great weekend!

Until next time....

by John Vaskie G2G6 Pilot (224k points)
John, I feel for you mowing problems. Here in Rainsylvania, there were time sit would rain so much that I could not get to the back 40 for weeks at a time. I'd have to mow on the highest setting and even then have to go back over it again.

Congrats to Brook and I hope she is successful is getting the top job.
If I knew you traveled for lunch, I would have invited you to stop in on the way to the Sh*t Show and throw in a tour of the museum.
+17 votes

Hi from southern Ontario,

Chez moi/at home: what's happening here? It’s raining and that’s a good thing. 

Why, it hasn’t rained here for almost a month, the soil is dry and having to water regularly is annoying. And reason two is because the rain is washing the smoke and ash from the air. 

I’m sure many of you have heard about or seen news about the wildfires in Canada, the closest fires are about 3 hours northeast, my house is on the edge of suburbia and so far there are no local worries, though there are significant woodlands not far away. The air has smelled like smoke for several days, smoke can be seen in the sky, we have had some spectacular sunsets where the sun looks like a fuzzy red ball, even during clear days the sun is obscured by smoke. We have also had very fine ash on the cars, on the plants etc. with so much smoke in the air, it’s also been colder than usual for this time of year, I just turned the gas fire on as it’s cold in the house. 

Planes flying overhead to land at Toronto airport are almost invisible, we are about 11 miles ‘as the crow’ or the plane flies from the airport, they are quite low when flying over our house and usually you can read the airline name on the plane, not this week. 

WikiTree and other family history: I’m still working on the many suggestions for the 100+ profiles I adopted a few weeks ago. Some of them are a complete mess, some have as only sources, incorrect and unsourced Ancestry trees. With assumptions made that because a person with the same name married some distance away it has to be the same person, when actually the person died at age 6 months and was buried at the same church where she was baptised. Daughter of Henry Richards and Rebecca on both baptism and burial records. I have left comments on some Ancestry trees and given the source. And I think I will have to fix the same family on FS.

Plus, I finally convinced someone, (not a WT member) that some photos/snapshots of young black children were not taken in the 1860s in Alton, Ontario, but were actually taken somewhere in the West Indies in the 1930s, as some family members went on cruises to the West Indies at that time. 

What else: we are away for the last week of June at Robbie’s niece’s cottage about 4 hours northeast, and in the area where currently there are forest fires, the cottage is about 50 feet from a lake!

Plus, back in November, my cousin Charles in England sent me some smart phone pics of some pages from my grandfather’s WW1 diary, he was in the Royal Navy, photos he took ‘at sea’ plus a letter from Winston Churchill thanking my grandmother for sending him a birthday card. 

I have recently convinced my cousin that the whole collection should be scanned. 

by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (759k points)
M, I really feel for you. We have had only a slight haze here and barely any smell of smoke. I cannot imagine what it would be like to experience what you have right now.

Yes, that whole collection needs to be scanned! What a treasure trove of exciting documents.
Hi M, I have been thinking of you all week regarding wildfires and your safety and health! I know that you know how to stay safe from the wildfire particulate.

It is great that you convinced your cousin to scan that treasure trove of information, including a thank you note from Churchill for a birthday card! I am jealous!

Before I forget, I heard on the news last night that flights from La Guardia were stopped for a while due to the thick haze! The photos of New York City looked like Mars. My sister and I were in Manhattan last year and all that we saw then is not surrounded by dense smog!
+18 votes
Hello and good morning from Everett, Washington, where there is a pleasant light rain. Ferns and shamrocks are at their height. Flowers are mostly past blooming.

I am going to concentrate on profiles from here in Snohomish County for the next month. I have a couple of meetings coming up. One is with representatives of the Tulalip Tribes and others in Mukilteo Hist. Soc. to work on interpretive videos about early contact between natives and settlers. That will be practice for a HistoryWalk event at Evergreen State Fairgrounds where it looks like there will be storytelling for the public between 10 am and 6 pm. This at a time when my husband Chris is recording voiceovers for the Boeing tour videos; he is telling me about having to redo them in a more professional setting where there is less echo and background noise.

I am still hearing good things about the Memorial Day event at the Pioneer Cemetery.

Last night we had the Mayor for a Q and A session at the Historical Society meeting. No one asked him about the swap he proposed between MHS and the Chamber of Commerce. Instead the meeting was almost hijacked by a man (was he even a member of MHS?) who kept grilling him about replacing a footbridge within the hiking area of Japanese Gulch. Our best mediator finally stepped in and pointed out that the mayor had answered "we're working on it" and it was time to move on.

At the meeting I won the raffle prize--a coloring book of Oregon lighthouse. I am going to have to borrow my daughter's colored pencils. Insert emoji here.

This weekend is another quilt work party. I am so done with machine quilting. This has really slowed me down. I believe the difficulty has to do with incompatible threads, top vs bobbin. I try occasionally to redo the free-motion machine quilting but it just looks bad, so I am producing quilts partly hand and partly machine quilted. Difficulty with this just makes WikiTree more attractive.

Yesterday I added more distant West Virginia cousins. I found an obituary that yielded about 25 folks to add to my database (private) of descendants of William Robe. I am about 54% of the way to my goal of 6000.

Tomorrow is the feast of my patroness, St. Margaret of Scotland. Daughter is going to work at the lighthouse gift shop.

Y'all take care.
by Margaret Summitt G2G6 Pilot (329k points)
Margaret, at every meeting there always seems to be somebody.... Good thing the moderator stepped in on that one. I've seen meeting go on and on with that kid of situation.
Happy Feast Day in advance! Send the rain to the Midwest!
+19 votes
Good morning,
Woke up this morning and found it was nice and cool. I can't notice the smoke from my home here in Charlotte, though when I drove into town yesterday you could definitely see it obscuring our beautiful skyline a bit.

I met several 2nd cousins once removed through facebook messenger this week. I found them through a cousin once removed I had made friends with years ago and reached out to them to help me with my patrilinear great grandparents descendants. The totals so far are 5 children, 11 grandchildren, 21 great grandchildren and 33 great great grandchildren. (so far) and at least 6 great great great grandchildren with at least one more on the way now. Turns out some of them live pretty close and we didn't know it, and we started discussing having a new family reunion.

Now I just need to do the same for the other 3 sides of my tree... and then my spouses too....

Oh and I've started working on the Graham Name Study, but there is so much to do. Hopefully I can get it to a place where it inspires more people to jump in and contribute to flesh out their families on WikiTree. I love seeing some of the data on familytreedna for YDNA results, but they don't really have much on being able to collaborate from there, so hopefully once people see what WikiTree is capable of they will want to join us on here.
by Patrick Graham G2G6 Mach 1 (12.8k points)
Patrick, my younger brother lives in Belmont and says he also has not seen the effects of smoke there, even though there was a big warning for the area.

Graham is a very old name in the Charlotte area. I am not descended from them but ma connected to those early ones.

BTW: I grew up in Paw Creek, west of Charlotte, back when it was a rural area.
+17 votes
My xrays were good yesterday and now I am supposed to very gradually start to put full weight on both feet and reduce the need for both hands on my walker at all times.   I am so looking forward to again being independent and able to do anything at anytime I desire, not wait for a helper.  I will still require patience because my sprained knee and ankle need about three more weeks, at the current rate of swelling going down, to be able to freely flex
my foot and be able to tie my shoe.  I have decreased New York's list of unsourced profiles quite a bit though, so not all time with my foot being up/and or/iced has been a waste.

When I started reading Pip's introduction article there were only a few additional articles.  As I read I had to keep refreshing the page to keep up with additional additions.
It is so great that we have so many friendly wikitree friends
and neighbors that it is so busy.  I enjoy every one.
by Beulah Cramer G2G6 Pilot (575k points)
Beulah, you just take it easy with the healing process. I am so sorry you have to deal with this injury. At least you are able to get some WikiTreeing done. Thanks for your work on the unsourced New York profiles!
+17 votes
Wow, these weeks are going by way too fast.

Worked on DNA matches. Starting to work some on DNA triangulation for the Weddington Name Study, but it's coming up short. I need more test takers, or some more of the current ones to upload to GEDmatch.

Otherwise staying busy with my class.
by Eric Weddington G2G6 Pilot (526k points)
Exactly what I need, Eric. More folks to upload to Gedmatch. I get the same ol' results every time I look.
+17 votes
Hi Weekenders. I am writing this on the way home from Hershey PA to New Jersey. We attended my oldest granddaughters graduation from high school last night. Makes me realize how time flies. Tomorrow I am going to a funeral for a long time neighbor. on Monday, I went to a funeral for a different longtime acquaintance. In between we had 2 very smoky days with all color washed out because the sky was brown. So thank God for happy graduation times that make other things fade into the background.
by Nancy Wilson G2G6 Pilot (150k points)
It is nice your granddaughter had her graduation.  Sports are
being cancelled in our area in cautionable conditions for children that may have  unknown problems.  We are mostly in hazy days.  At least they did not cancel everything like during the covid shut down which made  two classes of seniors lose  all of the traditional senior year activities.  Some of our schools did a graduation ceremony two years later to allow the students to walk across a stage and receive their diplomas.
Nancy and Beulah, that's interesting, our sky wasn't brown, behind the smoke it was blue, it looked more like the milky white you see in glacial rivers.
Nancy, in all the travails of our lives, there will always be something that will shine bright. Your granddaughter's graduation was one of those moments.
+15 votes

Greetings from Rochester, Minnesota USA!

Temp: 80° F with sun

Humidity: 26% 

Air Quality Index: 57 (Moderate)

North of the US Border is...nasty. I'll stay down near Iowa. Our Canadian cousins need N95 masks ASAP. Stay inside if you have breathing issues. 

After 3 years of mask wearing, my employer made them optional for employees. surprise Which means everyone is going to see my face...minus the foundation. It will feel weird at first. If a resident ask us to wear a mask in front of them, we will do that. 

I've been working all this week. It's nice to have two days off! Tomorrow, my husband and I are going to the Eucharistic Congress for our diocese. The Congress will be in Mankato. My home parish is taking a bus to this event and we will have Vigil Mass at 4pm CST. I'll be in the Diocesan Choir. 

So, I'll shop, do laundry and clean the apartment with my husband's assistance.

I might have downtime later next week to do some WikiTree projects. Unless my manager wants me to do some projects. Recently during one of my evening shifts, I've cleaned the nurses' station. 

I'm reconnecting with a distant cousin (via Ancestry) who is a Catholic priest in Nebraska and his story is very interesting! He was born and raised in Louisiana and the 1950 census takers saw him and his family as Black. But if you look at him now, he looks European. He has 21% African ancestry according to Ancestry DNA. I told him about WikiTree. 

Let me know if you see any resemblance between us. 

by Eileen Robinson G2G6 Pilot (208k points)

Wish I was going to that Eucharistic Congress with your church, Eileen. Sounds wonderful. Our Anglican diocese is so small, we don't have anything like that.

+16 votes

Currently, it's 19˚ C and cloudy in Fort Erie. We've had a few spritzes of rain, which seems to have been just enough to cool things down to a habitable temperature and wash the smell of smoke out of the air, but unless Quebec got a lot more rain than we did, it probably isn't enough to help with the fires. Still, as I go on my blood-sugar-lowering walks, I'm seeing a lot more people out enjoying the weather. (Usually, my walks are a time for solitary contemplation. This morning, I collected a compliment on the T-shirt design I was wearing.)

I picked up some topsoil and a couple of planter boxes to go on the railings around the back porch. The light of my life and the delight of my eyes has planted them with radishes, so we'll see how those go. The carrots are starting to poke up in the raised garden bed we bought last year. (That's the bed which stands about waist-high, which, in my opinion, is a much more civilised way to garden, because I haven't been able to bend over and still breathe for years.) She has also transplanted some of the flowers (which we call by the technical botanical term, "standy-uppy purple flowers") from the middle of the lawn into yet another raised bed that her sister sent her for Mother's Day.

This being June, it's time for me to work on profiles for people with Last Names At Birth of Webb, Westfall, or Kibler. Kathryn is still amazing me with the work she's putting in on former pastors of my home church. And I've also given a lick and a promise to my page on Baptist Notables. I'm also trying to keep ahead of the people connecting Unconnected Canadian Politicians. But I didn't get any time to work on Unconnected Profiles in Europe this week. (People do keep connecting those branches, which is a wonderful problem to have, but I just can't keep the lists stocked by myself. Fortunately, a couple of other people have stepped up to the plate.)

by Greg Slade G2G6 Pilot (696k points)
Nice T shirt Greg!
Greg, I've had one of your t-shirts for so long that it has become a work shirt.

Thank you, M. It's all about truth in advertising. wink

Yeah, Pip. I need to come up with some designs that go well with kilts. wink

+15 votes

Recently been on a cruise so am now catching up with things like Wikitree and Weekly Chat 

by Chris Burrow G2G6 Pilot (222k points)
Chris, you look like you are truly enjoying yourself. Good for you!
+16 votes

Virtual Vacation!

While we were in Scotland last year, we visited Dryburgh Abbey, Melrose, in the Scottish borders, we stayed in Melrose because my DH’s ancestors lived in Melrose and many of the surrounding villages. 

His Shillinglaw ancestors lived in the tiny village of Redpath and the surrounding villages. 

Dryburgh Abbey is the burial place of Sir Walter Scott who died 1832 and there is a connection to my DH’s Shillinglaw ancestors.

No, not really a family connection but a close friendship. Joseph Shillinglaw Robbie’s 3 x GG uncle was a cabinet maker in the town of Darnick, he made Sir Walter Scott’s coffin. He is described like this in an article in the Scotsman magazine in 1927 written by W.S. Crockett, great grandson of George Shillinglaw the nurseryman. (George Shillinglaw was Robbie’s 4 x GGF) 

 “Sir Walter’s plain black coffin was made by one of his closest friend’s Joseph Shillinglaw, cabinet maker in Darnick, my granduncle (that is WS Crockett’s granduncle) a constant visitor to Abbotsford and a considerable intimate with its Laird, Joseph was the son of George Shillinglaw, nurseryman at Redpath near Earlston from whom Scott purchased many of the saplings which grew into his treasured trees and one of the clumps at Abbotsford was known as the Shillinglaw Plantation”

Now pics!

We stopped at Scott’s view, which is supposed to have been Walter Scott’s favourite view and is about three miles east of Melrose and 1.5 miles from Redpath.


We went to Dryburgh Abbey, which unfortunately had several areas roped off due to restoration work that had not been completed due to Covid shutdowns. This also meant that we couldn’t see Scott’s tomb. Though at that time I didn’t know the family connection. 

This is the story board just inside the entrance.


This is the entrance, with the story board on the left.


You can see how much of the site we could not walk around.


The only way to see one section of the property was through an archway.


Some ruined walls and more fencing.


A view from the field, there were lots of sheep.


This is the monument to James 1st of Scotland.


by M Ross G2G6 Pilot (759k points)

Beautiful pictures!  My wife wants to visit Sterling Castle and the areas around.  She's into it now as she has found she is/was related to the royals that lived there, fought there, and got beheaded there!  I think she is just into gore!  I want to go to Hawaii!angry

Which Hawaii island? As there are several. What do you want to do/see in the state of Hawaii?

We went to the Big Island in the fall of 2018, just after Kilauea finished erupting, it was a wonderful trip.

If you want night life, fine dining and extensive beaches the Big Island doesn't have much of them.

If you want history and geology and marvellous places to explore go to the Big Island.

It isn't cheap, but the other islands aren't either.
I remember being at Melrose some 40 years ago on a very cloudy day.

Shillinglaw?!? I have Shillinglaws in a collateral line, descendants of my Grandpa's uncle Gideon Underwood.
Pip, who are your Shillinglaws?

Descendants of this fella. I have not created his descendant profiles yet, but these Shillinglaws were found in North and South Carolina. I'll get on these folks this week and get back to you.

Here is the Shillinglaw son-in-law: https://www.familysearch.org/tree/person/details/GQ6N-M73

I took a brief tour through Ancestry and FS. 

Possible person.

Found: Andrew Shillinglaw 1798–1870

BIRTH 25 JAN 1798 • Roxburgh, Scottish Borders, Scotland/Edinburgh Parish, Midlothian, Scotland, 

Theoretical Parents: Andrew Shillinglaw and Katherine Wight. 

DEATH 8 DECEMBER 1870 • Lesslie, York County, South Carolina buried at Neeley Creek.

Emigrated when he was about 30 years old from Scotland. Worked as a stonemason construction the Landsford Canal, later became a tailor.

According to the various trees, he was one of 10 children but the only one born anywhere near Melrose and surrounding areas, all the other kids were baptised in Edinburgh. 

Though when I look at the actual baptism record it says Edinburgh. 

"Scotland Births and Baptisms, 1564-1950", database, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:XYQB-G61 : 12 February 2020), Andrew Shillinglaw, .

Definitely needs some more thorough research.

There are very many Shillinglaws in the Scots Borders area and somewhere there will be a connection, though, it certainly won't be a simple task!

The headstone has been transcribed as born abt 1788, theoretically says "82 year of his age".


Census records vary about age and DOB.

Hi M, Scotland was one of my favorite places to tour back in 1978 and would love to return! We were able to tour Sir Walter Scott's home of Abbotsford. While my photos from back then are crap, I have a set of slides that I will eventually turn into photos. Scott's view is breathtaking, as was most of the vistas of Scotland for me. As ever your VV photos are really wonderful and I so enjoy these weekend vacays. Thank you so much for taking the time to do this for us!

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