Transcribing old documents

+13 votes

Another TidBit:

Smithsonian Transcription Center

Looking for some experience transcribing historical documents? One website to check out is the Smithsonian Digital Volunteers Transcription Center where you can learn to transcribe and browse projects that need volunteers. You can browse projects by “all” or specify a museum. One of the genealogically relevant projects right now is the Freedmen’s Bureau.

By Gena Philibert-OrtegaInternet Genealogy author

in Requests for Project Volunteers by Judy Bramlage G2G6 Pilot (218k points)
edited by Ellen Smith
Saving that link!  Another tagging and transcribing opportunity at NARA is "Citizen Archivist Mission" where "American Civil War Military Service Records, 'United States Colored Troops' " is a project for tagging and transcribing experience.  Another: "Emancipation Papers":
I have recently discovered old documents that I'd really like to have transcribed as much as usually capable of doing this myself for some reason I cannot get this one down I've brighten it up and done everything but I don't know it's just making my eyes cross today and I was just wondering if I could ask you or someone in this group for help

Hi Jeff,

The US Black Heritage Project has a transcription team. You can request a transcription of a document here: USBH Transcriber Page 

Use the transcriber request form to make the request. If you have any difficulty with that please contact me.


1 Answer

+6 votes
Best answer
Thank you for sharing this!!

I am going to go check it out right away.
by Lisa Murphy G2G6 Pilot (345k points)
selected by Judy Bramlage

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