Can an adopted orphin is not be an orphin?

+3 votes
I adopted Johannes Izaac Bennis (1814-1814) (Bennis-63) from the orphins list. Inside the record however is a thank you to the Wikiteer who created the record in 2013. Why was this labelled 'orphin'?
WikiTree profile: Johannes Izaac Bennis
in WikiTree Tech by Peter van der Burg G2G6 (8.1k points)
An "orphan" profile is simply one that does not currently have a profile manager.

Thank you for adopting Johannes!  (I have quite a few previously "orphan" profiles now on my watch list. I try to give them some loving care.)

Hi Peter. An orphaned profile is one without a profile manager. Somebody created this profile in 2013, but later removed themself as profile manager; in other words, they "orphaned" the profile. For more details, see

Now that you have adopted it, it has a profile manager again (you), and is no longer an orphan.

I am in contact with an original creator who gives the following explanation (which is not in the documentation):

Max number of profiles under one manager seem to be 5.000. If you exceed this you will recive a automatic system message asking you to dump a larg number of profiles (orphin them)  in order to create space where you can add more profiles.

In this example that was the case

It's documented on this Help page:

We recommend that no Watchlist, including Project Accounts, contain more than 5,000 profiles. Beyond this, WikiTree systems may start to slow down for you. If your Watchlist gets too large, some WikiTree tools won't work for you at all.

That's OK Jim,

But i (an inexperienced foreigh user) was looking for help on 'orphins'. No reference to the max size of the watch list was made.

1 Answer

+5 votes
I can see that the original creator of the profile is still on the Trusted List, but not labeled as Manager. A profile is considered as Orphan if it has no Manager.

The "Thank You" is for having created the profile in the first place, and has nothing to do with who is the current Manager.
by Leif Biberg Kristensen G2G6 Pilot (214k points)

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