Advice before adding of this pre-1700 Cumberland profile?

+3 votes

I can add a to the profile of Thomas Cumberland. This is who I can add:

  • John Cumberland 1634 (father)

These are the sources I am using are listed as sources on this page:

Should I contact one of the pre-1700 projects or know about any style guidelines before proceeding? Thank you!

WikiTree profile: Thomas Cumberland
in Genealogy Help by Anonymous Farnham G2G6 (8.1k points)
retagged by Ellen Smith

Many thanks. There are 20 sources on this page - wanted to use these

Living, would you like to be specific about which one or several of those 20 sources supports John being the father of Thomas? This might help people to advise on the suitability of the profile change.

Thanks all - appreciate the input.

This was where I was when I came to post the original question:

I was importing my gedcom in and came across this family already in WikiTree. So was thinking of connecting in. Because it was a pre 1700 profile an auto generated message popped up that lead me here. 

So from my standpoint at that moment in time I can see how the existence of these people is plausible due to a series of sourced interconnected relationships that lead back to myself, as I am looking at my tree at the same time as WikiTree.

My thinking was to put up a sourced link to a person on family search in the hope that others would also recognise another series of interconnected relationships as otherwise they are only working with the interconnected relationships on WikiTree.

So was hoping this would provide a bit of a family context to someone who knows the family to try and work at getting the person in in the best way possible.

I have a few more post 1700 relationships that I can add in which might (well definitely) have been a better thing to do before approaching it in this way so in the meantime will work on them!

In terms of 'a' source for this relationship I was thinking:

"England Births and Christenings, 1538-1975", database, FamilySearch ( : 21 July 2021), John Cumberland in entry for Thomas Cumberland, 1679.

Thanks again in advance for any further input!

That's the entire concept of WikiTree - connecting one line of descent to the other lines already here.

2 Answers

+8 votes
A FamilySearch tree alone is not sufficient for adding a pre-1700 profile.  You need to find at least one primary source (with luck, one will be there in FamilySearch).
by Kathie Forbes G2G6 Pilot (893k points)
Living - when using FamilySearch, ignore the trees and Person Pages, which are notoriously unreliable. Go to direct to Search>Records, then enter your query information.
+2 votes
1632 John Warman, son of Steven Warman & Elesebeth his wife
by William Warman G2G3 (3.3k points)

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