Elizabeth Burke

+3 votes
Elizabeth Burke buried in 1904 in Long Island NY

Cemetery (listed in find a grave) doesn't have detailed records that old.

They confirmed she was there PRE COVID, But now "Catholic cemeteries" can't find any record..

State of NY said no death record in 1904. Are there any other resources I can check?  We believe she was a MOORE at birth or had a first husband that was a Moore born in or near Tralee Ire. about 1852 (grave stone)
in Genealogy Help by M Moore G2G Crew (400 points)
retagged by Ellen Smith
Do you have the name of the cemetery? If so, it's possible that members in the local area could do some leg work for you.
Can you give us more information, please? What do you know about her?

- What cemetery is she buried in? Is this the Elizabeth Burke buried at the Saint Mary's Star of the Sea Cemetery?

- Does she have a Wikitree profile? If so, what is the profile number?

- Does she have connections to other people? If so, spouse's, children's, etc. names would be helpful.
Yes Elizabeth is buried at St Mary's of the Sea.

No NY death info according to State records 1904.

St Mary's of the Sea is now managed by "Catholic Cemeteries " my recent call could not find any grave that you see on F A Grave They wanted a reference # from the stone and photo only showed front. Pre Covid call to St Mary's said after a fire in 1960's Many records were lost, they also said they could verify she was buried there but only a 1904 burial according to their records.

I am new to WIKI I am not sure how to check is she has a profile #
I added profiles for Mary (Moore) Warner, Moore-74272, and her sister, Mary J. Moore, Moore-74270, so we could add any information found there. I also added an Unknown Moore as father so I could link the sisters together.
Thanks Their father is Thomas Moore 1846-1882 born in Tralee, Ireland

Their mother was Elizabeth Sweeney  born 1852 Ireland  she remarried in 1883 but I am unsure of documentation of her death in Ire.
I added Elizabeth as Sweeney-4885. That name should perhaps be Sweeny, without the E, but I'll keep trying to find information.
I have found an old letter that states Elizabeth Burke is the wife of John Burke. This letter also states that Elizabeth came to the US in 1890 with her daughter Mary A. Moore (who later married  Howard Warner in NY) Elizabeth may have married John Burke here in the US. I did find a boat record for a Mary A Moore 29 April 1890 and an Elizabeth Moore age 18 on the same ship.    I do not have any info on the sister Margaret J Moore who came to the US at age 18.  I

3 Answers

+2 votes
Are you talking about findagrave ID 142151619
by Chris Mckinnon G2G6 Pilot (648k points)
Yes, I know all the Warners,Moore and Guttman's in that grave at St Mary's Star of the sea, Long Island.  I am trying to find out about Elizabeth Burke. By her birth info on that stone she would be the generation above Mary Moore Warner and her sister Margaret J Moore. I don't have many Elizabeth's in Moore tree and Margaret Guttman didn't remember what Elizabeth Burke's maiden name was.
+2 votes
Andrew Joseph Gutmann on the stone father was Julius Gutman married Emma Stimler b-1874-1908

Andrew Joseph Gutman married Margaret M Warner

Mary C Warner was the mother-inlaw b-1872 Ireland

Margaret J Moore b-Ireland (Aunt)
by Chris Mckinnon G2G6 Pilot (648k points)
edited by Chris Mckinnon
I have found  old coresspondence from Margaret Gutmann in 1989. She believed her mother Mary Moore came to the U.S in 1890 with the grandmother Elizabeth. The Cirassia boat manifest states there was a Mare (Mary A ) Moore that came 29 April 1890 , there is an 18 year old on the same page listed as Elizabeth but her sister was Margaret J and Elizabeth would be about 48? I don't have any info about Mary other than she married Howard Warner in 1892 ish.and has census info after that.  When Elizabeth came to the US, she could have married John Burke here. The NY marriages don't seem to give a lot of detail on all Manhattan marriages. If you have any suggestions on tracing Margaret J or Mary Warner (other than census) I'd appreciate any clues. Howard Warner also seems to disappear from quite a few censuses ? but I think she always states she is married not widowed.
+2 votes
From what my mom told me she was married to my great grandfather and it was burke roosa Shultz, He was Leonard Bartlett Roosa, His dad was Robert Leonard Roosa, my grandfather was Robert Leonard Roosa as well his dad also had a Brother Richard? Roosa. Leonard  Bartlett Roosa then married Ellen Holt
by Lisa Betancourt G2G2 (2.9k points)
edited by Lisa Betancourt
Thanks but the Elizabeth Burke I am looking for was buried in Long Island 1904 and probably had the surname MOORE before one or two marriages.

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