Advice on Walter Moore's marriage

+4 votes
I am trying to see whether this Walter Moore is the one who married Florence May Baker and passed away in Shedden, Southwold, Elgin, Ontario, Canada in 1942.  I put the links on his profile under research notes.  I am unable to view the marriage record on Ancestry to check for his parents' names etc.  The marriage was in N Norfolk, Manitoba, Canada 24 June, 1896 and is on the second family search profile.  If I can confirm this, the two family search profiles can be merged.  I would really appreciate help on this matter, thank you!
WikiTree profile: Walter Moore
in Genealogy Help by Carol-Lynn Harke G2G6 Mach 4 (49.9k points)

3 Answers

+6 votes
Hi, Carol-Lynn!

I'm sorry to have to give you the news that the Manitoba Vital Stats did not collect the parents' names for that 1896 wedding.

You can search for it for free at the Manitoba Vital Stats website here:

Ancestry doesn't show an image and it doesn't have the parents' names either, since it is getting the info from the Vital Stats which did not ask for that information back in 1896.

I guess you have already attempted to prove that Walter was not in Ontario and in Manitoba at the same time, thus adding to the evidence that it is the same person, rather than two men with the same name?

I'll poke around a little more and see if i can find anything to help.


by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (290k points)
Thank you so much for your time and effort!  The website link is great for future reference.  I did know about her parents being in the cemetery.  I will check out your links, thank you.
+3 votes
Here are Florence's parents as given for the death certificate of the Florence Moore wife of Walter:

Her mother's brother does have a 'NWT' connection in 1886:
by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (290k points)
edited by Shirlea Smith
+4 votes
Here are Florence's parents in 1901:

in the same area, North Norfolk, where Florence and Walter married.

Looks like the whole family later moved to the town in Ontario where Walter's family came from.  Florence's family was originally from Nova Scotia and doesn't seem to have a prior connection to Shedden, Elgin, Ontario, but her parents ended up there with her and buried in the same cemetery, it looks like
by Shirlea Smith G2G6 Pilot (290k points)

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