Would love some help fleshing out Alec's pre-Australian Scottish history.

+7 votes

I should have more information about his life in Australia once I hear back from my cousin in Queensland, but I'm stuck on where he actually came from: siblings, parental marriage details, grandparents, etc.

Also: what clan affiliation would he have had?  I can find nothing for McConnachie.  (Heck, I can't even find anything on my Gordon or McCrea ancestors, either.)

Help?  smiley

WikiTree profile: Alec McConnachie
in Genealogy Help by Melanie Paul G2G6 Pilot (426k points)

3 Answers

+8 votes
Best answer
Marriage: HAY MARY - MCCONACHIE ROBERT 1867 Glenbucket
ref 200/ 2

Death: HAY MARY 73 1921 Towie  ref 245/ 6 DOB = 1848

1851 Census ref 200/ 2/ 9
by Living McCormick G2G6 Mach 6 (60.3k points)
selected by Pip Sheppard
Thank you so much!  That's more than I was expecting.  :)

Thanks for the platinum star, Pip smiley

+7 votes
All marriages births and deaths in scotland after 1855 were recorded and should be on https://www.scotlandspeople.gov.uk It's a pay-per-view site so it can get expensive, but the documents are very helpful and list a lot of info. I would start by trying to find his birth record. I see one possible birth record in "Towie" that you could try. You will have to buy the record for <2$ to see parents names, occupations, exact date and other info. I searched quickly, but don't see his parent's marriage record.
by Janelle Weir G2G6 Mach 5 (55.3k points)
+5 votes

You can search burials in Ayr, Queensland here. When your list of search results appear, you can click on a line for further information.

by Vivian Egan G2G6 Pilot (108k points)

Ahh, yeah, thanks, Vivian.  I'd already got the burial info.

I've just spent the last hour-plus trying to write notes through tears, as I discovered that Uncle Alec lost two brothers, one of them on Gallipoli, the other to meningitis at a place called Ismailia; and that uncle Alec's older brother also went and was wounded in France.  Add to that, I got an email full of names that I've been trying to verify, but if accurate tells the tale what can only have been terrible grief.  Of 12 children (again, I stress, IF the information is accurate), FIVE died in the same year (both of their daughters), aged between 1 year (or younger) and 12 years.  Then they lost another child at age 6.  Trek down a few years into the new century and at least four of their remaining children went to Australia, three of them signing up for the Great War, only for two of them to die*, the other repatriated due to shrapnel wounds.  (I haven't gone through all the McConnachie names yet, but I don't believe Uncle Alec went to war.)  I have yet to find how the one got the meningitis, but the email said he died "as a result of military action", which I can see being the case.

I cannot fathom what it must feel like to lose so many younglings all at once, then, when you think your sons are safe, you lose two more and almost lose another.

* One is buried Ismailia Cemetery, Grave No. 837.  Buried 16th January 1916.

The other is buried POPES HILL CEMETERY, ANZAC, GALLIPOLI, 5/8 mile N. E. of ANZAC COVE. 

In reading a couple of letters in his records, it seems he left a sweetheart; and maybe a child.  This is tearing my heart out .. and he's been dead and gone for over 100 years.

Ok, just on the off-chance that anyone is checking this: I have negated almost all the supposed "died in the same year" children's deaths.  Most of them had findable marriages and deaths much, much later.

Currently I'm trying to find out just when and how many of them came to Australia.  I have found some next generationers who signed up for WWII and the parentage leads back to names I already have, so I can cross-verify that they are "mine".

(I have also found just where the link is to some "cousins" my mother used to talk about.  They're from yet another set of "two siblings married two siblings", are not blood-related to me, but are blood-related to my cousins.  I guess I need to live for another 300 years just to add everyone in! wink )

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