Are there any Longs in your Louisiana family?

+11 votes
While every one is invited to work on Huey Pearce "The Kingfish" Long Jr. as the Collaborative Profile of the Week this is a special opportunity for members of the Louisiana Families Project to make some new connections.

Huey and his family are in the census.  There are several family trees on, they are not to be used as a source, but they are a good place to look for clues.

He has a whole bunch of siblings in 1900 and his father with family is in 1880 with a brother and sister-in-law.  It should be fairily easy to add a couple of generations back.

If you have some special sources for Louisiana - now is a good time to check for possilble connections.

Remember these profiles will get a lot of exposure - make sure sources are properly included as embedded sources.  Huey's profile started with several good examples of proper sources - it is open if you need a reminder take a look at the code.  If you are not sure  how to include something or if you find something interesting - G2G should get a prompt reply.

And don't forget to include those categories.

Happy hunting.
WikiTree profile: Huey Long
in The Tree House by Philip Smith G2G6 Pilot (345k points)
retagged by Philip Smith

1 Answer

+3 votes
Yes. Apparently My Lawrence line came from Long. The name was changed for some reason, but  we have a Ralph Long I believe who is the same person as Ralph Lawrence.
by Q Grant-Lawrence G2G1 (1.9k points)

It may be fun to find out if there is a connection to Huey.  


    Ok, how do we do that? I mean find a Huey in my family? Is there a DNA SNP approach? Or do I search the Louisiana Names in the geographical areas my families are from?


My comment was really about - it is always interesting to see how each name is connected. At some point we all are.  As you complete your own family using the Find Relationship pull down and the Connection to AJ are interesting to look at.  Both are on the pulldowns on your profile - upper right.

The DNA info will all fit in there as well.

    Ah! Understood. Thanks for the comment!



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